
The Ascending Phoenix Sage

Once a university student, Shen Wu found himself transported to the mysterious realm of Murim after being struck by lightning. Taken in by a the Battle Sage King of the War God Sect, he soon discovered he was considered nothing more than cannon fodder with trash-grade talent. However, Shen Wu refused to succumb to despair. With an iron will burning within him, Shen Wu vowed to defy the odds. But would determination alone be enough to overcome the countless geniuses and sons of heaven standing in his way? Previously called Modern Guys Martial Ascension. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 submission

Dem0n_Ancestor · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

I think my martial sister is picking up Masters sadistic habits

A month had passed, and the rigorous training under Master Gu's tutelage had transformed Shen Wu into a formidable martial artist. In the biting cold of winter, Shen Wu could be seen outside their abode, his shirtless form glistening with sweat as he performed handstand push-ups with multiple metal rings strapped to his arms and legs. Despite the strain, he pushed through, his muscles flexing with each repetition.

As he neared the end of his set, Shen Wu gritted his teeth in determination, his focus unwavering even as snowflakes began to fall around him. "997... 998... 999... and 1000," he counted aloud, his voice mingling with the soft patter of snow hitting the ground. With a final burst of effort, he pushed off the ground and landed on his feet, his chest heaving as he caught his breath.

Gazing out at the wintry landscape before him, Shen Wu's thoughts turned to his martial sister, Ling Ling, who trained nearby. She too was pushing her limits, performing handstand push-ups with remarkable ease, even balancing a massive boulder on her feet as she did so. Shen Wu couldn't help but marvel at her strength and determination, feeling a twinge of admiration mixed with a hint of envy.

"Fuck that," Shen Wu muttered to himself, shaking his head in disbelief. "She's the same as Master Gu... just built different. If I tried that, I'd probably shit myself." Despite his joking tone, there was a sense of inferiority in Shen Wu's words.

Ling Ling stopped her training and held the boulder in one hand, a smirk playing on her lips. "Let's see if my junior martial brother can catch a boulder," she muttered mischievously. With a swift motion, she hurled the massive rock at Shen Wu, who had his back turned to her.

Feeling a sudden change in air pressure, Shen Wu instinctively turned around, only to find the boulder hurtling towards him. With a surge of adrenaline, he raised his arms in a guard position just in time to intercept the incoming projectile. The impact sent him stumbling backward, and he grunted in pain as he hit the ground a couple of meters away.

The boulder crashed to the ground with a heavy thud, revealing Shen Wu's bruised and aching arms. Groaning, Shen Wu struggled to sit up, wincing as he addressed Ling Ling, "Ugh... now what was that for, senior sister?"

Ling Ling approached him with a playful grin, extending a hand to help him up. "Just testing your reflexes, junior brother," she replied with a hint of amusement. "Can't have you getting complacent now, can we?"

Though still sore, Shen Wu accepted Ling Ling's hand and rose to his feet. Despite the discomfort, he couldn't help but admire Ling Ling's strength and agility. With a chuckle, he responded, "Well, next time maybe give me a warning before hurling a boulder at me, senior sister."

Ling Ling laughed and clapped Shen Wu on the back. "Fair enough, junior brother. But in the world of martial arts, you never know when danger might come your way. Gotta be ready for anything."

As Master Gu appeared floating in front of both Shen Wu and Ling Ling, Ling Ling's expression shifted to one of dismay. She exchanged a glance with Shen Wu before Master Gu's stern voice cut through the air, directed at Shen Wu's bruised hands. "I can't leave you for even a second without your hands turning into chewed up chicken... go take a bath, we're going down the peak into the main sect."

Shen Wu scowled slightly, feeling unfairly scolded, and muttered to himself as they made their way to the bath. "Tch, why did I also get scolded? I did nothing wrong..."

Before Shen Wu could continue, he was abruptly slapped on the back of his head. He whipped around to see Master Gu several meters away, who declared, "Just because you are over there doesn't mean I can't use concentrated wind to slap you."

Though baffled, Shen Wu chuckled nervously and responded, "Haha, apologies, Master Gu." Internally, he simmered with a determination to one day surpass his master. "Just you wait, you old shit. When I'm stronger, I'll make you lick my boots," he thought defiantly.

Arriving at the bath, Shen Wu and Ling Ling proceeded to clean themselves off, the warm water soothing their aching bodies. Ling Ling glanced over at Shen Wu with a knowing look. "You shouldn't let Master Gu get to you so much," she remarked casually.

Shen Wu shrugged, the tension dissipating as he relaxed in the water. "Yeah, I know. He's tough on us, but I guess it's for our own good. We'll show him what we're capable of one day."

Ling Ling smirked and nodded. "That's the spirit, junior brother. Let's make sure he regrets underestimating us."

[15 Minutes Later]

Shen Wu and Ling Ling emerged from the bath, clad in combat uniforms, and engaged in a lighthearted conversation about the miraculous healing properties of the bath. Shen Wu, still amazed, remarked, "You know, I just can't get used to how the bath heals all our injuries in mere minutes..."

Ling Ling responded with a knowing smile, "Well, it's normal. Many artifacts were used to build that bath, at least that's what I heard."

Shen Wu shrugged nonchalantly, "I guess artifacts are pretty easy to obtain, huh?"

Ling Ling's expression shifted to one of confusion, "Ummm... no. Master emptied out the sect's treasury to build the bath..."

Realizing the implications, Shen Wu's tone shifted slightly, "Oh... well, not my problem... actually, it might be. I'm his disciple. Do you reckon the sect leader will take us hostage to get the artifacts back?"

Before Ling Ling could respond, Master Gu interjected, his voice cutting through their banter, "He wouldn't dare. Anyway, are you kids finally ready? I was starting to think some funny business was happening in MY bath."

Ling Ling chuckled mischievously and glanced at Shen Wu, "Yeah right, funny business with him." She playfully pointed at Shen Wu, who retorted, "Wow, that's pretty rude, screw you."

Ling Ling smirked, "You wish."

Master Gu laughed, "Oooh, she got you there, kid. Anyway, let's go." With that, he turned and leapt off the peak's cliff, leaving Shen Wu and Ling Ling to exchange sighs before following after their master.

As Shen Wu and Ling Ling leaped off the cliff, Shen Wu commented with mild surprise, "I kinda thought the ground was closer."

Ling Ling responded with a mischievous grin, "Oops," before playfully pushing Shen Wu into the cliff, causing him to tumble down and hit multiple edges before finally landing in the snow, cushioning his fall. Meanwhile, Master Gu and Ling Ling had already descended the mountain and were looking down at the partially buried Shen Wu.

Ling Ling feigned concern, her expression exaggerated, "Oh no, junior brother, are you all right?"

Shen Wu dug himself out of the snow, rolling his eyes, "Haha, very funny."

Master Gu's voice cut through the air, stern and warning, "If you guys continue to mess around, I'll beat you with the metal sticks in front of the whole sect, got it?"

Shen Wu and Ling Ling vigorously nodded in response, quickly following Master Gu as he continued, "Shame, I was hoping to get an arm workout in." With that, they made their way towards the sect.

[10 minutes later]

As they arrived at the main sect peak, Shen Wu and Ling Ling were greeted by huge gates flanked by two massive statues pointing directly at everyone entering. Ling Ling smiled nostalgically, remarking, "The main peak sure hasn't changed... it's good to be back."

Shen Wu glanced at Ling Ling, surprised, "You've been here already?"

Ling Ling smiled proudly, "I haven't just been here, I was born and raised here."

Shen Wu grinned mischievously, wrapping his arm around Ling Ling, "Since you were raised here, hook me up with some beauties."

Ling Ling pushed Shen Wu away playfully, saying, "For the good of all women of this sect, how about, no."

As Shen Wu and Ling Ling bantered, their master stopped a few steps ahead and commanded, "Kids, kneel to the War God."

Shen Wu looked ahead and saw a tall, muscular man in expensive garments with long crimson hair. Without a moment's hesitation, Shen Wu walked up to the War God. Master Gu looked horrified as Shen Wu extended his hand for a shake, saying, "Nice to meet ya."

Before the War God could react, Ling Ling rushed up to him and embraced him, exclaiming, "I can finally see you, Dad!" The War God returned the embrace, leaving Shen Wu utterly flabbergasted as he stuttered, "D...Dad?!"