

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Hell Cage

Kadin's eyes glowed with an ominous intensity as he gathered the dark red energies for his ultimate move. He raised his hands, and the air itself seemed to thicken with malevolence. The Hell Cage, a forbidden technique known only to the descendants of the royal family of the Hell Kingdom, began to materialize.

Princess Moon sensed the impending danger and attempted to evade it, but the Hell Cage, fueled by Kadin's potent energies, expanded rapidly, enveloping her in its dark red confines. The ethereal bars of the cage emanated a cold, otherworldly aura that sapped away the vitality of anything it touched.

Kadin chuckled darkly, "Princess, your resistance is futile. The Hell Cage is an ancient technique that even the mightiest warriors cannot escape. It drains your strength, leaving you powerless to resist."

Princess Moon, trapped within the confines of the Hell Cage, gritted her teeth, her golden aura flickering against the encroaching darkness. "Kadin, you may have captured me in your Hell Cage, but my spirit remains unbroken. I will not yield to the likes of you!"

Kadin sneered, "Stubborn till the end, aren't you? The Hell Cage feeds on your very essence. Soon, you'll be nothing but a hollow shell."

Despite her defiance, Princess Moon felt the draining effect of the Hell Cage. Her movements became sluggish, and the radiant glow of her golden aura dimmed. Desperation flashed in her eyes as she struggled against the overwhelming force of the ancient spell.

Kadin, reveling in his apparent victory, taunted, "Accept your fate, Princess. The Hell Cage is unbreakable. No one can escape its grasp."

As Princess Moon resisted with all her might, Kallu, witnessing the unfolding tragedy, attacked the Hell Cage with his Giant robot so that he could aid her. However, an invisible barrier surrounded the cage, preventing him from entering.

Kadin laughed menacingly, "Ah, trying to play the hero, are you? It's futile. The Hell Cage is impervious to outside interference. Your efforts are in vain."

Princess Moon, her strength waning, whispered defiantly, "I won't surrender. I won't let my kingdom fall into darkness."

Kadin, enjoying the sight of Princess Moon's struggle, prepared to deliver the final blow. "Say goodbye to your precious kingdom, Princess. The Hell Cage will be your eternal prison."

Kallu, witnessing Princess Moon's struggle within the Hell Cage, felt a surge of desperation. He started to attack the cage like crazy, his giant robot pounding against the invisible barrier that kept him at bay.

His Giant robot hands slammed towards the Hell Cage with all his might but still ineffective against the barrier that was protecting the Hell Cage, each impact resonated with his frustration.

"Princess Moon, hold on! I won't let you fall!" Kallu shouted, his voice echoing with determination.

However, the barrier remained resilient, deflecting his every attempt to breach it. Princess Moon's strength continued to wane, her golden aura flickering like a fading flame.

In the midst of his futile efforts, Kallu noticed Princess Moon's golden aura suddenly reigniting with newfound intensity. Her eyes glowed with a fierce determination that caught Kallu's attention.

"What is she doing?" Kallu wondered, concern etched on his face. "Burning her hidden strength with this speed... this is very risky."

He knew the consequences of such an act—burning one's hidden strength with this speed surely would have severe repercussions on one's future potential and overall cultivation because he knew that if previously there was a minor chance her future potential would be affected, then now the chances of her potential getting affected had increased three times, if not four times. Princess Moon, however, seemed determined to defy the imminent doom. 

She said, "Don't be happy, Kadin. I know the secret of the Hell Cage. It shares a life bond with its owner, which means if the Hell Cage gets destroyed, the owner will also die. That is also the reason why the Hell Cage is protected by such a strong barrier, even a peak Sky Realm cultivator will find it very hard to break."

Kadin was surprised to learn that the princess knew about the secret of the Hell Cage, but he maintained his calm and said, "Even if you know, you will die anyway. So just accept your fate."

With that said, he accelerated the pace of draining the princess's strength. As a result, the golden aura, which had started shining brighter and brighter, came to a halt, but it was not fading away like before. This indicated that Princess Moon's sacrifice of burning her hidden strength like crazy actually worked.

Princess Moon looked at Kadin and said, "Not only does your kingdom have forbidden techniques, but we also have them."

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