
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Ch26: A crazy Elf.

The next morning, Archaes made his way to the training grounds, the air crisp with the promise of a new day. As he stepped into the expansive arena, his eyes were immediately drawn to a chaotic melee at its center. Twenty or so recruits were locked in combat with a female elf, her movements a blur of lethal precision and grace. She wielded multiple one-handed elven sabers, her strikes as swift and unpredictable as a tempest.

Observing the battle was one of the elf squad leaders, Elandor, a tall and stern figure known for his strategic mind and unyielding demeanor. His sharp eyes flicked to Archaes as he approached, a hint of amusement curling his lips.

"Thinking of recruiting Elara, are you?" Elandor's voice was smooth, laced with a hint of condescension. "Don't bother. She's nothing but a crazed sword maniac. All the elf squad leaders have tried and failed to recruit her. We just use her to toughen up our recruits."

Archaes watched the ongoing battle, intrigued by Elara's ferocity. She was light and agile, about 5'7" in height. Her frame, deceptively delicate, seemed honed with the strength and flexibility of a master acrobat. Her striking violet eyes glinted with a hint of madness, a reflection of her unrelenting passion for combat.

"Perhaps," Archaes replied, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "But sometimes, it's the ones others deem uncontrollable who hold the most potential."

Elandor chuckled, shaking his head. "Suit yourself. Just don't say I didn't warn you."

Archaes turned to his loyal crow, Corax, perched nearby. "Corax, fetch my whip," he instructed. The bird cawed in acknowledgment and flew off to retrieve the weapon. Meanwhile, Archaes continued to converse with Elandor, his gaze never leaving the ongoing skirmish.

"Tell me, Elandor, what makes Elara so unmanageable?" Archaes asked, genuinely curious.

"She has an unquenchable thirst for battle," Elandor explained. "No discipline, no respect for authority. She fights for the thrill of it, not for any higher purpose."

As Corax returned with the whip, Archaes accepted it with a nod of thanks. "Perhaps all she needs is someone who understands her," he mused aloud, tightening his grip on the weapon. "Someone who can channel that passion into something greater."

Elandor shrugged, clearly skeptical. "Good luck with that. You'll need it."

Archaes, undeterred, made his way toward the fray, ready to meet Elara head-on. He knew it would be a challenge, but he had always thrived in the face of adversity. This was just another obstacle to overcome on his path to greatness.

By the time Archaes reached the center of the training grounds, Elara had already dispatched all her opponents. The recruits lay groaning on the ground, nursing their wounds, while Elara stood amidst them, talking to her blades and giggling with a wild gleam in her violet eyes. Her appearance confirmed everything Archaes had heard: her leather armor was a patchwork of pieces, meticulously designed to allow maximum movement. Ten one-handed swords were strapped across her back, sides, and even her boots, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice.

Corax, his loyal crow, returned with the whip and dropped it into Archaes' waiting hand. He wrapped the handle in his palm, feeling the familiar weight and balance, and approached Elara with a determined stride.

"I've come to recruit you, Elara," Archaes announced, his voice steady and clear. "I believe you have potential that—"

Elara cut him off with a wild laugh, flinging one of her blades toward him. Archaes dodged, the blade slicing the air inches from his face. She lunged at him with another crazed laugh, her sabers flashing in the sunlight.

"Prove your worth!" she shouted, her eyes alight with madness.

Archaes met her attack with a calm demeanor, sidestepping her strikes and parrying with his whip. The enchanted weapon crackled with energy, the air currents forming from each swing. He analyzed her movements, noting her speed and unpredictability. She was a whirlwind of steel and fury, but he could see the gaps in her defense, the moments where her recklessness left her vulnerable.

He decided to end it quickly. Cracking his whip in the air, he activated its enchantment. The air around them began to swirl, currents forming from the end of each swing. Elara's attacks grew more frantic, but Archaes' control over the air currents made it difficult for her to land a hit.

With a final, powerful swing, he directed a concentrated burst of air at her, knocking her off balance. She stumbled, and Archaes seized the opportunity to disarm her, his whip wrapping around her wrist and yanking the saber from her hand. Elara fell to the ground, battered and bruised, her wild eyes now wide with surprise.

"Enough," Archaes said firmly, standing over her. "You wanted me to prove my worth, and I have. Now, will you listen?"

Elara lay on the ground, panting, her violet eyes staring up at him. For a moment, she was silent, then she began to laugh again, but this time it was softer, almost relieved.

"You're interesting," she said, a grin spreading across her face. "Fine, I'll listen."

Archaes extended a hand to help her up. "I need your skills, Elara. But more than that, I need your spirit. Together, we can achieve something great."

Elara took his hand, pulling herself to her feet. She sheathed her remaining blades, her gaze fixed on Archaes. "You've got my attention. What do you have in mind?"

Archaes smiled, sensing the beginning of an unexpected but powerful alliance. "Let's start by forming a squad. We'll recruit others who have been overlooked, those with skills and potential. We'll prove that we can do more than just survive this expedition—we'll excel."

As they walked away from the training grounds, Elandor watched them with a raised eyebrow, clearly intrigued by the turn of events. Corax cawed from Archaes' shoulder, a silent witness to the formation of a partnership that would defy expectations.

"That was quite the show," Elandor remarked as they passed him. "Good luck, Archaes. You'll need it."

Archaes nodded, determination burning in his eyes. "Luck favors the prepared, Elandor. And we will be prepared."

Archaes grinned, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He had recruited his first squad member, and it was one of the most formidable fighters he had ever encountered. Though,not normal but it was better than nothing.