
The Artist Who Traversed Another World

What will you do if a dangerous person is coming at you at a high speed? Will you dodge? Block? Fight? Or flee? Any of these choices may kill you accidentally even if you know what you are doing. And our female protagonist is one of the unfortunate one. But fortunately, God gave her a new life were she can explore a new world. Would that world be peaceful? Not sure. No world is perfect. So it seems that for our female protagonist to enjoy exploring the new world, she has to face many unknown challenges and hardships This story is made by Tibakas337 (My account in Wattpad)

Daoist0Wk0r2 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs


Chapter 6 [My Exploration Time In The Forest And The Accident]

It's been 3 days since I started exploring the forest with the white wolf.

I found out many things while exploring the forest like fruit that can be eaten but would kill you instantly. Some will even give you great effects like making you run very fast.

There were also plants that eat animals and monsters. Dang, I even saw one eat a monster as big as that rabbit monster

We also return to a new small temporary house that I made during the night to avoid monsters that lurk in the dark.

There were a lot of things that I didn't know about this world that surprised me. And now, I'm in a little bit of trouble.

[Alice]: Haha... What do I do...

I said that as I look up.

I seem to have fallen quite deep, haven't I?


A few moments ago

[Alice]: White wolf


[Alice]: Calling you that is tiring. We've traveled together for a while now, shouldn't I call you by name now?


[Alice]: Can I name you then if you don't have a name?


After traveling with the white wolf for 3 days, with getting a connection that made us understand each other, like telepathy of some sort. I don't know why, but I think this is how the owner and the pet understand each other.

[Alice]: Hmm... Then let's call you Snow, is that alright?


[Alice]: Then Snow it is! It's nice to meet you, Snow!

I crouched down and pat Snow on the head. It took me a while before separating myself from her fluffy fur.

[Alice]: Ahem! Now, shall we get going then?

[Snow]: Woof!

We then once again continued our walk within the forest. But little did I know, that there are pitfalls on the ground.

[Alice]: Huh?

The moment my boots step and crushed the twigs, the ground collapsed and I fell.

[Alice]: Ahhh!!!

[Snow]: Woof!?

I was falling very fast, I don't have much time left before my head hits the ground and crack like an egg.

So by intuition, I created a parachute with my hero skill. The parachute I created was a bit small since the hole isn't wide, but fortunately, it was able to slow down my fall.

[Alice]: Ha... That was so close...

I wiped my sweat on my forehead after landing safely on the ground.


[Alice]: What do I do now?

And we are now back to the present.

[Alice]: But why is there a hole this deep? Is this perhaps a trap that the people of this world created?

[Alice]: But if they want to hunt something using a trap, they should have put spikes on the ground, Fortunately, though, there's none, or else I would have been skewered. So they probably created this trap to catch something.

But what would be the thing that they want to catch?

I pondered for a while and decided to let it go.

[Alice]: It's more important to think of a way how to get out of here. I can't use my hero skill since I used my mana to create the parachute, it unexpectedly used quite a lot of mana. But that's a small price to pay for my life.

[Alice]: And the mana potions that I created are all in the house right now. I should have at least brought one, but without an inventory skill or function, it is quite a burden to carry more baggage.

[Alice]: Ah!? Yeah, let's look at our baggage...

[Snow]: Woof!

When I was about to look inside at my baggage, I heard a bark from above

[Alice]: Snow!? Snow! Are you alright?

[Snow]: Woof!

[Alice]: Is that so? I'm relieved. Just stay there for now. I'll be back immediately, ok?

[Snow]: Woof!

[Alice]: Ah! Hey! Where are you going!? It's dangerous there...

Her sound steps soon fade away. I think she went away to ask for help. I hope nothing bad happens to her when she encounters another human.

[Alice]: Ha... Be safe Snow.

[Alice]: Well, then, let's check our bag.

I opened my bag and check my things. These are the things I prepared before exploring the forest using my hero skill. Even this bag is created from it.

[Alice]: Not this, not that, not this, and not... THIS!

I finally found the rope and the grappling hook that I prepared in my bag in case I need to climb a tree or a mountain.

[Alice]: And now I'm just gonna tie this rope to the grappling hook, swing it, then FLY!

After preparing the tools I need, I swung it around very fast and release it upward.

But since I'm not a professional, the grappling hook bounced off the wall instead of hanging on the wall.

The grappling hook then fell in front of me. I was too stunned to speak since it fell very close to my face.

[Alice]: Woah... That was close. Fortunately, I have a construction worker's helmet with a light on it on my head. Let's try again!


I was about to swing it again when I  suddenly heard a hissing sound. My body shook uncontrollably because of the sound. After all, I hate snakes.

[Alice]: Ah...

I slowly turned my body around to see if it was a snake.

[Alice]: Sh********t!!!!

I cursed in a high pitch after seeing the snake. After all, it was not just one. Not two, but ten. TEN! AND THEY ARE BIG! LARGER THAN MY ARMS!

[Alice]: F*ck! F*ck! F*CK! I'm losing my cool, but who won't after seeing a pack of snakes WITH A SIZE LARGER THAN MY ARMS AND LONGER THAN MY BODY!?

I walked immediately to the opposite side of where the snakes were. But the whole wasn't so wide, so the gap between us didn't even increase that much.

[Alice]: Tsk! I should have killed that damn rabbit! So that I can finally level up. I was just exploring while waiting for my mana to replenish to prepare for my battle with that rabbit. But now, I'm experiencing this? How can one person be so unfortunate?

I asked myself that while looking at the sky and towards the snake. And Screen-san suddenly appeared before me


Quantity: 10

Name: None

Race: Underground Jewel Snake (Animal)

Gender: 4 Females and 6 Males

Level: 10-13

Health: 200 - 300

Mana: 50/50 - 100/100

P. Defense: 100 - 150

M. Defense: 100 - 150

Strength: 200 - 300

Magic: 30 - 50

Age: 3 years - 6 years

State: Alive

Weakness: Ice


"Underground Jewel Snakes are reptiles that lived underground, they disliked cold areas, which is why they hide in tight and humid places."

[Alice]: Their status... I see... They hate the cold. And what am I gonna do? I have no mana left

"This method is risky and must only be used in situations like this, but you can use your life to use your magic"

[Alice]: My life...

I see. If I'm gonna die, then killing these bastards with my life is worth it.

[Alice]: I see. Do I even need to hesitate?

"I'll then inform you if you are about to die"

[Alice]: Ha! Well, thanks.

I slowly walk towards the snake, imagined the art I'll create, draw it in my mind, put my hand forward, and then chant.

[Alice]: [Art Creation Magic]: Blizzard!

Snow and wind soon emerged from my hand. A few seconds later, the hole is now covered in snow and the temperature is dropping incredibly fast.

Some ice soon emerges from the ground, hitting some of the snake's body and leading it to be cut in half.

"Warning: Health is now lower than 50%"

[Alice]: I can see some of them still wriggling in the snow. So not all of them are dead yet!

I continued to pour out my life to my magic until my body couldn't handle it anymore.

"Warning: Health is now below 10℅"

[Alice]: Almost there, I can see the last snake's health almost to zero.

I continued to use my magic until I saw the last snake's health reach zero. The moment it reached zero, I stopped using my power.

[Alice]: Ahaha... Fina...lly

I fell on the lump of snow as soon as I relaxed my body.

[Alice]: Dying on top of a lump of snow... Ain't bad...

I felt comfortable lying on the snow, it slowly embraced me with its cold touch. My body was unable to move but this snow is like my bed when I was still on Earth.

It felt so peaceful that the pain I'm feeling is being eased by the coldness of the snow. Because of the comfort and peace I receive from this lump of snow, I stopped my struggle to survive

[Alice]: Haa... Peace... Be... With...


I soon then breathe my last breath that day.


I don't like animals like snakes haha. Seeing one is like seeing death approaching me. So the best choice is to not approach it.

Daoist0Wk0r2creators' thoughts