

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Fighting against the Traitors

When the eldest prince died, something broke inside the spiritual space of King Xiao. He hurriedly took out a spiritual item from his spiritual space.

The spiritual item was square in shape and golden in color. It had seven colorful shining stones on it, but one of the stones had just broken now. That stone belonged to the eldest prince. The king frowned, "What is happening at the royal palace?"

If anyone looked at King Xiao carefully, one could observe that he was worried as well as sad. The headmaster was the first to notice it, and he asked, "What happened?"

King Xiao replied, "Someone is attacking the royal palace, and my eldest son is dead."

The headmaster exclaimed, "What?" Then he composed himself and said, "I am going to the Royal Palace."

King Xiao responded, "No, you can't. If you leave, the balance will be disrupted, and the Queen of the Hell Kingdom will surely take advantage of this."

The headmaster asked, "What should we do?"

King Xiao said, "I already sent one of the ministers to see what is happening at the royal palace. If all the high noble families come, we can dispatch more people."

The headmaster looked around and then said, "Why are the five high noble families missing?"

When King Xiao heard this, he also looked around and said, "Indeed, the five high noble families are missing. According to the previous instructions given to them, they should have arrived half an hour ago, but they still haven't arrived."

As King Xiao's concern deepened, he couldn't shake the unsettling thought that his eldest son's death might be connected to the mysterious absence of the five high noble families. He knew he had to find answers quickly.

Turning to the headmaster, he said with a sense of urgency in his voice, "Big brother, there's something suspicious about the timing of all this. The five high noble families' absence and my son's death can't be mere coincidence. I think there is some relation between them."

The headmaster nodded in agreement and replied, "You're right, Little Brother. It's crucial that we get to the bottom of this. But we must tread carefully. We can't afford to let the Hell Kingdom exploit this situation."

While King Xiao and the headmaster discussed their plans, a bird suddenly flew in and landed before the king. This bird was a striking golden color, resembling a sparrow but with the size of a crow. What caught their attention was the rectangular shape glowing on its neck.

King Xiao cautiously touched the glowing stone on the bird's neck, causing a beam of light to shoot from it and enter his forehead. His expression shifted from curiosity to worry as he absorbed the information conveyed by the bird.

The headmaster, noticing the exchange, asked, "What information did the Flash Bird bring this time?"

It turns out that this golden, sparrow-like bird was a Flash Bird, renowned as the fastest bird in the Xiao Kingdom. Its speed could even surpass that of peak Sky Realm cultivators, which was why it was employed as a messenger bird.

King Xiao relayed the information, his voice filled with concern," Moon with untilled heroes head towards the royal place because when they are on the way here a knight came to them in an injured state, and after inquiry, they find out that the high noble families have betrayed the xiao kingdom and now currently attacking the royal place "

Upon hearing this shocking revelation, the headmaster roared with anger, "They are indeed traitors. When I settle things here, I will personally destroy these five high noble families."

As the headmaster, it was rare for him to lose his composure, but the act of betrayal by these high noble families, especially at such a critical time, had completely infuriated him.

As the urgency of the situation deepened, King Xiao knew that swift and decisive action was required. He turned to the headmaster and said, "Big brother, we cannot wait any longer. I will send another minister with some of our forces to the royal palace to confront these traitorous high noble families."

The headmaster nodded solemnly and replied, "Don't worry, everything will be all right. Look in the east direction. You can feel a hidden presence there. The spy warriors have arrived, so they can leave, and the spy warriors will stay here to maintain the balance and ensure that the Hell Kingdom does not take advantage of this force's absence."

With the plan set in motion, King Xiao swiftly dispatched another trusted minister with a contingent of forces towards the royal palace. Their mission was to confront the treacherous high noble families and protect the kingdom's sovereignty.

As they departed, King Xiao turned his attention to the east, where he sensed the hidden presence the headmaster had mentioned. The spy warriors, renowned for their stealth and reconnaissance abilities, had indeed arrived. Their expertise was crucial in these times of crisis, and King Xiao felt a glimmer of hope knowing that they were on their side.

The headmaster, now focused on maintaining the balance, remained at the kingdom's core, ready to counter any move by the Queen of the Hell Kingdom or someone as strong as her. His presence provided a sense of reassurance to King Xiao.

As the minister and the contingent of forces vanished from King Xiao's view, King Xiao couldn't help but think about his eldest son, whose life had been abruptly taken. His heart ached with grief, and the broken stone on the spiritual item served as a painful reminder of the loss. He was determined to avenge his son's death and bring those responsible to justice.

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