

"This web novel will talk about the journey of Asura, with an unknown origin, reaching the peak of the entire Big World. In his journey, he will not be alone; his friends will also travel with him and help him stay on the correct path because when he gets angry, the only thing he can think of is to kill, kill, and kill..."

ASURABOY · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

A Hint

Princess Moon interrogated every person who was alive after the eradication of the Crimson Cobra Syndicate, but no one could give her the answer she wanted. They all had forgotten the faces of the three untitled heroes.

Princess Moon found it very difficult to solve this puzzle without any clues, so she went to Sir Eric, who was the only one left she hadn't interrogated. When she saw Sir Eric, she noticed a metallic left arm instead of his original arm, which he had lost in a previous battle. That metallic left arm was a priceless artifact. Though he was still not in his peak condition, he was healing and adapting to his new metallic arm.

As she approached Sir Eric, he bowed and said, "Greetings, Princess." She nodded and stated the purpose of her visit. Sir Eric replied, "No problem. I will provide any information I have." However, the information he provided didn't differ from what she had learned so far.

Sir Eric felt a bit ashamed for not being able to provide any useful information that Princess Moon needed. Just as Princess Moon was about to leave, Sir Eric suddenly remembered something. He said, "Princess, if I remembered correctly, one of them shouted a name when the syndicate leader was about to kill one of them."

Curious, Princess Moon asked, "What name?"

The name was on the tip of Sir Eric's tongue, and he felt like he was about to forget it. Hastily, he said it before it slipped his mind, "Asura."

Upon hearing the name "Asura," Princess Moon frowned. She had a feeling she had heard this name before. After that, she left, and Sir Eric completely forgot about the name "Asura" he had just mentioned.

Princess Moon pondered where she had heard the name and then remembered a guy she had saved in the Dark forest. However, she quickly dismissed the thought, believing he was too weak to have killed the syndicate leader. Nevertheless, she considered the possibility and decided to give it a try.

The next day, she went to the Xiao Sect, knowing she could find him there since he was one of the top 10 rankers in the spiritual realm competition. She also knew he had attended the royal palace invitation but had been too busy to meet him then.

She realized that finding Asura might be a bit challenging. Most of the time, he wasn't within the confines of the Xiao Sect. After some inquiries, she discovered that he frequently ventured into the Dark Forest and occasionally visited his home. With this information, she decided to wait at the Xiao Sect, hoping for an opportunity to encounter him.

After a week, Asura returned but was not alone - Kallu was with him. She thought about how to approach him without revealing her true identity. Ultimately, she decided to observe him for a few days first. Eventually, she noticed Su Lin also sometimes hung around with Kallu and Asura.

One day, as Su Lin was practicing her martial arts in a secluded area of the sect, she felt a subtle shift in the air around her. She turned to see a figure approaching, someone she didn't recognize.

Princess Moon had decided to approach Su Lin first, sensing that she might be the most approachable among the group. She wore a humble disguise, her true identity concealed beneath layers of ordinary clothing. Approaching Su Lin with a warm smile, she greeted, "Greetings, fellow cultivator. I hope I'm not disturbing your practice."

Su Lin lowered her stance, her guard slightly up as she assessed the newcomer. Despite the stranger's polite demeanor, Su Lin's instincts kept her cautious. "No disturbance at all," she replied, her voice polite but reserved.

Princess Moon nodded. "I couldn't help but notice your martial arts practice. Your movements are quite impressive. I've always believed that there's much to learn from observing the techniques of others."

Su Lin's interest was piqued. "You're a cultivator as well?"

Princess Moon nodded once again, maintaining her friendly smile. "Indeed, I've been on a journey of cultivation, seeking to improve my skills and understanding. It's a pleasure to meet someone with such talent."

Su Lin's guard began to lower slightly, though she remained cautious. "Thank you. I've also been working hard to refine my skills. Cultivation is a path of constant improvement."

Princess Moon nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, and it's always inspiring to meet fellow cultivators who share the same passion. May I ask your name?"

Su Lin hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure if she should reveal her identity. However, considering that this person seemed genuine and friendly, she decided to introduce herself. "I'm Su Lin. And you?"

Princess Moon offered a small smile. "A pleasure to meet you, Su Lin. I'm Lina."

Su Lin nodded. "Nice to meet you too, Lina."

Their conversation continued for a while, with Princess Moon asking about Su Lin's cultivation journey, her experiences, and her goals. Su Lin found herself opening up gradually, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Lina.

Meanwhile, Asura and Kallu were practicing their combat skills nearby, occasionally glancing over at Su Lin and the newcomer. Asura was intrigued by the interaction and the friendly aura around Lina, but Kallu remained cautious.

Asura nudged Kallu and whispered, "What do you think?"

Kallu observed Lina for a moment before responding quietly, "She seems friendly, but we should still be cautious. We don't know her true intentions."

Back in her home, Princess Moon assessed the situation. She had managed to strike up a conversation with Su Lin and gain some insight into her character. She was convinced that Su Lin was an honorable and genuine individual, driven by a strong sense of responsibility.

Princess Moon also knew that Asura and Kallu were crucial figures in this story, but she needed more information to complete her task. Her initial goal was to establish a connection with Su Lin and gather information indirectly.

Over the next few weeks, Princess Moon continued to engage Su Lin in friendly conversations whenever the opportunity arose. She learned more about Su Lin's background, her master, and her aspirations. Princess Moon used this information to further shape her approach, ensuring that she appeared relatable and trustworthy.

As the days passed, Princess Moon's interactions with Su Lin gradually evolved beyond casual conversations. They started training together, discussing cultivation techniques, and sharing insights. Su Lin found herself enjoying Lina's company, appreciating the chance to learn from someone with different experiences.

Rose, who was Su Lin's best friend, also liked Lina. The three of them started to become good friends.

During one of their training sessions, Princess Moon carefully broached the topic of the syndicate's downfall and the untitled heroes who had played a crucial role. She framed it as a topic of curiosity, expressing interest in the remarkable individuals who had made a difference.

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