
Yep, forgot again

Like title said, I forgot what I wanted to write about.

Anyways, to compensate I'll just give an update.

Yesterday after posting the chapter I slept for 2 hours. Waking up I had a fever of 38.4°C. I just took a tablet, stayed awake for a few hours and then fell asleep.

Today in the morning I had a low fever of 37.2°C which fell to 36.4°C at 2 PM. Currently it's 36.8°C and I'm kinda expecting it to rise a bit before falling again.

I should be completely fine tomorrow or the day after though.

But honestly through the entire time I had a fever I never sweat. Like not even the tiniest bit. At least until yesterday's night, after taking the tablet.

Weird to be honest, according to my experiences it's something unusual.

But well... the headache is still killing me.