
The Ancient Potter Magic

A Harry/Multi story where only James died and Lily lived. A Slytherin Harry learns secrets about the potter family line as he understands the real power that could take down the Dark Lord. The story takes off from Year 4 with flashbacks and explanations as needed regarding the difference in the previous years. Features Harry/Lily, Harry/Female OC's, and more. =================================== This is a Harry/multi story that includes Lily and his twin OC sisters. Don't read if it ain't your cup of tea. Harry will be with various women but his eventual relationship will include his family and two or three other witches, I haven't fully decided yet but definitely happy to take suggestions. Lots of lemons and smut with some plot throughout. (No smut in the first few chapters). First chapter is short but they get longer as we go along. ********************************************************* I'm posting this story as the original creator of this work apparently deleted all of their work from his website and I found the approach to this story pretty good and I've seen many others on the internet looking for this story as well. ------------------------------------------------------------ So just ENJOY THE STORY!!!

NoName2021 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
42 Chs

Jealous Estella ?

The next morning Harry got ready and headed out of his room to start his first day back. Upon leaving his room he heard a voice calling out to him. "Arry! You are back!" Shouted Fleur as she ran over to give him a hug.

"Hey Fleur, heading down to breakfast?"

"Oui, I see the guardian of your room is the strange Knight," she said giving Sir Caddogen a look of disdain.

"Yea he's a bit much, but definitely entertaining, where's your room?." He asked.

" I am just down the hall, behind the portrait of ze high elf," she said referring to elves that had more human characteristics but were extinct.

As they caught up and walked together Harry could not help but think of what he was doing with her mother this past weekend.

I wonder if love of rough face fucks runs in the family.

Just as he was picturing this Fleur brought up the subject he was waiting for, "Maman sent me a letter advising that you have the basics of the allure under control Arry," she said.

"Oh yes she was a great teacher," Harry replied.

"I would like to begin teaching you more advanced uses of ze Allure Arry as well as having you gain full control of it."

"Yes she mentioned you would definitely be able to help with that, I am getting an updated schedule today regarding classes and some… additional things. Maybe we can figure out some time after that?"

Although Fleur was a friend Harry was a little unsure if he should share the details of the additional training he was receiving given the fact that he was competing against her.

Fleur agreed and they went back to casual conversation as they entered the great Hall. Neither of them noticed the glare of another beautiful Blonde student who turned and walked away seeing them walking into the great hall together.

He just got back and he's already with that Veela bint.

Estella thought to herself as she angrily stomped off. She paused for a moment and wondered why she was acting like a lovesick foolish little girl. She took a deep breath and gathered her Occlumency shields in her mind and took on the haughty pureblood persona her mother had taught her and walked back to the great hall.

She saw Harry and Fleur sitting at the Slytherin table and enjoying a meal together. Several of the male students as well as the female students looking at them with envy. Some were jealous of Harry and others jealous of Fleur and some wanted to join them both.

As she was going to sit down herself she felt two hands grab her from either side.

"Hey babe you look pissed," Emma said noting her glare had been directed at her little brother.

"Do you prefer the Ravenclaw table or Gryffindor table?" Asked Ella.

Estella looked at her two best friends and sighed, "Ravenclaw," she said. The three of them walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down. Ella cast a quick Muffliato so they wouldn't be overheard.

"So what did casanova over there do to you?" Asked Emma. "If he tried anything with you that you weren't comfortable with let me know and I'll take care of it," she added.

"No, we haven't spoken yet after he got back," Estella replied.

"You're jealous of Fleur," said Ella.

"I'm not sure where you got that idea," she replied with indignation but a faint coloring of her cheeks confirmed Ella's suspicions.

"I know you've had a crush on him since we were younger but I thought you were over that?" Asked Emma.

The regal Blonde realized they would ignore her protests and keep pressing her so she relented.

"I just… well he got the whole Incubus thing and the first thing he does is sleep with the hot french Veela when he gets back? I saw them walking down to the great hall together and they looked a little too friendly," she said.

"Damn you have it that bad for him?" Asked Emma.

"Emmy you owe me 10 galleons," Ella said to her twin.

Estella raised her eyebrow, "you two placed a bet on this?"

"El said she thought you were still pining after our little brother, I thought you got over him since you dated Wood in fourth year," Emma replied, "so it was only natural that we place a wager on our best friends' love life."

"Don't remind me of Wood, that was a mistake, he thought talking about Quidditch was an alternative to snogging, glad he's graduated and gone now."

The twins chuckled remembering her complaints during the two months they were an item.

"I'll admit I still may have some feelings for Harry," she said.

"If it makes you feel any better we have it on good authority that Harry did not in fact sleep with Fleur last night," said Emma.

"How do you know?" Asked Estella.

"We gave him a late night visit last night," said Ella.

"Wait so… you two were with him?"

"Not like that but if we were would that bother you Stella?" Asked Emma.

"Not the way Fleur bothers me," she said.

"So you're more concerned about being Lady Black then? Fleur could always take the mantle of Lady Potter you know," Ella said.

"It's not exactly that, first off if he can have any Veela he wants what would be the point of even considering me? That and I guess I was hoping he would maybe fall for Dora so she could become Lady Black. I wanted to get away from both the Malfoy and Black names. I love my Mum and I know how much she wants me to be Lady Black, I just associate both of these family names with a lot of bad memories, I want to be Lady Potter if he'd have me," Estella said.

"First off how many times do I have to tell you that you are fucking hot? You are one of the most beautiful and talented witches I have ever met babe," Emma insisted with a small amount of pink coloring her cheeks.

"Also say he falls for Fleur and you, what's stopping you from being Lady Potter and her from being Lady Black,". Ella asked?

"Grandfather Phinnius is insisting that the Black line be continued through a Daughter of house black. So that would be either me or Dora. I doubt he would be with Mum or Aunt Andy and Bella outside of the ritual."

"You're basing all of this on the words of a dead man's portrait? Fuck him, you don't need to listen to him. Harry has black blood and his kids will too. The black family magic only rejects Muggleborns, and personally if Harry makes a non human Lady black that would be one of the best fuck yous to a long line of idiots in your family," Emma said angrily.

"I doubt Mum would allow that to happen," said Estella.

"Once Harry becomes Lord Black he can do what he wants, Aunt Narcissa won't have any real say in the matter," Emma replied.

"Besides there is another way for you to become a Potter, not be Lady of anything and still be close to Harry," Ella said after some thought.

Estella looked at her hopefully, "what do you mean?"

"Just marry Emmy," she said with a shrug.

Emma choked on the water she was sipping, "wh-what why… that wouldn't work we can't get married." she said.

Ella rolled her eyes, "Emmy we all know you're a lesbian with Harry being the only male you're willing to be with, and Ella you briefly dated Clearwater as well after she dumped Head Boy Weasley so I know you're at least bi-sexual. This way we can all be a happy family with orgies mixed in as well," Ella said as if she was discussing the weather.

Estella paused and looked over at Emma but said nothing.

"Look, we're getting ahead of ourselves. It's not like Harry is on his knees proposing to Fleur right now," Emma said, "I also doubt I'll be involved with Harry beyond him claiming Potter Lordship."

"Based on what Mum said in her last letter it seems like it was good enough for her to keep this new relationship with him, what if we end up doing the same?" Asked Ella.

"It's always the nerds who are the kinky little sluts in bed," Emma said shaking her head.

Ella smirked, "oh we nerds just like to spice things up," she said with a laugh.

Back at the Slytherin table Snape walked up to Harry, "Potter your new schedule," he handed it over and stalked off robes billowing as he left.

"I really need to learn how to do that," said Harry, "dramatic exits would be so much more fun."

Fleur laughed, "your head of house does not like talking very much does he?" She asked.

Harry shrugged, "he's a lot more tolerable than he was in first year. He and my dad had about the same relationship as Malfoy and I, probably worse actually. Mum set him straight though they used to be best friends and while they don't have the same relationship as before they do talk now. He's not too bad now and I've actually come to respect him a bit. Prior to that he was a complete dick."

Harry glanced through his schedule noting that Monday nights he would alternate between Snape and Moody as his instructor and Thursday nights he would alternate between Sirius and Aunt Bella.

"Well aside from Monday and Thursday and uh well this Friday, my evenings are pretty clear."

"Why don't we get started tonight? We can meet once a week to test your control over your Allure. You can come over to my room to train." She said with a smile.

I'm fucking my second Veela tonight!

"Right sure that sounds like a plan," he said.

The rest of Harry's day proceeded nicely, he caught up with Ron and Neville and briefly with Hermione. She and Ella had been spending more time together doing some research for a side project they were working on but weren't ready to share with anyone.

Emma had told him they could resume dueling lessons on Sunday nights, he was definitely looking forward to testing out his increased magic but for tonight he had a lesson with Fleur.

He walked over to her room and said the password and walked up to see her reading through a letter.

"Hello 'Arry I was just rereading the information maman sent me regarding you're Allure, I think we can start with trying to get you to control the Allure with ease, once you have this you will be able to channel its energy into spells."

Harry nodded knowing that he couldn't use the Allure without concentrating on it or being in the middle of sex.

Fleur had Harry sit on her couch as she pulled up her chair to sit in front of him.

"I want you to bring out your Allure as you normally do and describe it to me as you go through the process," she said.

Harry took a breath and closed his eyes.

"I'm looking for the Allure it's inside me, I can feel like something kind of around my magic if that makes sense, and I try to push that layer up which is the Allure I guess."

As he said this Fleur felt it and looked at him with hungry eyes.

Why is it already affecting me so much?

Fleur brought up her Occlumency shields to help her resist it.

"Good Harry now lower it please," she asked.

Harry brought the layer of magic back in.

"Very good, now I want you to close your eyes like you did before and cast a Lumos. I want you to describe what you feel when you use a spell."

Harry looked at her with confusion wondering how a Lumos would help with anything but decided not to fight his teacher.

Harry closed his eyes, "I erm say the incantation and and make a small circle with my wand."

"Where does the magic of the spell come from 'arry?"

"I guess it… well it's kind of like with the Allure I just I guess look for my magic inside me and try to channel it into the wand."

"Very good, the magic you feel inside you, that is your magical core Harry, you access its energy every time you cast a spell. You mentioned you feel the Allure is a layer that coats your core, this is not entirely true it is part of your core. The Allure originates from it. I want you to cast Lumos and Nox several times while keeping your eyes closed try to really feel what is happening in your core."

Harry nodded and did as she asked, at first it was a very subtle tug he felt on his magic as he repeatedly switched between the spells but slowly he recognized it, it was very similar to the way he pulled his Allure out.

"I think I feel it now, I'm pulling out my magic the same way I'm pulling out the allure," he said.

Fleur smiled, "Zat is Excellent 'Arry, now I want you to silently cast Lumos. Remember the feeling of your magic the way it is pulled out and remember how you take out your allure. Please try that now."

It took Harry several tries but he was eventually able to get a dimly lit Lumos.

"Not as bright as my regular Lumos." He commented.

"This will take some time ' 'Arry, the reason I am having you do this is because I want you to see your Allure as a spell you cast silently and wandlessly. Once you master silently casting a Lumos we will practice without a wand. These exercises are what you should apply to your Allure as well, when you understand and are able to handle the spells in this way using the allure will become second nature to you. You will integrate it as part of your magical core Harry it is not something outside of you it is just your magic."

Harry nodded, "yea your mum told me that as well"

Fleur smiled, "we are at the end of today's lesson, I would like to end all of our lessons with a test to see if your control improves, my mother likely did this test with you, I will flare my own Allure and you will try to match the same level of energy."

Harry nodded "yes we did that."

That's also what led to other things.

Fleur let out her allure subtly, it was too small to affect Harry but he noticed it.

I've never had it that low.

"Simply try to let it out Harry."

Harry nodded and attempted to do it similar to a spell, having the intention and just using it. Unfortunately this worked a little too well. For the first time Harry was able to release his allure on a whim without concentrating on it.

"Fleur, that's the first time I was able to just let it out," he said excitedly.

Fleur tried to keep her hunger at bay. So this is how men feel around my allure?

"That is good, now try to lower it down to mine."

Harry tried thinking about the Nox spell and emulated the same feel for it. This had however the opposite effect he intended. His allure shot up to a much higher level.

Fleur eyes widened "Arry…" she whispered.

Harry then fully concentrated on it and brought it completely down.

"I'm so sorry Fleur, I was thinking about using nox to out out a Lumos, but that didn't work."

"Arry using any spell including nox requires you to pull magic out of your core, though you are getting rid of your Lumos you use magic to do so"

I need him now.

"Sorry Fleur I should have realized that," he said.

Fleur stood up, "no matter we have still made some progress. Now Arry Maman also mentioned in the letter that you are an exceptional lover." She said as he stepped front of him and ran her hand through his hair.

"Let her know I said thanks, she was quite exceptional as well," he said as he enjoyed her touch.

Fleur mounted him on the couch, "I would like to test that, and would love your opinion on whether or not I am an adequate lover as well."

They kissed as Fleur began dry humping him on the couch. The kisses very quickly escalated into a deep snog. Fleur now had both hands in his hair while he pulled her in closer to him.

She removed her shirt showing a lacy bra underneath which Harry quickly took off. He looked down to see her perfect breasts and took one into his mouth.

"Oh Arry, bring your Allure all the way up," she said as he serviced her breasts.

Harry did as she asked and his Allure was at his maximum. She also brought her own Allure up.

"Carry me to Bed Arry," she said. She held on to him as he picked her up and walked towards the bedroom occasionally kissing her breasts as he walked over

"I want you to show me what you did to Maman Arry, show me why she believes you to be the best lover she has ever had."

"As you wish Fleur," he said as he placed her on the floor rather than the bed. "On your knees Fleur, take off my pants."

She did as he asked, removed his last articles of clothing and looked at his cock.

She gave it a kiss on the tip and then trailed kisses down the shaft to his balls. She began licking and sucking on them her allure flaring with every lick.

"You really want the treatment I gave your mum?" He asked her.

"Mmhmm," she hummed as she sucked on his balls while stroking him.

She let them go and stroked him as she looked up into his eyes. He bent down and gave her a fiery kiss, their tongues dancing wildly with each other.

He broke the kiss then grabbed her face, "I'm gonna fuck your face now like I did her, I'm gonna suffocate you with my cock"

He shoved his cock in her mouth and began pumping in and out.

Fleur groaned enjoying every bit of it. He grabbed the back of her head and forced it as far down as he could get. He felt the warm liquids of her gag start to slather his cock.

"Fuck both you and your mum's mouths are fucking amazing, I guess being a cock slut runs in the family. I wonder if Gabby can take this the way both of you can. Do you want to watch me brutally fuck your little sisters face Fleur?"

Fleur groaned then grabbed his ass and tried pulling every bit of him in.

"Fuck I'll take that as a yes."

He pulled out of her mouth and picked her up onto the bed and got in a 69 position. Without warning he started slamming his cock into her mouth again as he licked up the juices of her cunt.

Fleur gagged with every thrust, "com on Fleur your mum had a lot less trouble taking my cock then you're having right now."

Not wanting to be out done by her mother she took him down her throat and held him in place as Harry thrusted down on her. She was cumming and Harry was licking her up.

"Fuck you taste so good," he said. That's when he felt it himself about to stir.

"Fleur your treat is about to come out," he said as be started gushing into the Veelas mouth. She sucked him completely dry but didn't stop sucking as she continued with a lot of vigor once his orgasm subsided.

"Oh Fuck Fleur," he said and he was at full mast again very soon.

She popped his cock out and said, "arry I'll let you cum in my mouth again but I need you inside me first." He got off of her and she put her ass up into a doggy style position. He slipped his cock into her from behind and started pounding her pussy the same way he was doing to her face.

"Oh 'Arry you are so big, make me yours," she yelled out.

"Your mum surrendered her whole body to me Fleur, she became my little sex slave, are you going to follow suit and be my Veela slave slut?"

"Oui oui I am yours I am your slave my body belongs to you my master."

A small flash of light surrounded them but just like with Harry and Apolline neither of them noticed it.

"Oh master I'm going to cum," she said.

"Cum for me my little slave, cover my cock with your cum,".

She groaned as he pounded a way into her and came. As she came he increased his place and kept slamming into her over and over.

"Mon Diue Maman was right you are the most amazing lover," she said as he brought her to new heights of pleasure.

"So are you my pet, your pussy is amazing, now cum for me again slut," he said.

She groaned and came twice more unable to handle the rough fuck her pussy was getting.

He slipped out of her after that, "now you made your master a little promise about your mouth love."

She turned and pushed him back onto the bed and captured his cock in her mouth again. She was bobbing her head on it, deep throating and gagging all over it.

"Oh Fuck Fleur that's good." He said as she began sucking with even more ferocity, "oh fuck yea swallow my cock it just fucking belongs in your mouth," he yelled out.

She pushed her head down on him and had his cock down as far as it could go as she began spinning her head in a circular motion.

Harry groaned with pleasure, this is the best fucking blowjob I have ever had.

"Fuck Fleur I'm going to cum again," he said as he again squirted his seed into her.

She drank it up like a dutiful slave not letting one drop go to waste.

She finished by giving his cock a few more kisses before she climbed back on top of him and kissed him with a passion.

She released him and fell to her side. They simply enjoyed each other's company for some time, occasionally kissing and embracing.

"Arry as much as I love this, I don't think it would be a good idea if you spend the night here in case my friends come to visit in the morning."

Harry nodded and got up and got dressed. The naked Veela walked him to the exit and gave him one last fiery kiss. "Same time next week?" She asked.

"Absolutely," he said, giving her one more peck as he climbed down her stairs and exited through the portrait hole.

After closing it behind him he took a few steps towards his room when a voice behind him called out, "Harry?"

He turned and saw Estella.

"Hey Stella, I was looking around for you all day, haven't seen you since getting back."

He stopped though as he noticed the glare on her face.

"Everything ok?" He asked.

"Oh everything is fine, you know not as if you would care." She spat.

"Stella what's going on?"

"You get your stupid little powers and decide to fuck the Veela whore as soon as you can." She said.

"Stella it's not like that…"

"Did you or did you not just have sex with Fleur?"

Harry stammered, "um I mean like…"

"Nevermind, your shirts on backwards," she said as she stormed off.

What the fuck just happened?

Harry watched her retreating figure confusion all over his face.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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