

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

The Strong Rank 6 Magical Beast.

The tiger-like magical beast glared at them with ferocity, clearly displeased by their intrusion. It roared angrily at them before leaping over their heads, its massive form casting a menacing shadow.

Juliet instinctively sought shelter behind Romeo, using him as a shield. Meanwhile, Romeo, recognizing the dire threat posed by this extraordinary creature, wasted no time in gathering his spiritual energy. The immense pressure emanating from the magical beast confirmed that it was indeed above rank 5, likely the rumored rank 6 magical beast of the Dark Forest.

As the rank 6 magical beast descended upon them, Romeo shouted, "Erase!" and unleashed the full strength of his spiritual attack. Unlike his previous encounter with Asura, where he had held back to some extent, this time he unleashed the attack without restraint.

In the past, when Romeo had faced Asura, he had used only 50% of the attack's original strength, believing it sufficient to deal with his opponent. However, Asura had managed to survive by tapping into his hidden strength. But now, facing the might of Romeo's full-powered spiritual attack, even Asura with his hidden strength would find it exceedingly difficult to defend.

The purple beam of energy shot forth, aimed directly at the rank 6 magical beast. In response, the magical beast roared once more, but this time, its roar was infused with spiritual energy. With just a roar, the spiritual attack unleashed by Romeo was nullified, dispersing into the surrounding air.

The situation grew even more dire as the magical beast landed gracefully, its eyes locking onto Romeo with a newfound intensity. It appeared that their adversary was not only incredibly powerful but possessed a deep understanding of spiritual energy manipulation.

Romeo's heart raced as he realized that they were now facing an opponent unlike any they had encountered before. Juliet, still trembling behind him, whispered urgently, "What do we do now, Romeo?"

Romeo, his mind racing, knew that they had to come up with a strategy quickly if they had any hope of surviving this encounter with the enigmatic and formidable rank 6 magical beast of the Dark Forest.

As the rank 6 magical beast of the Dark Forest fixed its gaze upon Romeo, its eyes seemed to hold a knowing intelligence. It was evident that this creature was no ordinary beast, but a formidable entity with vast experience and power.

Romeo's mind raced for a plan. He knew that his previous attack had failed spectacularly, and facing this magical beast head-on with brute force was not an option. He whispered to Juliet, "We need to find a way to distract it, to buy us some time to think."

Juliet nodded, her eyes wide with fear but determination. "But how do we distract such a powerful creature?" But, in reality, she was thinking of using Romeo as bait and running away from this place as quickly as possible. But then, she rejected this idea; she had invested too much in this chess piece. How could she abandon him so easily?

Romeo thought for a moment and then said, "I have an idea, but it's risky. We'll need to split up temporarily. You draw its attention, and I'll try to circle around and attack from behind."

Juliet swallowed hard but nodded. "Alright, I trust you, Romeo."

With a quick, almost imperceptible nod, Romeo and Juliet separated. Juliet stepped forward, her movements graceful yet deliberate, trying to grab the attention of the rank 6 magical beast. She made herself as conspicuous as possible, waving her arms and shouting loudly, attempting to provoke the creature.

The magical beast turned its massive head toward Juliet, its eyes narrowing as it focused on this new, noisy intruder. It let out another deafening roar, this one filled with irritation, and lunged in her direction.

Romeo, using this diversion to his advantage, quietly slipped away into the dense underbrush of the Dark Forest. He moved with stealth, making sure not to make a sound that might draw the attention of the magical beast. His plan was to circle around and attack it from the rear, hoping to catch it off guard.

As Juliet continued to draw the creature's wrath, she realized the danger she was in. The rank 6 magical beast was far more agile and faster than she had anticipated. It was gaining on her rapidly, and she needed to buy Romeo more time.

With a deep breath, Juliet activated her spiritual weapon, a whip that crackled with energy. She lashed out at the nearby trees and rocks, creating a cacophony of noise and distraction. The magical beast, momentarily startled by the sudden barrage of sound, slowed down, giving Romeo a precious few seconds to maneuver into position.

Romeo, now positioned behind the magical beast, raised his sword, channeling his spiritual energy into it. He knew that this had to be the perfect strike. With a fierce battle cry, he lunged forward, aiming to pierce the beast's heart.

The magical beast, however, sensed the impending attack. Its instincts and experience were formidable. It swiveled around with astonishing speed, just as Romeo's sword descended. With a graceful but powerful movement, it intercepted Romeo's attack, blocking the sword with its massive clawed paw.

The force of the impact sent shockwaves through Romeo's body, and he was thrown backward, his sword slipping from his grip. He landed hard on the forest floor, gasping for breath.

The rank 6 magical beast turned its attention fully to Romeo now, its eyes cold and calculating. Juliet, realizing that their plan had not succeeded, rushed to Romeo's side, wielding her whip as a makeshift weapon.

As the two stood, bruised and battered, facing the formidable creature, they knew that their lives hung in the balance. 

On the other hand, Asura fainted due to the previous roar of the magical beast.

Juliet's eyes suddenly became cold. She took out a treasure and said, "You damn beast, you will pay for making me use this valuable treasure."

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