
The Ancient Rare Phoenix: Colourful Flames

The legendary ancient phoenix with the colourful flames was reborn as a newborn baby through his final drop of blood in the Highest God Realm Plane. After the newborn baby arrived at the Lowest Mortal Realm Plane, a couple found him and raised him as a son. He'll curiously observe and learn from others.  While everyone around calls him as a crazy stalker, an arrogant prodigal young master, shameless pervert, cold-blooded, evil, many names during his journey. Much the same as the earlier incarnation, he'll once again shake the whole Realm Planes reminding the horrors of the colourful flames to everyone. Update time and chapter. 1 chapter per daily update @18:00 - 19:00 GMT +2 7 chapters per week! At the end of each month: random amount mass release! (Cover credits belongs to the owner Peter John Maridable - Unsplash : https://bit.ly/2Ou8sWV) Please point out any mistake, if you find them while reading. Also please do like, add, comment, vote, rate, review and well whatever is left. Proofread : SpacePhoenix LilyStarsMoonTears Masterbox Discord Link: https://discord.gg/2EJVnFs Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/triggeredturtle

TriggeredTurtle · Oriental
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126 Chs

A Golden Invitation Card

A month later, inside the Ouyang Clan's main hall.

Ouyang Clan Head stared at an old man and a youth with his venomous eyes as if he wanted to tear them into pieces.

However, he didn't dare make a move on them because of a silver-haired old man sitting beside him.

The silver-haired old man spoke in a casual tone.

"Bu Feng, you gave your words to keep our princess Lanyu safe and happy but instead, your disciple brought harm on her."

"So, what should we do now?"

Bu Feng glimpsed at his disciple, Xiang Chu who seemed wronged and fuming in anger.

He too had asked Xiang Chu how he offended someone yet his disciple appeared clueless and could recall no one.

Even after a month search, he found no traces of the imposter nor Ouyang Lanyu.

As for acquiring their information from Shadowless Sect, it became impossible for the Black Wind Sect or anyone who seeks for their information.

As the Shadowless Sect banned them and forbid their disciple from interacting with them.

With no option, Bu Feng came here to meet the Ouyang Clan Patriarch and decide their next step.

Somewhat guilty and hesitant look, he glanced at the silver-haired old man, Ouyang Clan Patriarch and replied in a hoarse voice.

"Senior Min, just as you said I didn't keep my promise instead my disciple involved Ouyang Lanyu in his trouble."

" However, we should not point a finger at each other's throat but rather we need to reunite our forces and rescue Ouyang Lanyu before any mishap happens to her."

Patriarch Min didn't seem surprised listening to his words as he already expected him to say these words.

He had doubts whether the kidnapping happened because of grudges against Xiang Chu or someone preplanned and targeting Ouyang Clan.

If Bu Feng had not spoken those words to him, he would even suspect the Black Wind Sect and the marriage as their plot.

Patriarch Min closed his eyes and pondered their next step since their unknown enemy hid with no traces while monitoring their every move through the Shadowless Sect.

A malicious smile formed on his face before he let out his maniacal roar.

"Good, since you hid under our nose, we shall force you to appear in front of us."

"Summon everyone and ordered them to seize the Shadowless Sect."

"Let none of them escape."

Immediately, a few shadows flashed at each corner of the hall and disappeared.

When Bu Feng heard his orders, he took out a talisman and crushed it before directing orders to his Sect, same as Senior Min.

As for Ouyang Clan Head, he glanced at Patriarch Min with a complicated expression.

Once Ouyang Clan and Black Wind Sect launched their attack on the Shadowless Sect, it would alarm the whole Ice Empire.

If they don't give an appropriate explanation to the whole Empire for their action, every clan and sect would band together and attacked them in the name of justice.

Ouyang Clan Head hesitated for a moment before he braced himself and questioned in a low voice.

"Patriarch Min, is it necessary for us to attack the Shadowless Sect? Why don't we at least meet with their Sect Master?"

In a flash, Patriarch Min slapped on Ouyang Clan Head's face plummeting him on the ground and yelled in a loud voice.

"Do you really think someone would challenge Ouyang Clan and Black Wind Sect at once only to take revenge on Xiang Chu?"

"Stand up and prepare for the battle!"

As everyone prepared to step outside, a guard entered and presented a golden invitation card to Ouyang Clan Head.

Though the invitation card piqued the guard's interest seeing the material made of only gold, he didn't dare peek the contents.

After all, ever since Ouyang Lanyu's kidnapping, the current situation in the clan surrounded into turbulence, a single mistake could lead to the death.

When Ouyang Clan head saw the invitation card, he seemed displeased and annoyed.

He wanted to slap the guard for daring to pass an invitation card to him during the turmoil period.

However, he still checked it since he needed to know the sender's clan name as they dared to celebrate and invite them even after knowing their situation.

As soon as he caught the names on the contents, he froze before pinching himself whether he read it correctly and not imagining things.

Once he realised it was real, he still read countless times with his disbelieving eyes.

Patriarch Min noticed his odd behaviour and snatched the invitation card before he stood rooted on the ground with a speechless face.

Once he recovered, he roared so loud, it resonated echoing every corner in the entire City.

"All disciples and elders, halt your step and return to the clan."

A complete silence remained for a split second in the entire City.

Gradually, a lot of hurried footsteps travelled at the rapid speed toward Ouyang Clan.

Slowly, a few shadows returned at the main hall and blended in the corner.

Meanwhile, Bu Feng and Xiang Chu exchanged a questioning glance with each other as they did not understand Patriarch Min's decision to cease the actions.

Hence, Bu Feng tried to say something, suddenly, Patriarch Min slammed Xiang Chu on the ground before throwing the invitation card toward Bu Feng.

Once Bu Feng read the texts, he understood the entire situation.

It said:

With joyous hearts, I invite Ouyang Clan and Black Wind Sect to the grand wedding of Ouyang Lanyu and Bai Chen at the rocky mountain.

P.S. don't forget to bring that bastard, Xiang Chu.

Yours granddaddy, Hou.

Bu Feng once again took out a talisman and issued an order to cease the attack toward the Shadowless Sect.

He glanced toward Patriarch Min and asked in a worried tone.

"Senior Min, is this a trap for us?"

Patriarch Min nodded his head and sat on his seat as he replied.

"Yes, a deadly trap to battle against us there. However, it does not matter whoever they are, since they have shown themselves, we should visit them with our full force."

"Bu Feng, gather all your Sect's allies within 3 days and meet us at the edge of that rocky mountain."

"We need to show the entire Empire the consequences for offending and overstepping over us."

Bu Feng bowed toward Patriarch Min and disappeared along with the injured, Xiang Chu.

While Patriarch Min pondered in silence as he kept questioning himself.

Who is it? is it one of my past enemies?