A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N : Soo.... realized how stupid the third wish is.... it is totally unnecessary, he will still have the status and what not, but his third whish is this "a form of power/ability that allows him to gain powers or abilities through certain repeated actions.". Might change the Status things to describe specifically how strong or fast, like tons for strength and m/s or km/s for agility. Something like that, still thinking about it. Also, he still has one wish left, the fifth wish which he can call upon. Give me something, a power, better check superpower wiki. Anyways, give me something that is like "might not be achievable" or something like that. I don't know, to be honest. One more thing, I am currently drawing a map of the Continent of Zarza, nothing to fancy... just good old Microsoft Paint. Anyways, hope you all have a great day!}
[Ásgardr POV]
In one of the many halls of Valhalla, specifically the dinning hall. You see Odin, the All-Father, sitting in the middle chair of the dinning table, which is about fifty meters long and ten meters wide, with many, many chairs on both sides and at the end of the table, opposite the entrance of the hall, is a single chair, more glorious than the rest, the one Odin is sitting on.
The doors open and walks in a man of great stature and strength, his presence mighty.
Reaching the chair that is on the right of Odin, he sits and can bows his head lightly, almost a nod and says "You have called father?"
"Yes I did." says Odin.
"Now, I want you to listen carefully Thor. Do not do anything rash and do not get angry... that's the last thing we want now..." says Odin, sighing at the last part.
"Father? Is there something wrong?" asks Thor, curious.
"Your son... he is alive." says Odin, eyeing Thor... who is looking at him confused.
"What son? What are you talking about?" says Thor, confused.
Odin face palms himself lightly and sighs, he then says "I should always know how dense you are and that I should be more clear..."
"That lover of yours... the Vampire, her son," says Odin, pointing at Thor and continues "your son... he is alive."
"WHAT!?" Thor shouts, standing up and continues "I have looked everywhere for him! Everywhere! There was no sign of him, and you said you could not find him!"
Odin eyes Thor seriously and looks at the chair and back at Thor. Understanding, Thor calms down and sits down.
"You could not find him because I hid him." says Odin, and Thor smashes the table.
"NOW LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE BOY!" Odin shouts and fixes the table with his magic, by waving his hand and a light glow envelopes the table. He continues "CALM DOWN OR I WILL MAKE YOU!"
"Why...." says Thor, gritting his teeth.
"I sometimes wonder with what do you think... you are smart, but so dense that you sound and look like a damned idiot." says Odin, sighing and continues "The reason is simple, think what would happen if the rest of the pantheons knew. He is different, he is not like the ordinary Vampires."
"What do you mean? Obviously he is not, he is an Aesir." says Thor.
"Would you just shut up and listen boy!" shouts Odin, frustrated... Odin then chuckles and laughs, confusing Thor.
"What the... What is going?" Thor askes confused and weirded out, he then continues "I don't remember the last time you laughed like that."
"What is their not to laugh about! We should be joyous, celebrating and feasting for a powerful man was born and living in Midgard, a man of our blood." says Odin, smiling. Odin then continues "A man with no fate and a great destiny! A man who the Norns can't control or weave his fate, they fear and respect at the same time."
"What? How can that be! The Norns are able to weave even our fate." says Thor.
"Your son, he is fateless. Without fate and so he can choose what to be and who to be, he just doesn't understand that yet. If he wishes so, he can control the whole world." says Odin, chuckling at the last part.
Odin then says "He is born of a Vampire Lord (Lady)" he then points at Thor and continues "and an Aesir, an Aesir with so much potential and power."
"So?" Thor asks.
"So... It changed him, our blood changed his Vampire blood, making him something more, something way more powerful but at the same time it kind of cursed him. It will be difficult for him to achieve greater strength, but more rewarding. He became what the Vampires thought to be a legend, a Transcendent Vampire... more like a Pseudo Transcendent Vampire. He is not there yet." says Odin.
"That is great, right? It must be..." asks Thor, happy.
"Yes." says Odin.
Thor looks at Odin then stands up suddenly and says anxiously "I must find him!"
Odin suddenly appears behind Thor, he put his hand on his shoulder lightly, which mysteriously forced him to sit down and be unable to move.
Thor speaks out angrily and confused "Why? Why are you denying me to meet my son! I don't even know who he is... or what is happening to him."
"All in due time son." says Odin, sitting back in his chair and continues "You know why you cannot meet him now, you know what you have done the last time you were down there. And there is nothing to worry about, he is safe, and surrounded by people who care about him, friends and family."
Thor nods reluctantly and Odin says "His name is Vlad Tepes, also widely known as Dracula."
"Wait... You mean The Dracula? The Vampire who impaled thousands of soldiers of the Holy Church?" asks Thor, surprised and happy.
"Yes, yes him. The Impaler." says Odin, chuckling.
Thor bursts out in laughter and says "I expect nothing less from my son! Hahaha, this is wonderful!"
Both Thor and Odin continue laughing and talking.
[Vlad POV]
'This will take a long time....' looking at the stairs circling upwards to the top of the hill. The stairs are carved from the mountain and a fence is surrounding the edge. Each five steps there is a torch above the fence. As well as the walls. This "hill" is more like a mountain, it is three hundred meters in height, maybe more. 'How nice to have a cool cave all to myself.' I smile thinking to myself.
Deciding not to climb up I come up with an idea, could be a stupid one too. I will test myself and see how high I can jump.
Crouching down and I angle myself into a position which will, hopefully allow me to go upwards... and forward.
I tense my legs, every fiber of it and just jump, destroying the ground. Making a crater that is six meters wide and one meter in depth, starting from where I jumped.
I was going so fast and so high, I reach above the "hill". I do a flip... somehow, and dive in, towards the top of the hill.
As I am getting close I position myself to land on my two feet and gather energy towards my foot and till my hip to slow me down.
'Swift landing.' I think to myself, smiling.
'Master....' speaks out a gruff voice, a draconic voice, in my mind.
"Hello there Zul'Dryzûr, how are you." I ask.
'I am fine... it has been awhile.' he says.
I reply smilingly "It has." and continue seriously this time "There is a war coming, you and" looking up then back to him and continuing "your friends will be coming with me."
'Finally, something to do. I was getting bored.' he says, shifting his body.
"Good. You are excited. That is what I need my boy." I say.
"Zul'Dryzûr, I am going to do something to you in a day, something that will change you. Make you stronger. It will be painful, but rewarding." I say, seriously.
'If I am going to be stronger, then so be it. The stronger I am, the more I am of help to you.' he says.
"Good. That is all for now." I say and disappearing and appearing in my library, using Darkness manipulation, I traveled through shadows. Quite nifty if I say so, should use it more often.