
The Anomaly: Arise

After a horrific astronomical event that almost desimated the entire world, an era where inhumane abilities called "Anomalies" are coming into the light. A group of individuals aims to survive against the force of the military which is totally against this humanity's step to evolution. The leaders of the Five Major Nations (Grand Britain, New America, Noble Asia, Gallant Africa and Proud Russia) are expected to cultivate peace among all citizens but it is a question of their willingness to accomplish this goal. Are they up for this difficult task? Anonymous figures have been doing their own agendas in the shadows as well may it be for the better or for the worse towards mankind. What are they willing to sacrifice to achieve their goals?

JayceClaymore · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
48 Chs

Roaring Lion

As soon as Luna left, the tension between the mentors and their students built up and intensified every second passed most specially between Beast and Zythandra. Even without words being said between two parties, it's evident that no one is planning to back down. Beast and his team are standing firm on their cause to go to Leo City while Zythandra and Calcipher are aiming to bring them back to Hill House as per the Professor's directive.

"Let us through or else." Beast threatened.

"Or else what, Beast?" Zythandra asked. "You'll beat us up? That's a good joke." She added then laughed sarcastically.

"Don't underestimate us. We've improved from these past few months. We'll make you eat dust." Beast responded aggressively.

"Now you're threatening us. Bring it!" Zythandra replied then she got into her attack stance.

"Whoa! Keep it down a notch, Z. The Professor said to not harm them." Calcipher said.

"Cal, calm down. I will not harm them. Too much that is." Zythandra replied.

Pandora, Reaper and Calcipher is obviously against the five of them fighting but not Beast and Zythandra. The tension between the two of them continuous to intensify making the atmosphere even heavier. Their sharp glares can most likely kill even the smallest of insects like a random fly hovering by from their colleague's standpoint. Beast and Zythandra continue to closely glare at each other as if their anticipating each other moves and formulate a counterattack in any given chance.

"Hey Pandora and Reaper, we should sit it out until the two of them finish dealing whatever it is they need to deal with." Calcipher said.

'Wait. I'm kind of confused. Aren't going to fight us too?" Reaper asked.

"Are you kidding me? Just seat your bums down before I change my mind. Both of you couldn't defeat me even if you attack me at once." Calcipher commented.

"Thank goodness. Don't tell Zythandra but you're now my favorite mentor. I couldn't imagine fighting and even winning against either of you." Pandora said.

"Oh, don't flatter me too much. Just sit down you two or you'll really make me change my mind." Calcipher responded.

"Fine. Thanks, I guess." Reaper replied.

"Reaper, do not nullify my Anomaly whatever happens!" Beast instructed. "Same goes with you, Pandora. Don't even think of suppressing my Anomaly." He added. Reaper and Pandora didn't have any choice but to nod in agreement.

Beast suddenly transformed into a complete raging gorilla which surprised everyone aside from Zythandra as if she knew this is going to happen, so she just smirked to provoke him even more. He immediately charges towards Zythandra and made his first attack but she effortlessly dodges it. He continued with his series of powerful punches and kicks, but she also continued to dodge them as if she's just dancing around an enraged wild gorilla.

"Z looks so graceful. She didn't make an attack yet, but it seems she got the upper hand." Calcipher commented.

"Beast just looks like he's doing some shadow boxing." Reaper said.

"Zythandra isn't even breaking a sweat yet." Pandora said.

Beast and Zythandra continued with their fight. He continued to not land a clean hit, so he decided to throw come crates at her, but she continued to effortlessly dodge all of them as usual. She displayed mastery in her body and movements that she can dodge an attack even if it's not in her direct line of sight. Beast strength is impressive but Zythandra's dexterity is even more eye-catching. Everyone knew that once she made her first attack, this fight will surely be at its end.

"You want to make a bet? I'll go with Z obviously. You two go with Beast." Calcipher said enthusiastically.

"I-I don't know about that." Reaper reluctantly responded.

"Zythandra hasn't even broken a sweat yet. Beast on the other, I don't even want to comment anymore." Pandora replied.

"Guys, do you have popcorn?" Calcipher asked. "This might take a while." He added.

"We don't." Reaper responded.

"Oh, never mind. I have some left here in my jacket. Here have some!" Calcipher said as he handed some popcorn to Reaper and Pandora.

"Thanks." Pandora

The very exhilarating fight between Beast and Zythandra is nearing its end when everyone noticed that Beast is starting to catch his breath and his Anomaly is becoming unstable. There are random points in the fight that one or even two of his limbs are reverting to his original form. He's movements became more erratic even more so his attacks. Crates and barrels are flying all around the place not just aimed towards Zythandra but to where the rest of their comrades are.

"Pandora, look out!" Reaper shrieked as one of the barrels Beast threw is flying towards Pandora. He quickly rushed in front of her to act as her shield.

"I got that." Calcipher said. He then dropped what's left of his popcorn and swiftly ran in front of Reaper and Pandora to parry the incoming barrel with one of his arnis batons. "You're welcome."

"Thank you, Calcipher." Pandora responded.

"You didn't need to do that. I could've deflected that barrel myself." Reaper commented.

"Sure, you could've. You've could've nullified that barrel from being launched towards the two of you." Calcipher teased. "No, I'm just kidding. I knew you could, but my reflexes just did its thing. I know you'll understand, right?"

"Yeah, sure." Reaper replied reluctantly.

"This fight is boring me. I'll save you further embarrassment, Beast." Zythandra said.

This statement enflamed Beast even more so, with whatever's left of his energy, he mustered all his remaining strength and transformed into a form that he doesn't use that often. He transformed into a vicious lion. This made the fight even more thrilling because it's unusual for him to transform into his lion form. However, Zythandra decided to end the fight moments ago so that's what she'll do. She grabbed something from her waist and as she raised her arm, she revealed a dagger-like needle that she usually used in her assignments before back in the Faction.

"This is the climax of their fight guys! Watch closely." Calcipher commented.

Zythandra gracefully threw her needle at the incoming outraging lion. Beast is closing but she seemed to have no plans in evading this time. Before Beast can approach his pouncing distance, he suddenly stopped his rampage and eventually dropping to the ground. In shock, Pandora and Reaper ran towards Beast to check on him. Pandora and Reaper didn't have to nullify or suppress Beast's Anomaly as he transformed himself into his original form. He then revealed a sweaty and out of breath him to his comrades.

"Z, isn't that needle poisoned?" Calcipher came asking while frantically running towards them. "We're so going to die if the Professor learned about this." He mentioned while panicking.

"You poisoned him?" Reaper exclaimed.

"Beast, stay with us!" Pandora shrieked as she held him in her arms.

"Don't need to be dramatic everyone. I just paralyzed him. He'll come around after a few minutes." Zythandra explained.

"T-Th-The f-fight i-i-isn't o-over ye-yet!" Beast is trying his hard to comment.

"Don't full yourself, Beast. The fight is over even before it's started." Zythandra pointed out.

Beast couldn't do anything because of his injuries and most specially the embarrassment he got from his fight with one of his mentors. He really thought that he improved enough from the past few months they've been training to defeat one of them, but it turned out that he's still not strong enough. He then dropped his head to the concrete floor as he ponders on his humiliating defeat which made a loud thud that shocked his comrades. Then, a faint sobbing sound was heard from him.

"Is he crying? Is Beast crying?" Calcipher asked excitedly. "Holy cow, he is!" He exclaimed.

"I am! Happy now?" Beast thought as he glared at their mentors. Pandora happened to link everyone's mind to each other. "I have to go to our village and the two of you or even the Professor himself can't stop me." He then started to crawl his way out of the storage place.

"Should we just carry him as we all go back to the Hill House?" Reaper asked.

"Thanks for volunteering, Reaper. You should carry him all the way back there." Calcipher responded.

"Wait, what? Aren't you going to help me carry him?" Reaper asked.

"You know that we travelled all the way here to look for the three of you. I'm too tired to carry someone. Thanks! You're my favorite student now." Calcipher replied cheekily.

"Hold on one second." Zythandra suddenly said.

"What is it, Zythandra?" Pandora asked.

"I've changed my mind. I'll let you go and go to Leo City." Zythandra announced which shocked everyone and made Beast stopped from crawling.

"What?" Everyone said in shock.

"After everything we've been through these past few hours, you'll just let them go like that?" Calcipher shrieked. "We're are so going to get killed by the Professor!"

"Stop yapping, Cal. I'll deal with the Professor." Zythandra responded.

"But what made you change your mind?" Reaper asked.

"I just feel like it." Zythandra replied.

"Did you hear that, Beast? Zythandra will let us go to your town!" Pandora exclaimed.

"I just couldn't read your mind sometimes which is pretty scary if you ask me, Z." Calcipher commented.

"You should leave after the paralyzing agent wear off. We'll deal with the mob and the military." Zythandra said.

"We will? How?" Calcipher responded in shock.

"Just roll with it, Cal. Let's go!" Zythandra exclaimed then the two of them left the place.

"What's the deal with those two?" Reaper asked. "They looked for us for who knows how many hours then they left after they cornered us. I didn't know they have their weird sides."

"Let's not question them. Let's just be thankful that Zythandra changed her mind and Calcipher went along with it." Pandora responded.

Pandora patched Beast's bruises up with the first aid kit she brought with them while Reaper is standing guard just in case some other unprecedented event comes their way. The two of them are also on alert just in case the thugs from earlier wake up. The two of them may be skilled in combat but they knew that they'll have a hard time dealing with all of them at once unlike their mentors. So, Reaper decided to take and hide their weapons. Then, he tied them all up in a pillar nearby.

"I'm fine now. Thanks, Pandora." Beast said.

"Are you sure you're okay? You can't even stand up straight yet." Pandora responded.

"He said his fine, Pandora. We should get going now. The longer we stay here, the higher the chance something bad will happen." Reaper replied.

Pandora shared the map of the city she got from Luna's mind to Reaper. Reaper then formulated all possible scenarios that might happen on their way outside the Virgo City and towards Leo City. Earlier when their mentors left, the angry mobs' squeals seemed to die down. Even the city alarm stopped ringing. Reaper suggested to go to Leo City by the sea since they have a lot of boats to take at the pier at first, but he realized that it's a lot dangerous if they caught while sailing. So, they went to the outskirts of the city.

"Are you doing well back there, Beast?" Pandora asked.

"I promise I'm fine. Don't mind me." Beast responded while holding his right arm in pain.

"Sorry, guys. I didn't know the outskirts of the city would be almost a full-blown forest." Reaper replied.

They continued to watch the heart of the city while they leave. The sirens are still being heard from afar but it's faint and the events appeared to be resumed despite the news of a hostile Anomaly is at large. The public really trust the military force that much that they believe that once the Anomaly was seen, the Keepers and nearby Sentries will undoubtedly capture him/her. Not too long after, they got to the road leading to Leo City.

The three of them didn't have any other choice but to traverse the path towards Leo City in the rest of the dead of night. It seemed that Beast couldn't walk the entire way to the next city, so he decided to transform into a cat and let Pandora carry him all the way. Luckily, a carriage passed by and the coachman is kind enough to take them with him since he's going to the same city as well.

"What a cute couple you are. You ran away with some few things with you and your beloved cat." The coachman assumed. "Where are you lovebirds heading?" He asked.

"Oh, n-no we're not a cou-" Reaper is about to comment but cut off as Pandora tugged his shirt. "Yes, kind sir. We're runaways and we want to start anew in Leo City." He said then Beast hissed while in his cat form.

"Holy stars! That's where I'm dropping my cargo as well. Why don't you two ride along with me? I could use some company." The coachman suggested cheerfully.

"Thank you, sir." Reaper responded then he and Pandora entered the carriage.

Pandora didn't stop their link since back in the pier. Reaper was intrigued about the old and oddly cheerful coachman that he continued to hold long conversations with him, but the coachman seemed to be nice guy. On the other hand, Beast seemed to be familiar with the guy. He said that he saw the coachman's face somewhere in the past, but he couldn't completely recall where it is. So, Reaper continued to hold conversations with the coachman since he's the only one who can at this point.

"Tobi, right? Is your girlfriend asleep? Why doesn't she join us in our conversation?" The coachman said.

"She's just a very shy lady, Mr. Khaz'za." Reaper responded.

"Oh, I see. She seemed to be a kind lady. You should take care of her and guard her with your life. Don't be like me." Mr. Khaz'za replied with an obvious change of his tone.

"Like you? What do you mean, Mr. Khaz'za? If you don't mind me asking that is." Reaper replied in confusion.

"I was once in love you know. I was once in love to a very shy woman much like your girlfriend. But, she's now in the heavens." Mr. Khaz'za commented.

"I'm so sorry to hear that, Mr. Khaz'za."

"Don't apologize, boy. You were not the one who killed her. It was once of that monstrous kind."

"That monstrous kind? Are you saying she was killed by an Anomaly?"

"Yes, them!" Mr. Khaz'za confirmed this surprised Reaper and the rest of them. "When I see whoever killed my love or anyone in their kind for that matter, I will kill them myself even if it going to be the death of me. Oh, I'm sorry. I got carried away back there."

Mr. Khaz'za proceeded to share the story about him and his late lover. He confirmed that his lover was from the infamous Ojibwe Clan and was one of those who became one of the victims of the brutal massacre. She happened to be a distant relative of the main family which is Beast's family and the coachman were part of a decent family which is residing back in the capital of the Nation, Gemini City.

This revelation made everyone surprised specially Beast. He was so astonished that he subconsciously jumped back to his original from being in his cat form. He was about to confront Mr. Khaz'za to further question him about everything he knew about the Ojibwe Clan Massacre, but he was immediately stopped Reaper and Pandora. They then convinced him to go back into his cat form to avoid any kind of conflict with the coachman.

"Everything alright back there?" Mr. Khaz'za asked.

"We're fine, Mr. Khaz'za. The cat just got excited for some reason." Reaper responded.

"Pets can be unpredictable but they sure are cute." Mr. Khaz'za cheerfully replied.

Mr. Khaz'za continued with his tale of their love then quickly switched to his hatred towards his lover's killer. But he also said that he believes the rumor that spread throughout the Gallant and the neighboring nations about the prince and the princess of the Ojibwe Clan not becoming a victim of the horrifying massacre. He also confirmed that a much darker rumor that's being heard but less believed by the masses. It was said that the prince and the princess was the ones who were behind the massacre and their disappearance is just them escaping from the law. This rumored made Beast hiss in disbelief.

"We're finally here, lovebirds!" Mr. Khaz'za announced as soon as they reach the entrance of Leo City. "Do you want me to take you to whatever village you want to settle in?"

"You can drop us here, Mr. Khaz'za. Thank you very much for your kindness." Reaper replied. "Safe travels!"

"Live a long and happy life for me and my beloved you two!" Mr. Khaz'za said then he continued his trail farther into the City for his cargo. "See you around."

"He's gone, Beast. You can go back to normal now." Reaper said.

"I know." Beast responded after he reverted to his human form.

"Anything you want to share before we go into the city? Just to be safe that's all." Pandora commented.

It turned out that Beast does have some few pointers and some additional information about Leo City. One commonly known fact about the city is it's divided into fourteen different villages. The thirteen villages are home for the richest clans of the nation and the fourteenth village is home for the Chieftain who governs the entire nation together with his family and their dozens of servants. All the clans have animal insignias and the Ojibwe Clan, Beast's clan, is bearing the insignia of the Roaring Lion until they were all annihilated.

Beast continued explaining that each clan runs other cities. The clan who bears the Soaring Eagle insignia governs Libra City, the clan who bears the Vexing Shark insignia governs Scorpio City, and the clan who bears the Prowling Tiger insignia governs Virgo City etc. As for the Ojibwe Clan, they were governing Gemini City. After the massacre The Chieftain took Gemini City under his direct jurisdiction not just because he can't appoint any other clan run the city but also because it's the capital city of the Gallant.

"Wow! I just realized that the history and culture of your nation is so rich." Reaper commented.

"It is. My home nation also has a rich history but not as rich as this." Pandora replied.

"Not really. We should go now. The more we stay in the open, the more dangerous it is." Beast said. "Come on. Our village should just be east of the city."

They walked towards Beast's village and it went as peaceful as it can be until they got to the village. As soon as they walked in, they were welcomed by dozens of crows flying around the area. As the rumors tell, no one living was left in their village. The only ones left were the wild animals inhabited the village. The three of them roamed around until they saw the monument the Chieftain asked to build to commemorate the dead.

"You didn't tell us that the villages here in Leo City are this lavish." Reaper commented as they witness first hand that the establishments in the village are more modern looking than he expected.

"What are you expecting to see huts, stables and grasslands everywhere?" Reaper asked. "I already told you that city is a hotspot of the richest clans in the nation and the Chieftain has his very own village here."

"The village is so beautiful." Pandora commented.

"It's more beautiful when the village is full of life." Beast muttered to himself.

"What?" Reaper asked.

"Did you say anything?" Pandora asked.

"Nothing." Beast responded. "Come. Let's go see our mansion." He suggested to change the topic.

"No way! You were living in a mansion here." Reaper shrieked in excitement. "You really are a royalty!"

"Reaper, tone it down." Pandora scolded.

At the edge of village stands the Ojibwe Mansion where Beast and the rest of the Main Family used to reside. They were welcomed by the grandness stature of the entire property. From the pathway they walked on, they say a majestic fountain at the very middle of the property. Then, they saw a pond to there right which is filled with fish and a family of ducks. Also, they saw a beautiful courtyard on their left.

"I know what you're thinking, Reaper. Do not ruin the mood. Beast is mourning." Pandora discreetly commented.

"I'm doing my best. This place is just so awesome. I never knew Beast and his clan was this wealthy." Reaper responded discreetly as well.

It took them minutes to actually get to the main entrance of the mansion. Pandora and Reaper didn't realize how tiring the walk was from the gate of the property to the actual entrance of their home until they stopped because the surrounding is so mesmerizing. It's like a scene from movie or from a captivating article from a magazine. Beast was surprised that the lock of the mansion wasn't changed so they were able to enter their former home with such ease.

"We'll let you be on your own for a while, Beast. I know you need it." Pandora said. "Reaper, let's go."

"Oh, okay." Reaper responded in shock but went with Pandora anyway.

"Just call out to us if you need anything." Pandora said.

"Sure. Thank you." Beast replied.

Pandora and Reaper stayed at the first floor of the mansion to explore while Beast headed to the next floor above where his, his sister's and his parents' rooms are. Pandora and Reaper are fascinated of what they were seeing because at almost every turn, they were seeing something extraordinary. While Beast on the other hand is somehow relieved that none of their things seemed to not be touched at all.

"The whole village including this mansion seemed to be frozen in time that everything is kept intact." Reaper commented. "It doesn't feel like a tragedy happened here."

"I understand what you mean but let's be sensitive to Beast's feelings. He's very vulnerable right now." Pandora responded.

"I know, I know. I'm just saying that this whole place is so out there. You know what I mean?" Reaper replied. "I'm starting to wonder how the other villages look like."

The three continued with their exploring until they all decided to take a breather. Beast decided to relax at the sundeck on the third floor of the mansion and Pandora and Reaper decided to take a breather with him. It's evident that Beast was grieving but as usual, he keeps his emotions bottled up inside him. Pandora and Reaper couldn't do anything about it but let him be and just be there for him however they can.

"Here, take some." Reaper said as he handed some sandwiches they got from the previous city.

"Thank you." Beast responded. He's usual angst isn't being felt by his friends.

"If you don't mind me asking, Beast. What do you plan to do now that we finally got here in your village?" Pandora asked.

"I want to visit their graves wherever they were buried and pay my respects." Beast replied. "I was not able to when I was still here so I'll do it now. It may be too late but I hope it still counts."

"You're fine, Beast. Trust me." Pandora responded. "Let's go find their graves later."

"I saved us some time." Reaper proudly said. "I saw the graves. I think." He stated sounding doubtful now.

"Where?" Beast asked.

"There at the foot at that mountain far north. Aren't those graves?" Reaper pointed out. He pertaining a mountain not too far from the mansion. "You can make out a huge cross among them. Do you see it?"

"I think you're right." Beast responded. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!"

"Wait!" Pandora shrieked. "We're not alone anymore."

"What do you mean? Are you saying there were survivors of the massacre? Is one of them my sister?" Beast asked which confused which slightly confused Pandora and Reaper but they shrugged it off due to the incoming danger. Beast was supposed to be aware that her sister is currently in the Coven.

"No. I'm sensing malice from them." Pandora responded.

"They must be thieves." Beast said.

"How many are there?" Reaper asked.

"There's six of them. Two just came in from the main entrance, two came in from the back and the other two stayed at the gate." Pandora confirmed.

"I'll handle the four who are already in the mansion. Reaper, you go handle those at the gate." Beast instructed. "Pandora, stay here."

"On it!" Reaper responded.

"No! I can fight so let me." Pandora firmly said.

"It's too dangerous." Beast replied.

"I don't need your permission. I am going to fight." Pandora stated.

"Let's just let her. She can handle herself." Reaper commented.

"Fine. You two can handle the four who are in the mansion already. It's up to you who will you face. Then, I'll handle the two at the entrance." Beast interacted. "Let's meet up at the entrance after."

"Sounds good. Let's go!" Reaper exclaimed then the three of them scattered. Beast transformed into his falcon form to quickly get to the gate while he and Pandora sprinted back in the mansion to find the intruders.

Beast was the first one to reach the intruders. Without the intruders knowing, Beast transformed into his complete gorilla form only just having the intention to scare them off but the intruders pulled out guns so he doesn't have any other choice but to defend himself. He instinctively shrugged the guns out of the intruders' hands and quickly showered them with punches while their not on guard. His goal is to just knock them down so he's trying his best to pull his punches. He eventually succeeded in knocking them out.

"They have guns!" Beast announced through Pandora's Anomaly.

Not too long after, Pandora and Reaper found the other intruders. Since he already knew that the intruders are armed, he didn't charge at them head on but he stealthily closed in on them. Without much effort, he was able to make the two intruders who entered from the back of the mansion unconscious without much work. Same goes with Pandora, this may be her first actual fight but she was able to empower her enemies without anyone else's help.

"I've handled the intruders on my side." Reaper confirmed.

"I'm done with mine as well." Pandora confirmed.

"Great job! Let's go to the entrance. Reaper go grab those intruder's will tie them up." Beast said.

"What? Are you kidding me? I'll carry these two at the entrance?" Reaper complained.

"Do I sound like I'm kidding? Yes, carry them back at the entrance." Beast responded.

"Fine! I'm carrying them now." Reaper replied.

The three of them finally met at the entrance then Beast and Reaper placed their defeated intruders to where Pandora placed hers then Beast was able to find a rope from the garage nearby to tie them up with. Pandora tried sensing their surroundings once again to see if there's anyone else around with the same wrongful intentions but everything seemed to be clear so far so they have decided to go to graveyard Reaper saw earlier.

"Wait! Should we just leave then here?" Reaper asked.

"Right. Go get that wooden cart back at the garage. I have an idea." Beast said.

"Don't tell me you're going to have me carry six of them using that wooden cart." Reaper responded.

"I wasn't planning to but if you don't shut up, that's what I'll have you do." Beast commented.

"Reaper, Beast plans to transform into a buffalo so he can carry the wooden cart along with the intruders across the village." Pandora explained.

"Oh, I see. Sorry about. I'll be getting that wooden cart now." Reaper responded slightly embarrassed.

Beast and Reaper were able to put the intruders on the wooden cart then Beast transformed into his buffalo form to carry the cart and went out to go to the graveyard. Beast let Pandora and Reaper ride on his back on the way. It turned out that the main tracks that start from Beast's village and go directly to the graveyard is blocked by fallen trees for some reason so they decided to find an alternative way. They then found another way to get to the graveyard which is at the next village so they headed there without any hesitations.

While passing through the next village which happened to be they're neighboring clan who bears the Raging Bull insignia, they noticed that the villagers are intently staring at them then at the unconscious intruders they carrying and back at them at them. It went on for a while until they saw wanted posters that have the intruders' faces on them so they decided to surrender them to the authorities of the village. They didn't want too much attention so they didn't even stay too long for the price money. Beast then discreetly transformed into a horse and he let Pandora and Reaper ride on so they can leave the village as soon as possible.

"We're here!" Reaper announced.

"You can both get off now." Beast said in his horse form.

"Oh, sorry." Pandora responded then she quickly pulled Reaper so they can get off of Beast.

Beast then hurriedly find his parents graves. Pandora and Reaper offered their help but Beast didn't let them for some reason. At this point, Beast couldn't contain his pain any longer as he started crying and it doesn't matter to him anymore if his friends saw him. Amongst all the graves that mostly has their insignia and family name, he eventually found his parents' graves. This triggers the rest of his bottled up emotions as he even screamed to ease up a bit. Pandora and Reaper don't have any other choice but to comfort their friend.