
The Angel Descendants

A New Adult Fiction Novel That Takes You Realms Away William Blackwyll has roamed the earth, thriving in both the human world and descendants Realms. He has watched emperors rise and fall in their own blood, and fought battles alongside Lightwatcher's, Elvans, Shifters, Fairies, and Casters. None of which matters now- It didn't prepare him for the hardest battle of his life. It didn't prepare him for Clare Miller, the Lightwatcher hunted by Angels and Demons. After a severe head injury eight years ago left Clare Miller with no recollection of the first ten years of her life, retrieving the unattainable, is exactly what it is, UNATTAINABLE. Her only source to link her to her mysterious past is her overbearing, tight-lipped mother. Clare has no idea the deadly power that surge's through her veins waiting to be unleashed onto the earth. A horrific event leaves Clare with no option but to rely on her estranged brother, Nathan, and an enticing fire Angel, Kalbreal. Hunted by Tempters and Angels, Clare's only hope is the man who walks in her dreams, a man of no face, but eyes of the deepest blue dipped in the finest cut of diamonds, William Blackwyll. The race to the end begins. Angels and Demons will fight for their rights while one girl will bring the heavens to her knees. Touched by the heavenly hand itself, Clare Miller must uncover her destiny in PART 1 of Epic Fantasy Romance - The Angel Descendants

Shan R.K · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs


Liam frowned as a figure announced itself next to him, “I wasn’t expecting you here so soon.”

Kalbreal appeared from the air itself, sitting directly next to Liam, who had remained on the other side of the Bayou where Alexa had left him. The night sky was still, windless, regardless of the invisible and protective shields lifted. He was watching the activities that were taking place across the Saltril Lake, just to keep tabs on Clare. He wanted to make certain she was safe before he left and get his fill of her presence.

He sipped from the bottle of cognac he had brought with him, to quench his thirst as he watched the ceremony. First, he eavesdropped on Alexa and Clare’s conversation, which really rallied him in the wrong way, for reasons he didn't want to admit. And then Clare’s loss of control. When she screamed, he hated that nobody even held her, or consoled her, that made him glow. He decided to loosen his mind, as his brother Kole, solemnly would put it.