
The Artifact creator.(Dropped.)

Archaes is a young boy of 9 year's old,who is nothing but a street rat that eats after others leftovers. But fate always comes with changes and surprises,so did his fate. The story of a how a mere street rat became the one of the greatest figures in history.

ShreShan · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Ch19:To find answers

More time passed, and Archaes continued his usual pace of traveling, training, and experimenting. Each day was a blend of routine and discovery as he honed his skills and explored his magical potential.

He had now become proficient with a variety of weapons, including daggers, swords, whips, staffs, and spears. "I can use them," he mused, twirling a dagger in his hand, "but I'm still far from being a master." His movements were swift and controlled, yet he knew there was a level of skill and finesse he had yet to reach.

His magical abilities were also progressing. Although he still couldn't manifest his magic outside his body, he felt a growing reservoir of power within him. "I can feel it," he said to Corax, who perched nearby on a low branch, watching him with keen eyes. "My magic is getting stronger, but it's still contained. I need to find a way to release it."

Every evening, after setting up camp, he practiced his magical abilities. Flash Fire, Chill Breath, Infusion—they were becoming more potent and precise. He could reinforce objects with greater strength and duration, and his healing abilities were now capable of mending more severe wounds and restoring energy more effectively.

One night, as he lay under the stars, he reflected on his progress. "I've come a long way since I left Inca," he said aloud, glancing at Corax. "But there's still so much more to learn."

He closed his eyes, feeling the mana coursing through his veins. "Why can't I manifest you outside of my body?" he wondered, trying to push the energy outward. He strained, but the magic remained confined, swirling just beneath his skin.

"Patience," he reminded himself, taking a deep breath. "It will come with time."

In the mornings, he continued his physical training, alternating between weapons to keep his skills sharp. "Versatility is key," he told himself, sparring against an imaginary opponent. "I need to be ready for anything."

Days turned into weeks, and Archaes traveled through diverse landscapes—dense forests, rolling hills, and bustling towns. He gathered herbs and materials for his experiments, trading and bartering in local markets to sustain his journey.

One afternoon, while practicing with his staff, he had an idea. "What if I tried combining my magic with my weapons?" He focused his mana into the staff, feeling it resonate with the wood. Swinging it, he unleashed a burst of Flash Fire along its length, the staff glowing with an intense heat.

"It worked!" he exclaimed, grinning widely. "I can channel my magic through my weapons."

Encouraged by this breakthrough, he continued experimenting, finding ways to enhance his combat techniques with magical infusions. "If I can't project my magic yet, I can at least amplify my weapons with it," he reasoned.

His journey was far from over, and each step brought new challenges and revelations.Archaes embraced the uncertainty, knowing that every day brought him closer to unlocking the full potential of his abilities. With Corax by his side, he felt ready to face whatever lay ahead, determined to unravel the mysteries of his magic and the world around him.

However, despite all his progress, Archaes was still having trouble with the key and the parchment. The mystery gnawed at him, consuming his thoughts and distracting him from his training and experiments.

After many months of frustration, he made a decision. "I need to seek out the one from whom I took these items," he resolved. With a new destination in mind, Archaes set his sights on the capital of the kingdom, the crown city of Elanoria.

The journey was long and arduous, taking two months of constant travel. But when Archaes finally reached the city, he was awestruck. Nestled in a verdant valley, surrounded by the mystical forest and bordered by the shimmering Azure Lake, Elanoria was a jewel of the realm. The city's architectural splendor blended seamlessly with its natural beauty, creating a sight that took his breath away.

For a day, he wandered the streets in awe, taking in the grand towers, bustling markets, and serene gardens. The sheer scale and majesty of the capital left him spellbound. "I've never seen anything like this," he marveled, feeling like a small piece of a grand tapestry.

As evening approached, he found himself a lodging. The innkeeper quoted a price of 2 silver coins per day, a sum that nearly made him faint. "Two silver coins!" he gasped, but he somehow managed to keep his composure. "I suppose luxury comes at a price."

He carried himself to his room, which turned out to be the most luxurious thing he had ever seen. The bed was plush and inviting, the furnishings rich and ornate. To his amazement, the room even had its own attached toilet and bathroom. "This is... incredible," he whispered, running his hand over the soft sheets.

The comfort and opulence of the room overwhelmed him, and he collapsed onto the bed. Exhausted from his travels and the sensory overload of the city, Archaes quickly fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, the luxurious surroundings lulling him into a rare moment of peace.