
Elsewhere 6: Point of Divergence.

The cylinder glass tube ascended whilst the mask fell free from his face, nevertheless, he still felt something on his face, another mask? Did he surfer burns? Instinctively, he knew he had to escape. His first step off the tube caused him to fall. He was in no control of his legs. They just wouldn't cooperate. He staggered to his feet with the help of a chair. He noticed that his arms were replaced with some sort of metallic material. His arms felt normal, however, they looked like something out of a Marvel movie.

"Jason…", called a woman. Athena, it was her voice. She was on the other side of the observation glass. He was right, he was a lab experiment. "Jason, what you are feeling is normal", she assured. The Kill Squad Leader didn't know what to believe. He didn't know the woman behind the glass called Athena, he didn't know who Jason was, either.

Suddenly, everything began to fall into place. It's as if his equalizer was automatically arranged to his hype. He launched himself to the door with a Spartan kick, blowing the guards that were On The Other side.

The remaining guards attempted to stop him but, he was too quick, too nimble. His nimbleness surprised him. His ability to anticipate every attack bewildered him as it occurred. "Jason!", Athena cried after him, however, he kept running, leaving a pile of injured guards behind him as he went.

Athena ran after him, "don't hurt him", she ordered the guards. She followed him up the stairs, across the sixty-sixth floor, all the way to the roof. For a normal human b, being he should have been exhausted. Nevertheless, he wasn't, he was a human being who had reached his highest potential and then mutated. Athena knew how special he was. He was the only one to survive the experiment. That's the reason why she accepted the offer in the first place.

Athena was a scientist; she knew that with a tinge of bio-nanorobotics, she could cure cancer, end all wars, and Jason was living proof that she could resurrect the dead. The mirth on her face was priceless as she ascended the stairs for the roof. "are you alright?", she asked a guard, "he broke my spine", the guard cried as he gritted his teeth in excruciating pain. "you'll be alright", she assured him. "at least know you have earned your upgrade. All of you", she added.

Athena heard gunshots from the roof. She hid behind the steel door that gave way to the roof terrace, trying to avoid getting shot by the idiot who was trying to destroy her six billion USD dollar project gone successful, "who ordered the military charter!", she bellowed into her earpiece. "your father, doctor", replied a woman.

This was her baby, not her father's. she invested too much to leave it in the hand of instant panic. "this is Doctor Athena Eisenhower. Ceasefire or… face the consequences", the threatening tone in her voice dismayed her. "Athena!", a man called her via the earpiece. "father, you are breaking our agreement. Call off your trigger happy apes, or I will walk straight into crossfire!", Athena warned her father.

"The nanites in your blood heal you so fast, you are practically bulletproof", she said as she stepped onto the roof terrace that was covered by gravel. She couldn't help but smile, her work paid off. "who are you? Why am I here and what have you done to me?", he asked.

"Jason, listen to me carefully", she said. "I need you to come to me. Get away from the edge, please", she begged. "Lady, answer the question. And what is this on my face? My arms… Why do I sound like Darth Vader?", he cried.

"Jason, I'll answer all your questions, but first, please, step away from the edge", she urged him. He laughed, "what are you worried about? You don't want to lose your science experiment!", the rage in his voice was savage and resentful. "Jason, please… I don't want to lose you again", she sobbed.

"my hands… why is my body vibrating", he asked in bewilderment. "you absorbed the kinetic energy. You will have to redistribute it soon", Athena warned. "or what?", he asked. "Jason, why do you always have to be stubborn?... please step away from the edge", she cried.

"you said I'm bulletproof right?", he asked rhetorically, "what happens if I jump? it's a long way down", he chuckled, which surprised him. Was it a familiar expression? he thought to himself.

"Jason, this was the only way to bring you back. I couldn't lose you. I just couldn't", she sobbed, "especially not to them, not to those savages", "savages?", he asked. "the Apostles. They have the cure to eradicate cancer, end global hunger, eradicate poverty, and, end all wars. What do they do with such knowledge? They hide it like a priceless jewel", she spat.

Athena resented the Apostles, although, not for the same reasons as her family or District 6, or, the Bearers of Light. She loathed them because they had what she dedicated her entire life to search; one solution to all problems. They had so much power and they never used it, well, at least not for those beyond the borders of their eluded world.

"Jason, please. Return to me", she begged him. "why did you need to keep me alive?", he asked. "because… ", she struggled to express those words. Athena was never good with sentiments. She struggled to express her feelings. Her nose was always under books. She was surprised that a man would find her attractive. Firstly, she couldn't hold nor start a single normal conversation without talking about nuclear contamination and global warming. Secondly, only one man could tolerate her eccentric nature.

"Jason… you are my husband. Jason, I'm your wife… I love you. I… I … I can't lose you, not again. So please, step away from the edge and come to me", she felt whole the moment she mustered the courage to say those words.

Jason took a step forward, "no!", Athena cried. The nanites could no longer hold the kinetic energy in his body and redistributed the energy. The effect caused an explosion that ricocheted Jason over the edge. "Jason!", Athena cried.