
Luke round two

I walked to my place in the arena. Standing there waiting for my opponent. Everyone split up, and went to their respective arena's except for one person. Luke stood at the doorway staring at the names hollo projected above our arena. I almost started smirking at him.

I'd be getting a fight with Luke as I wanted. Another easy victory. Luke didn't want to come anywhere near me so he just stood there reluctantly. I raised my hand palm up his direction. Making the bring it on motion with my hand.

Luke stared at me reluctantly as the other students waiting to start gave him dirty looks. Eventually he caved, and strode over to the arena we'd be fighting in with a hesitant anger in his eyes. Our arena rose. My muscles tensed as I thought about what would happen when Luke attacked me. His hardening ability had grown stronger than the last time we'd fought, but so had Baron's, and I'd crushed him easily.

I could tell where they were hardening their bodies on instinct. Neither one of them had been able to harden their whole body at once. No matter how strong they got they didn't stand a chance against my rising damage resistance. The start sound went off. I crossed my arms slowly.

"Bring it," I waited for him to come get me.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Luke complained.

"Why not?" I snorted, "It's not like you can hurt me."

This pissed off Luke even more. It made him angry enough for him to forget about the danger I posed as he rushed me. My hands uncrossed when he got in range of my spatial awareness. I used two fingers to redirect every single one of his attacks away from me. Using only my left hand.

Every redirection pissed Luke off even more. Some would throw him a little off balance, and I pushed him with the same to fingers each time he was in a good position for me to throw him even further off balance. He got close to falling several times. He was well past winded when he stopped to give me an angry look.

"Are you just going to keep toying with me?" Luke managed to ask between gasps.

"You could give up," I almost chuckled, "It's not like you'll ever land a hit."

"I'd knock your ass out if I did," Luke had gotten his breath back, "If you'd just fucking stand still I would have won already."

"Fine," I moved my hands behind my back, and grabbed my other wrist, "Do your worst?"

Luke tensed when he realized what I just said.

"You're going to let me hit you?" Luke smiled as he got ready to punch me.

"Go for it," I knew he would punch me in the face.

It was just what men in his family did. Luke drew back his arm, and aimed for my face just like I predicted he would. Luke snapped out a strong right hook. His fist hit my face full force. My head tilted back from the force of the hit, but Luke's hand broke.

"My turn," I smiled as blood started pouring from my nose.

Luke paled as I returned a full force hit to Luke's face. Luke flew out of the arena head first as if he'd been shot out of a cannon. Throwing him out of the arena, and effectively ending the match. I'd drawn out this match unlike the last one. Showcasing a lot of martial arts skill as well as my speed.

I wiped the blood off my face, and set my broken nose. Getting myself healed on the way out of the arena. I started wandering back to the hotel. Then I got that familiar feeling of being watched. The same piercing look that felt as if it cut through my camouflage.

I'd had fun fighting with Luke as I started scanning the crowd. I switched to infrared to see if there was anyone hiding. Someone knew more about me then they were letting on. I wanted to know who it was. I spotted her right away.

Hiding just around a corner about a hundred feet away. I rushed her direction. Using the tents from the market as cover to close in on her. Coming around the corner, and catching sight of her from behind as she peeked out to look for me.

"Looking for me?" I grabbed her.

Pulling her back, and slamming her into the wall. I was careful not to hurt her so I didn't use much force.

"Why does your gaze feel different?" I leaned down.

I stopped myself from sniffing her on instinct, and leaned back so I was standing straight as a board with her pinned to the wall in front of me.

"What are you?" she mumbled.

"Human," I lied with my usual blank face.

"No," she shook her head nervously, "You're not. I know human's. You are not a human."

"What makes you so sure?" It took everything I had to keep my lips from pulling back to form a snarl, "Don't lie to me."

"It's my ability," she glanced above my head for a split second, "I can see astral projections."

Now that I thought about it. She'd been glancing up every few second since this whole conversation started.

"Astral projections show me peoples true nature," she continued, "I can see your true nature right. You look like a winged lizard of some sort. Similar to wyvern."

"Can you prove it?" I frowned internally, my face remaining blank.

"No," she answered, "But I thought if I watched you long enough I might be able to."

"That's a bad idea," I leaned down to squint at her, "I'm leaving after this tournament so you should quit wasting your time."

"You're not going to hurt me?" she looked confused.

"Why would I hurt you?" I snorted as I let go, "You can't prove anything, and you don't seem like a bad girl. No reason to waste my time on someone I'll never see again."

I walked way from her. Disappearing into the crowd as I headed towards the hotel room. Most the people out here were trying to find some last minute beast gear before they left. Some were trying to find something to eat. The rest of them were just wandering for knick knacks.