
The battle is nigh.

{A/N : You might think why don't the Members of the Elder Council or their people go to the Caligo forest... Well every time they send someone, a vampire. Dracula just makes them into a guard. The Elders do not know of the cave or that Caligo Forest is Dracula's territory or home. Well, they have an inkling feeling it is connected to him, somehow.}

[Vlad POV]

Walking through the Caligo Forest. I reach an area that is obliterated. Sighing I walk further and find Jotmonn, standing in the middle of a crater.

"Did you really have to destroy the place?" I say, sighing.

"Well...." he says, scratching his head and then chuckles and continues "Sorry, I was testing myself."

"Anyways, here is your armor and weapon." I say as I bring them out from my spatial inventory.

"Ho... This looks nice! Thanks!" says Jotmonn in an excited manner.

"You're welcome. Be ready. Soon we are going to battle." I say and he nods excitingly.

I shadow teleport to my room, in the castle and think about how we are going to approach this.

[The Elder Council POV, two days before the battle.]

The council is located in the middle of what is left of the Traj Kingdom after its destruction by Dracula. A hundred and something years ago, there were three kingdoms that were near the easter border of the Caligo Forest, the smallest and weakest of the kingdoms, the Traj Kingdom, were ambitious. Dracula gave them an opportunity and they joined forces.

After conquering the two other kingdoms, taking their territory, wealth and people, the Traj Kingdom wanted more. So they decided to ambush Dracula and kill him and his people with the reinforcements of Abalon's Kingdom and the Enefaeris Kingdom. But, the Traj Kingdom were too impatient. They decided to start before the reinforcements arrived.

They killed many of Dracula's people, enraging him to the point of doing something he never thought he would have done. He killed all of the army of the Traj Kingdom, over 10,000 soldiers, he impaled them and the Royal Family of the Traj Kingdom and the many supporters of their regime.

Within what is left of the Traj Kingdom, that was completely over taken by Dracula, there is a castle, built upon the ashes of the now deceased Traj Royal family's castle. A big gothic style castle. Within it, in a hall where the Elder Council meets. There sits the previously mentioned four of the members of the Elder Council.

The four have an ever grimier look than before. "Over 20,000 from the Kingdom of Abalon alone... in total with the rest of the Victorum Confederation... estimated over 40,000..." says Remus, sighing.

"So this is it... what is there to do now? We can't just wait for them here, hiding and let them kill us like animals." says Brendan.

"No... we will fight them. We are too prideful to let them just kill us without us raising a hand." says Meredith.

"This will be our last battle... this is just it. After all those years, here is our end. As everything should end at one point in time... this battle will be our end. At least we sent Jason and Maya to the Dark Forest near the Enefaeris Kingdom, to hide the children. They are the future of our people..." says Remus.

Helena sighs and rests her head back at the chair and says "This just can't be it... I really.... I don't understand what went wrong."

[Victorum Confederation POV, two days before the battle.]

"Kings of Zarza and members of the Victorum Confederation, welcome back. Today, we are finally prepared and ready. In two days we attack the remnants of these abominations." says Jurius.

Jarius then bows to King Edward of Abalon, indicating for him to speak.

"With our combined forces of over 40,000. There is nothing to stop us. Some might think this is over doing it, but remember, these beings aren't humans." says King Edward, as he finishes saying the last part, he grabs the cup in front of him, drinks it, puts it down and continues "Tomorrow, early in the morning we will all gather at the western border of the Kingdom of Ibesudel." saying the last part, King Edward nods towards the King of Ibesudel, who nods back.

"From there we will march towards the Traj Kingdom the day after tomorrow. We will annihilate all of them, leave nothing behind to grow or prosper." says King Edwards.

[Vlad POV]

Walking around the tents of the now enhanced soldiers. I can see them training and some chatting with each other. Reaching further to the end of the tents I see Dragan, standing alone there.

I approach him and speak "What is on your mind Dragan?"

He looks back at me and then looks at the front, where he was previously looking, into the forest and says "We will rise... rise greater than before. I believe that we will be much stronger. I feel like this is our time, like this is were" he looks at me and continues "your real story starts, the King of Vampires, Lord of the Supernatural, and The Impaler. You will bring our kind and the others to a new era that none of us or our predecessors ever thought was possible."

I grin and say "That is some really inspiring words Dragan." he nods appreciatingly and I continue "That is what I mean to accomplish, destroy those who wish harm upon us, make our kind, our people prosper and bring them into a new era. And hopefully get my vengeance."

Dragan nods happily and I say "Get them all ready, Kolguth and the Gargoyles are waiting in the border. We will reach the battle once the Elder Council and the Victurom Confederation meet in battle."

Dragan nods and goes to do what he is told and I decide to walk through the forest. My destination is a small village near the eastern border of the Caligo Forest, one of the five who are loyal to me and gave me soldiers.

Walking through the forest, I could see many wraiths, ghouls, undead, banshees, centaurs and etc... They don't attack any of my people and just live here, sometime they go out to hunt, like the strigas or ghouls.

Reaching the border. I see Kolguth, he approaches me and kneels, then gets up.

"Kolguth, I am going to summon more Gargoyles, we will need them, and you must head them." I say and he nods.

I raise 1,500 statues of Gargoyle, just like I did before and push a pulse of the same magic into them. They all crack out of their shells and kneel to me, they get up and I say to Kolguth "Go to this place and wait for us." as I send him the place's location telepathically.

'We had a total army of 7,192 previously. Now with the previous 4,500 and the new 1,500 gargoyles, that makes them 6,000. So the total army is, 13,192.' I think to myself. This will be enough because majority of the fighting will be done by me, Jotmonn, Hendriksen, Dragan and his captains.

Zulrysdur could easily take down many of them, but I told him to keep flying high up in the sky and wait for my signal to attack. If needed.