

"I can return the mana he gave me," the female spoke in perfect English, "If he needs it."

Jax's jaw actually dropped. Ethan could understand draconic so he wasn't surprised that he could understand what she'd said. Jax on the other hand could not. He needed my help to understand draconic. Ethan's slow realization that he'd just understood English from the wyverns mouth also had his mouth slightly open.

Even the wyvern looked a bit surprised.

"Did I use human speak?" she looked more then a little stunned.

I found it kind of funny that the wyvern was just as stunned she could speak the human language as the others. I stretched slowly as what little strength I had returned slowly. Drawing my head up casually.

"Yes you did," I chuckled, "What do you think of the name Vermillion?"

"I like the name Vermillion," she nodded, "It's much better then trash."

{They called her trash?} Ethan, and Jax both asked in silent shock.

{Why do you think I wanted to give her a different name?} I shook my scales out as I gathered myself.

My muscles trembled from the effort, but I could rest easy now that I'd secured Vermillion's loyalty. She was strong enough to handle two or three weak males on her own easily now. It cost me so I was glad that I was going to receive the full benefits of her power. Her power was going to help me greatly in the long run. Her mana cycle was exactly the same as a humans.

The only difference was the power behind that cycle. A wyverns larger body promoted much greater mana circulation, and allowed them to absorb mana, and grow in strength faster then humans in a manner similar to a dragon. They seemed to be limited to a single element, and they had weak foundations for spell casting. While I had no doubt that wyverns would grow to be great allies to me in the future I doubted their power would surpass what a dragon was capable of in the long run, but a wyvern could still become a force on the battlefield. Even if they were limited to a single element.

They shouldn't have any problem fusing, and maybe even reaching the domination stage of elemental control given enough time, and proper instruction. They had a steeper learning curve then humans so it should be possible to train them in magic quickly with minimal instruction. My wings twitched as I settled into a quiet comfortable position to rest. I could feel Vermillion's genuine appreciation for what I'd done for her. I'd cemented her alliance with me by making her stronger.

I was glad that the wyverns that had developed intelligence had a similar strength seeking culture to that of the lizardmen. They'd get along well. I swiped away the blinking notification again. I'd been ignoring it since I'd woken up. It appeared that I'd leveled up while I was out cold.

It kept popping up every five minutes.

Congratulations. User has reached level thirty. User has reached required threshold for evolution. Evolution is not possible until user returns to Earth. User will not be able to level up until evolution is completed.

I wasn't maxed out for level thirty XP yet. I wasn't in any real hurry. I didn't want to run it over like the last time my level was stuck. I'd rather continue leveling up. I was worried about this evolution.

Jax, and Ethan both ended up tucked in close to my body. I was the only safe source of heat out here. I dropped my wing down around them. Holding more heat in for them.

"You treat them like younglings," Vermillion looked at me strangely.

"They've helped me survive for a long time now," I smirked, "They have earned my kindness."

She looked at me strangely again. She didn't think of humans as kind. I understood that was what she was taught, and for the most part I agreed.

"Humans do not deserve kindness like this," she snorted.

"Normally I'd agree with you," I huffed, "But some of them can surprise you."

Ethan was halfway listening to the conversation. Jax was completely focused on staying warm. My wings trembled as I looked outside. My senses were telling me there was movement outside the cavern. Movement that wasn't snow or wind.

My alertness drew Vermillion's attention. Ethan debated on coming out from under my wing. I warned him to stay there until we were sure that this was an enemy. My muscles were tense. If it was the male returning then we'd be fine.

If it was something else. We'd all have a problem. I bared my teeth quietly. I could be mistaken for a wyvern at a glance right now, but that wouldn't last very long. Nothing else about me was similar to a wyvern.

They'd notice the difference between us just as quickly as humans, and apes. The kill that was thrown into the cavern on his first pass told me that the male was back. If I'd had the strength then I would have pounced that meal the instant I laid eyes on it. The male had to circle again so he could come in for a landing in the rough winds. His talons gripped the frozen ground outside of the cavern before he rushed inside.

Collapsing onto the cavern floor. He'd taken a beating. I debated on helping him by healing him, but I was already waiting on my damaged core to heal. Pushing myself further would just delay my recovery further. Besides the male wasn't in any danger.

Most of the bleeding had stopped, and the wounds weren't that deep. He'd be fine without my help. I drug the corpse over to me, and dug in. It was a large corpse. I wouldn't be able to eat it all.

I'd offer it to the male first. Vermillion could have whatever he didn't eat after that. She wasn't particularly hungry. She would have taken the food from me if she was. The male was obviously thinking of doing that now.