
The Ascending Phoenix Sage

Once a university student, Shen Wu found himself transported to the mysterious realm of Murim after being struck by lightning. Taken in by a the Battle Sage King of the War God Sect, he soon discovered he was considered nothing more than cannon fodder with trash-grade talent. However, Shen Wu refused to succumb to despair. With an iron will burning within him, Shen Wu vowed to defy the odds. But would determination alone be enough to overcome the countless geniuses and sons of heaven standing in his way? Previously called Modern Guys Martial Ascension. Webnovel Spirity Awards 2024 submission

Dem0n_Ancestor · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

I fucking hate lightning and wolves...

As the old university campus loomed before him, its crumbling facade casting eerie shadows in the moonlight, a tall figure emerged from the dimly lit entrance. With long black hair cascading down his broad shoulders and piercing dark eyes that seemed to absorb the faint glow around him, he strode confidently into the chilly night air.

Despite the biting cold, the tall figure paid no mind to the lack of warmth, his muscular frame seemingly impervious to the elements. Pausing for a moment, he tilted his head back, gazing up at the expanse of the night sky with a mixture of awe and reverence.

"Quite the beautiful night sky," he murmured softly, his voice carrying a hint of melancholy. "It's a shame tha—"

Before he could finish his thought, a sudden crack split the silence, followed by a blinding bolt of lightning that tore through the darkness with an otherworldly fury. With a startled cry, the tall figure stumbled backward, his form crashing unceremoniously to the ground.

Lying there, dazed and disoriented, he could feel the unmistakable sting of frustration coursing through him. "I fucking hate lightning," he grumbled to himself, a scowl crossing his features as he cursed his luck once again.

As the tall figure drifted in the void, a sense of weakness and exhaustion washed over him, his consciousness fading in and out like a flickering flame. Then, suddenly, the void around him began to accelerate, the sensation of falling growing more intense with each passing moment.

With a jolt, he was jolted awake, his eyes snapping open to find himself sprawled on the damp forest floor, surrounded by towering trees and the gentle rustle of leaves overhead. Pushing himself upright in a sudden burst of adrenaline-fueled panic, he scanned his surroundings frantically, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Where am I?" he muttered aloud, his voice tinged with confusion and disbelief. The last thing he remembered was the bolt of lightning, the sensation of falling through empty space... but now he found himself in this unfamiliar wilderness, with no clue as to how he had arrived there.

As he struggled to make sense of his surroundings, a sense of unease crept over him, a nagging feeling that he was not alone in the forest. With wary eyes, he peered into the shadows, his senses on high alert as he braced himself for whatever might come next.

Heart pounding in his chest, the tall figure remained on high alert, his senses attuned to every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs. Despite seeing nothing in the shadows, he couldn't shake the feeling of impending danger lurking just beyond his sight.

"Just because I can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there," he reminded himself silently, his muscles tensing as he prepared for whatever threat might reveal itself. And reveal itself it did, in the form of a silver wolf lunging at him from the darkness.

Instinct kicked in, and with a swift motion, he dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the wolf's snapping jaws. But his attempt to defend himself only seemed to agitate the creature further, its snarls growing louder as it prepared for another attack.

Without hesitation, the tall figure bolted, his legs pumping as he raced through the dense undergrowth, weaving between trees and leaping over fallen branches in a desperate bid for survival. Behind him, he could hear the relentless pursuit of the wolf, its footsteps gaining ground with each passing second.

In a moment of desperation, he veered sharply to the left, using a nearby tree to propel himself down a steep incline. The world blurred around him as he tumbled headlong through the darkness, crashing through bushes and slamming into trees until finally, mercifully, he landed in a heap on the cold, damp forest floor below.

With adrenaline coursing through his veins, the tall figure quickly scrambled to his feet despite the pain shooting through his body. Ignoring the protests of his muscles and the throbbing ache in his limbs, he pressed on, his mind focused solely on escaping the relentless pursuit of the wolf.

As he burst into a clearing, his eyes fell upon two old men engrossed in deep conversation, oblivious to the danger lurking in the shadows. Without hesitation, the tall figure shouted a warning, his voice tinged with urgency and fear.

"Run, there's a wolf!" he cried out, his words echoing through the stillness of the night. Though driven by his own survival instincts, he couldn't bear the thought of leaving his fellow humans to face such a terrifying threat alone.

The two old men looked up at the sound of his voice, their expressions shifting from surprise to amusement as they regarded the frantic figure before them. With grins spreading across their weathered faces, they seemed unfazed by the impending danger.

Undeterred, the tall figure rushed towards them, his heart pounding in his chest as he implored them to heed his warning.

"Come on, you old bastards, get up and run! I'll help you!" he urged, his words tumbling out in a breathless rush. But even as he spoke, his eyes darted anxiously towards the edge of the forest, where the wolf was drawing ever closer.

In that split second of indecision, as he weighed the options of fleeing or confronting the beast head-on, a sense of determination welled up within him. With a grim resolve, he steeled himself for the inevitable confrontation.

"What am I thinking...?" he muttered to himself, a wry smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Fuck it, I might as well fight that wolf. How hard could it be?"

With a primal roar, the tall figure launched himself at the oncoming wolf, his muscles coiled like springs as he propelled himself forward with all the force he could muster. As he soared through the air, his heart pounded in his chest, adrenaline surging through his veins as he prepared to deliver a devastating blow.

With a resounding thud, his foot connected with the wolf's head, sending the beast crashing to the ground with a pained yelp. But the force of the impact sent the tall figure hurtling backward, his body tumbling through the air before finally landing in a heap several feet away.

As he struggled to push himself upright, a searing pain shot through his left leg, causing him to grit his teeth against the agony. With trembling hands, he reached down to inspect the source of his discomfort, his fingers tracing the outline of a large bruise forming on his thigh.

The pain pulsed relentlessly, each throb sending waves of discomfort radiating through his body. With a frustrated grunt, he clenched his jaw, his mind racing as he weighed his options.

Despite the injury, he refused to back down, his determination burning bright within him as he prepared to face the wolf once more. With a grimace of pain, he pushed himself to his feet, his muscles trembling with exertion as he prepared to unleash his next attack.

With a defiant roar, the tall figure charged at the wolf once more, his fists clenched tightly as he prepared to unleash his fury. But this time, the wolf was ready, its instincts honed by years of survival in the unforgiving wilderness.

With lightning-fast reflexes, the wolf dodged sideways, its sharp claws slashing through the air with deadly precision. The tall figure cried out in pain as the wolf's claws grazed his face, leaving behind deep gashes that seared with agony.

Gritting his teeth against the pain, the tall figure refused to falter. Summoning every ounce of strength within him, he twisted his body mid-stride, driving his knee into the wolf's gut with all the force he could muster.

The wolf recoiled with a pained whimper, but before it could retaliate, the tall figure seized the opportunity, plunging his finger into the beast's eye with a savage ferocity. The wolf howled in agony, its cries echoing through the clearing as it thrashed and writhed in pain.

With bated breath, the tall figure waited for the wolf to strike, his senses attuned to every movement and sound. As the wounded beast lunged forward, blinded by pain and fury, the tall figure reacted with lightning speed, darting to the left with a grace born of desperation.

With a satisfying thud, his fist connected with the side of the wolf's head, sending the creature crashing to the ground once more. Seizing the opportunity, the tall figure leaped onto the fallen wolf, his fists raining down upon it with relentless fury.

Agonizing punch after punch landed, each blow accompanied by a spray of blood that painted the forest floor crimson. With every strike, the tall figure poured out his frustration and rage, his primal instincts driving him forward until he could punch no more.

Breathing heavily, his body trembling with exhaustion, the tall figure slowly rose to his feet, his vision obscured by the blood that now coated his face. With one final kick to the wolf's prone form, he spat out in contempt "fucking piece of shit!" before limping towards the two old men.

Collapsed next to them, he panted heavily, his body aching with every breath as he cursed the wolf that had dared to threaten his life. Despite the pain and exhaustion, a sense of satisfaction washed over him.

Through blurred vision and panting breaths, Shen Wu struggled to focus on the old man leaning over him. With effort, he managed to make out the figure's features as the old man inquired, "What's yer name, boy?"

Summoning the last of his strength, Shen Wu replied hoarsely, "The name's Shen Wu... What about you, old man?"

A chuckle erupted from the other old man, who pointed at his companion with a gleeful laugh. "Haha, this youngin just called you an old man!"

The old man addressed by Shen Wu, though not amused, regarded him with a stern gaze. "This master is the Battle Sage King from the War God Sect. Remember it well, brat."

Shen Wu's brows furrowed in confusion as darkness threatened to consume him. "The fuck are you on about, old man...?"

And with those words, Shen Wu succumbed to unconsciousness, his mind clouded with unanswered questions and the weight of his newfound reality pressing down upon him.