
Chapter 1: Which Should I Choose?

Hi I'm jinker, yeah I know it's a weird name but I like it today is just another boring day in class so I decided to start monologuing in my world there's this system called S.M.S only the very elite killers know what the acronym means I'm sitting in my History class recently we started a movie about an old killer organization called Xseed how a group of friends killed all of the world leaders in ten nights and three days oh also in my world every ten days switch between day and night giving the killers long periods of time to kill but also live regular lives oh I'm getting sidetracked back to me I'm 17 I'm in my last year of high school I'm what people call a non-chooser since the age of six were allowed to choose if wether were going to be killers or regular citizens I didn't choose if you don't choose by the time your twenty then you'll be killed instantly also there's a screen that people just call the status window that only you can see it gives missions tells you info and depending on the color tells you and whoever you choose how dangerous you are the ranks go from.

Grey: You've caused no one any kind of harm. Green: You've caused mild irritation. Blue: You've caused someone to bleed or mentally scarred someone. Yellow: You've taken someone's life. Orange: You've tortured someone to death. Purple: You've killed 50 people in a gruesome way. Red: You are a danger to society as a whole and should be executed and Finally. Pink: You get put into the special privilege program. So this isn't 100% accurate this is just generalizing everything some could do all of this and remain in Yellow while others could just look at someone and be Pink its very circumstantial S.M.S is the name of the organization that handles these killers if you decide to be a killer you have to register there immediately then after they will you a machine to forcibly show your color every month well I say that but there no punishment if you don't show up As you might have already been able to tell your rank, isn't just decided by how many people you kill its also decided by How much mental trauma you caused did you stalk them for months on end with them knowing slowly killing the people closest to them until finally it was there turn how much pain did you put them through before their end? These are all factors.

*Ring* Finally the bell I walk out into the hall to greet my friend Oxford with his girlfriend Hazel they both chose to be regular citizens he's always tried to convince me to do the same but I just didn't know. C'mon man! you only have three years left it's not worth it to be a killer don't you pay attention in social life class? You'll always be stressed your friends or family members will tell the organization what you've done the killer schools are always run by gangs and mafias that if you don't join them they'll kill you not to mention let's say you are good at it and everything is going well but you get stuck in red you'll be constantly hunted if the organization finds out!

He was right but something I never told him was that I was always thinking about killing or dissecting something hurting something scarring something I could feel it so deep in my soul I wanted to be showed in the pain I brought to others and for all these years have been trying to pretend these urges didn't exist growing up all I had was my mom but she was always at work I fell in love with An old killer called Indigo Grey he focused on causing as much psychological pain as possible before ending someones life one time when I went into the retro disc store I saw this one lownly bin in the back off the corner off this store in it was his entire life story the way he trained the school he went to all the way to his untimely death I brought it home and started watching I found out he was in love with two different weapons he personally created the first one was called The Grey bindings whitch were two razor eged swords he used on people he believed deserved painful deaths The other was called The Indigo Scythe the top metal piece was like a cresent moon with a pole going down into a smaller one he made these in his college club in his spare time with these wepons he made it all the way to level pink and the mysteriously died at the young age of 27 after rumors spread he had a wife and kid but they were quickly dismissed and he was forgotten since then I trained myself in all the ways he did and even changed a few things I thought would be more effective but I knew it would hurt my mother if she knew so I hid it all and have been struggling all this time.

Yeah your right look how about this summer is after next week so I promise ill choose before the end of summer. *Sigh* Fine but you better keep your promise man! C'mon when was the last time I never kept a promise? Yeah, your right on another note you know the girl you like Yeah? what was her name mavis yeah mavis you should ask her out we could do a double date the carnival is this weekend. It's true I've had a crush on mavis since ninth grade but I never made any moves she had also chosen to be a regular citizen and I was already gaining the confidence to ask her out so I thought well it's convenient it also gives me an excuse while I question whether to do it or not Oxford already signaling her over I panic and quickly try to fix myself she makes it over and then Hi your names Mavis right? Well, Jinker here has something to ask you she looks my way I stammer for a second and manage to get out the words Yeah um the carnival is coming this weekend and I was wondering if you wanted to come? Like a date? Yeah yeah, a double date. hmm Sure, what time? Oh, 11:00 PM ill pick you up. Cool, can you give me your number? Yeah here I know I'm making this sound like the perfect exchange but on the inside, I'm panicking HOLY FUCKING SHIT SHE SAID YES I DIDNT EVEN HAVE TO SAY IT WAS A DATE HOW AM I GETTING THIS LUCKY IM FUCKING HORRIFIED RIGHT NOW I SWEAR WHEN SHE GOES AWAY IM PUNCHING OXFORD!!! I'll see you tomorrow yeah see ya as she walks away I feel my knees grow weak, on one hand, I feel like I'm on cloud nine but on the other, I want to punch Oxford as soon as possible I think he notices my paleness and gets worried as soon as he gets into arms reach I hit him. Ouch! what was that for you got the date. Yeah, but I can't shake the feeling you enjoyed seeing me flustered, didn't you? Okay, maby a little. YOU SON OF A BITCH!!, PLEASE HAVE MERCY.