
The Anger Of Asura

If the world is going to be against me, I will flip the world upside down. So, don't anger me because if I get angry, I don't know what I will do. I will slaughter anybody who blocks my path, even If It is God.

ASURABOY · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
43 Chs

Su Lin's Surprise

As Asura was going to rest at his place, he heard massive cheering so he turned around. When he turned around, he found that the cheering was for Su lin, one of the most beautiful girl in the Xiao sect which caused so much stir among the audience, especially the male audience.

Asura didn't expect her match to be just after his own, so he found his sister who was enjoying every match. Asura sat beside her in the spectator seats to watch Su Lin's match.

When Xie Ling noticed Asura, she excitedly said "Big brother, your match was awesome and you even defeated a spiritual attack with a Battle Skill attack. I have never seen anything like that before."

Asura gave Xie Ling a head pat and said "Get used to it, you will see more of it in the future."

Xie Ling nodded and both started to observe the stage.

Su Lin entered the stage and her opponent also entered the stage. His opponent's name was Kallu but Asura did not dare underestimate him because he knew Kallu was one of the most talented fighters at his level.

Kallu had never lost a match against opponents from his own stage cultivation realm until now, similar to Asura. Asura could not get a chance to fight him before because Kallu had always been some cultivation stage above him, and Kallu did not fight anyone of a lower cultivation level due to his pride, just like Asura. However, now both of them were in the Spiritual Realm, although Asura doubted whether Kallu was also only in the second stage or below.

If Kallu was at the same level as him, Asura thought he could gain more experience by defeating him. But if Kallu was below his level, Kallu would remain undefeated at that stage realm.

Asura thought this because, in recent months, he had broken through cultivation stages very quickly. If he had cultivated at his normal speed, he would not have been able to catch up with Kallu, let alone surpass him. Therefore, he had a feeling that he might have caught up to Kallu's cultivation level, if not surpassed him.

The match started and Kallu said, "I didn't expect that my first match would be with you, who had the 10th rank in the previous year's Temper Realm competition."

Su Lin replied, "I am flattered, but if you had participated in the previous year's Temper Realm competition, you could have earned a top 10 rank as well."

Kallu said, "Let's not talk about the past and simply enjoy the fight."

Su Lin nodded. Both took up their fighting stances and released their auras. Now Asura could feel their cultivation levels. Kallu was at the second stage of the spiritual realm, just like him. However, Asura was surprised to feel that Su Lin's cultivation realm was at the third stage of the spiritual realm, making her one of the strongest cultivators participating in the Spiritual Realm competition.

Then Asura thought about the mysterious smile Su Lin had given him. So that was the surprise she had wanted to give him. But Asura was not surprised as much, due to her cultivation breakthrough. He was surprised because her cultivation level seemed quite stable, which meant she had broken through to the third level of the cultivation realm long ago. This was quite frightening, even though she had quite a high cultivation talent.

Kallu did not panic when he saw his opponent had a better cultivation level than him. Instead, he was filled with anticipation and said, "Don't lower your cultivation level to match mine, otherwise I will take that as an insult."

Su Lin replied, "I was going to lower my cultivation level but now I don't think I will be able to do that. But it will become easier for me to defeat you if I use my current cultivation level. Are you really sure about that?"

Kallu replied, "Don't worry about that and go on."

With a boom, they started to fight, exchanging hundreds of moves imbued with spiritual energy. But Kallu was able to hold his own against Su Lin, showing that his prowess at the same stage level was not just talk. He had the strength to match her.

After hundreds of exchanges, they stopped. Su Lin said, "After a few moves, I could tell I could use my real strength on you without accidentally killing you."

Kallu replied, "I know you were holding back, so give it your all because I am not going to hold back."

Kallu began gathering his martial energy, revealing that he intended to use his famed Battle Skill technique "Running Bull." With this skill, he had defeated many opponents at the same cultivation level and even kill other people. However, those were in life-or-death matches, illustrating the potency of this technique.

Su Lin did not dare underestimate Kallu's Battle skill. She too began gathering her martial energy, preparing to use her Battle skill technique called "Rainbow Unicorn." Not only was it a powerful technique, but a beautiful one as well.

Kallu unleashed his "Running Bull" as Su Lin countered with her "Rainbow Unicorn." Their techniques collided in a dazzling display of martial prowess and willpower. The arena trembled under the force of their battle as spectators watched in awe at the clash between these two mighty cultivators.

While Su Lin had the advantage with her higher cultivation level, Kallu's "Running Bull" technique, experience battling opponents of higher levels, and indomitable spirit gave him a fighting chance. The outcome of this match was still uncertain as the two continued to supply their martial energy into their Battle skill, pushing each other to their limits.

Asura thought after witnessing this scene: "The real match has just begun."