

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Bloody Red Box

Karishma glanced at her sister's battlefield and only saw that her sister had a little advantage over King Xiao in their fight.

Karishma decided not to bother her, otherwise she would lose her advantage over King Xiao. Then she took out an artifact from her spiritual space. The artifact was bloody in color and was full of an evil aura.

Even Karishma was not willing to take out this artifact, but analyzing the current situation, she realized that if she didn't use that artifact, she would really die from Xiao Chen's attack.

The artifact was made from the bones of some unknown creatures. The bloody smell of the artifact would make anyone go away from it. This was the protected treasure of the Hell kingdom, which was passed down through many generations.

Within the royal family of the Hell kingdom, this artifact had been present since the first generation. One could say that thanks to this artifact, the current royal family of the hell kingdom was able to become the royal family of the present Hell kingdom.

The first generation of the current royal family of the Hell kingdom had two leaders who were brothers. They found this artifact together in a ruin.

When their strength and ambition grew, they decided to defeat the previous royal family to become the new royal family of Hell kingdom and this artifact had played a major role at that time.

The elder brother of the first generation of the current royal family of the Hell kingdom used this artifact to kill the previous king. But the price was also high - he died due to exhaustion or, one could say, the bloody artifact devoured his all life energy to grant him some temporary strength far beyond his level.

But the result was satisfactory. The younger brother continued the lineage, which was also the time the hell kingdom became recognized as the Hell Kingdom, removing its previous name. whatever it was.

Karishma seriously looked at the bloody artifact and said, "I really don't want to use this, but it looks like I have no choice." She changed her form back to human form. Then she used her life energy to transfer it to the bloody artifact.

When it tasted her life energy, the bloody artifact started to devour Karishma's life energy like crazy. After a few seconds, Karishma's hair started to turn white and her middle-aged face started to look like an old woman's.

The only good news for her was that she had already sealed some of her life energy beforehand; otherwise, she would have died due to this bloody artifact, which was devouring her life energy wildly.

When all of her life energy had been sucked dry except what was sealed, she completely turned into an old woman. The bloody artifact now glowed blood red. It shot a red light towards Karishma.

When Karishma fused with the red light coming from the bloody artifact, her hair color changed again and turned bloody red from white. Her skin color also changed to light red, and her current form started to look like a devil that had just come out of hell.

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