A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N: Two things we're gonna talk about today. One, is that you can find new powers/abilities at the bottom page of the Auxiliary chapter labeled "Status - Powers & Abilities", check them from time to time. As well as any new attribute in the top, check the last attribute, magic. Second, if you do not like what I have done with MY story, simply... get out. It is the most simple thing you can do, even an idiot.... a dumbass can understand that. You don't need to comment anything, just leave. How stupid must you be? Although I welcome any criticism that is helpful or might give me ideas to change things in the first chapters... but to the point of you being a jerk about how I write my story. With all do respect, leave. No one cares about your opinion. I don't. Anyways, have a great day to the rest of you and I hope you have a blessed week.}
[Vlad POV]
I stand in front of Hendriksen, who is sitting and I say "While I was experimenting, I found out certain individuals gain certain traits when becoming a Vampire Lord." I look at Esmeralda and say "I know you are a mage, at heart. So your magic will be highly amplified," looking at Hendriksen I continue "compared to Hendriksen who is combatant." I finish smiling.
"This doesn't mean that Esmeralda's physical attributes won't be enhanced, actually the opposite, they will be enhanced, to a "supernatural" degree, but your magic, it is what will be mostly affected. Same goes for Hendriksen, his magic will be enhanced, but his physical attribute will be mostly affected. Get it?" I say and they nod.
"Ladies first?" I say, mentioning to Esmeralda. She smiles and nods, she then stands and comes in front of me.
"Give me your hands." I ask of her.
She gives me her hands, I grab both of them in a gentle way and channel my Vampire Lordship. I started changing her into a Vampire Lord, while doing that I started sensing something else, her magic. So I concentrated on it.
There is so much magic energy in the room, her aura was very powerful, it was almost going to actually destroy the room. Thankfully, this whole place is built and reinforced to withstand much more.
Her eyes were bright red and her hair was fluttering and after about five seconds she calmed down, I stopped grabbing her hands and and looked at her, she became younger looking and more beautiful. Her magic, energy, and aura were strong... very strong.
Esmeralda looks at her hands, then me. She smiles and says "I feel... powerful..." she hugs me and continues "Thank you so much." I pat her back and smilingly say "No problem. You deserve it."
She nods and goes to sit in her previous place, she looks at Hendriksen and his shocked face and chuckles and say "What honey? Cat got your tongue?"
"Hm..." I clear my throat and chuckle, Hendriksen looks my way and I say nodding to him "It is your turn." he nods, stands up and approaches me. I grab his shoulder and channel my power, boosting his attributes and changing him physically.
He became younger looking, he got taller, from 182 CM to 190 CM. He bulked up, becoming much more more muscular. His veins are eager to pop up, literally. He was giving of so much energy.
He stopped after five seconds as well and looked at me, and the bowed as low as he could.
"Thank you, Vlad." he says. He said my name, in a very long time, neither have said it.
"As I have said before, both of you deserve it. I recommend you go for a little hunting, don't destroy anything here, please." I say and they chuckle, they thank me and bow with there heads and they leave the room.
"Wait a second..." I say they stop. "Hendriksen, call The General in." Hendriksen nods and they both exist.
I sit back on my chair and look at my left, Volrais... He was, astonished.
"What?" I ask.
"That was...." he asks, kind of.
"Powerful? Crazy? Impossible? Yes, yes it is, and no." I reply, chuckling.
Looking at him calming down, I speak "Tell me Volrais, don't you wanna be more powerful? I mean I understand you don't want to be shackled or weak. But from me you won't be. By having me give you... or more of, make you into a Vampire, you aren't shackled or weak. The drinking blood part is just... it is what it is. You drink here you drink there."
He looks down for while, like he is contemplating. He then looks up at me and says "I... I will think about it my Lord." I nod and say "Take your time Volrais. You've got plenty of it." he nods, stands up and say "I shall take my leave then." I nod and he bows his head lightly and leaves.
After about a minute or two after Volrais left, enters The General, a 214 cm tall man. I met this giant of a man while on my ventures a long time ago. He was being hunted, his coven destroyed, and his allies annihilated. I saved him, he was badly wounded, couldn't even move. Thirteen enchanted silver arrows pierced him, eight on his back, three on his left side, and two on his right. They were also dripped in Verbena... I was surprised when I remember this, he should have died by then.
{A/N : Verbena, it is a light purple flower. A normal flower to all except vampires. It is like poison when used on them.}
Anyways, I killed his pursuers and let some escape, I healed him and talked to him for a while and we clicked pretty good. He then asked me if he could follow me, be my soldier/guard or whatever, I shrugged and said "do what you want." he nodded and asked me if I could help him just once more, I agreed and asked what is it, he said "I want to kill the ones that escaped... they killed my wife." he said the last part almost raging, grinding his teeth. I agreed and we tracked them to a camp they made and I let him slaughter them.
After that he was just following me around and we became what you could say... buddies. He was loyal, very loyal. As well as having good potential. Even though he is what you would consider a "muscle head" because of his stature and strength, he has a good head on his shoulders. He is intelligent, tactical, and strategic.
Anyhow, back to the present. The General comes to my right and kneels, then stands up and says in gruff voice "Lord, you asked for me?"
I nod and mention for him to sit, he reluctantly did so. I ask "How are you Dragan?"
"I am fine." he says, nodding.
"Good, good. Tell me, how many guards do we currently have?" I ask.
"In the castle 300, the cave, about 500 around the forest around 700." he says, confused.
"Hmm... not enough..." I speak to myself.
"Is there something wrong my Lord?" he asks, concerned.
"War, Dragan. War." I say.
He looks confused and asks "War? What happened?"
"The Holy Church is acting up again Dragan. They are doing so through one of their kingdoms, Abalon. They are going to attack what is left of our people and The Elder Council." I say and he gets angry, after all the ones who hunted him and his coven, killed his wife and friends are part of the Holy Church.
"Those..." he holds his tongue and nods, an apologetic nod. I mention to him it's okay and he continues "How many are there?"
"Over 20,000." I say grinning.
"OVER 20,000!?" he shouts, standing up.
"Bloody hell Dragan! My ears..." I say, scratching my ears.
He sits down immediately and says "Apologies my Lord, it was unintentional."
"Don't mention it. Anyways, you have work Dragan. Round up all the guards, all of them and start training them, train them harshly. To the point they wish death upon themselves, because we only have a week or two." I say, he nods and says "It will be done my Lord."
"Good, go on now and don't disappoint me, also... come to me after two days... I have a gift." I say.
He nods, stands up and bows his head lightly and leaves.
I plan on making him sort of a "Super Vampire" or you could say "Superior Vampire". One who is physically more powerful than any Vampire. His vampiric attributes will all be enhanced tremendously, but not to the point of a Vampire Lord. Still, very powerful. He deserves it.
One of my powers allows me to see "empathy" of people... and it allows me to see many things, or more like sense from them many things. Hendriksen and Esmeralda are bright, really bright green. Meaning crazy loyal, same thing goes for Volrais and Dragan. As for the guards I have met so far, all are just bright green. As for Odin.... it was nothing, I can't use any of these powers on him. I am pretty sure he knew what I was doing too.
'Archibald, I know we have drakes, wyverns and a dragon, I believe.' I ask.
[Yes, forty Drakes, thirty fire and the rest are dark Drakes. Eighteen Wyverns, ten fire and five ice, two dark, and one lightning. As for the Dragon it is a mid-class fire dragon. Strangely, it has high intelligence.] says Archibald.
'That might... just might be enough.' I think to myself.
This dragon I found him when I came to these mountains. Back then he was just an egg. I couldn't find his parent, most likely they were dead. So, I used blood magic to make a bond and strengthen him. When he hatched, I had now reason to tame him, he was completely loyal. The Dragon's name is Zul'Dryzûr. Whatever that means...the name just came to me.
I stand up and leave the study heading to the front gate of the castle to leave.
After leaving and reaching deeper into this ginormous cave I finally see the drakes and wyverns flying around a big hill, and top of it, in all it's majesty, is Zul'Dryzûr.