
The Amazonian Prince

Born in the cold night of raging light and the howling storm Sorren was born. But he was no normal mortal he hid the son of Zeus and Hippolyta and the brother other of Diana. It was prophecy states that the Demi-God Sorren would bring about the destruction, so he was locked away in the depth Themyscira. Where he’s was tortured by the guards for being a man. Whit each passing year his haters for his mother her people grew to unimaginable heights..... he’s seeks power so he can destroy the one who in-prisoned him. A.N. I do not own the cover or anything in this fanfic besides my OC. I am writing this just for fun... Let me know if I should MC should have a haram

ArcAng3l · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs

2. Escape

(1999 years later.....)

It was currently evening in Themyscira. The island was peaceful, the moon shun brightly and the stars where lively. Everything was peaceful, this is the moment where one can truly appreciate the beauty of this place. No mater how many times the Amazons witness it, it just seems even more breath taking than the last.

Currently within the castle, Hippolyta was watching over the island from her chamber. Relishing In this moment of peace. Her duty as queen rarely ever gives her the opportunity to just sit back and relax so she decided to take full advantage of this opportunity. She then looked up into the sky, wondering how her daughter Diana was doing. She hasn't seen her in many years. Not since she ran off to stop Aries, The God of War from pillaging the world of man. A warm smile then crossed her face at the good in Diana's heart. Although she hates the idea of helping man. She was proud that her daughter chose to walk her own path it showed great virtue and she could not be more honoured to call her daughter. She went towards her bed, wanting to get a good nights sleep.

And so, the peaceful night went on. Little did she know. Was that tonight is the night that would ensure the end of Themyscira.

(Back in the dungeon with Mc)

It's was cold dark and damp within the dungeons but Sorren has been here for so long that his body is now use to it. In fact, his body now aromatically adapts to the surrounding temperatures so he no longer fells hot or cold. He only wears grey pants, which is now tattered due to his many years of training.

At present, Sorren is sitting in his cell in a lotus position with closed eyes as lightning flickers around his body. He was practicing his control over a new technique he's been working on. He calls it "lightning cloak" he's been working on this for quit some time now and has stable to use in battle. There are two modes for this form. The current, which doubles his strength, speed and reflexes. And the second is the black lightning form which quadruples it. There a a couple more skills he's made such as: lightning blade (hand forms a blade of lightning) and lightning spears.

10 minutes later Sorren's eyes then open as rises from his previous lotus position. "Time to leave this hellhole." He says to himself as his clothes suddenly changes into a full black combat suit that Nyx has gifted him not to long ago. This was a neat and useful trick that she has taught him and sure as hell does come in handy.

After Sorren was admiring his suit, he thought about how he should proceed with his escape. I can go about this one of two ways. I can either escape covertly or I can leave while leaving destruction in my wake I think to myself as if it's a very difficult decision. I then mentally laugh at the thought and go with the first option. I then walk toward the door and kick it off it's hinges causing the 2 guards from outside to instantly rush in to see what going on. A mistake on there part.

I then quickly on created lightning blades coating both my hands, and flashed in-front of them. Slashing at their necks causing their heads to roll as I watch the bodies drop lifelessly. Deactivating my blades, I start to make my way to the exist killing all who opposed and tried to stop me.

After 5 minutes of walking I pass what looked to be a weaponry and quickly take a look to see if there's anything worth stealing. While walking I see a black and sliver coloured sword that traps my attention. I walk up to it and inspect it. After carefully examining it i decided to take i with me, so I grab the sheath and attached it to my back. Continuing with my escape. It wasn't until I re-entered the hallway that I noticed that the alarms where sounding. Looking to both sides wondering why I don't see any of those whores walking about, I shrugged it off knowing that I'm bound to run into the again.

(15 minutes later)

I finally make out the castle without a hitch and now warily walking towards the beach in case they try and go for an ambush. When I make to the shore I realised why I haven't ran into anybody yet..THESE BITCHES WERE WAITING HERE THIS WHOLE TIME!! I think to myself in mild shock. I the scan the present Amazon's tallying how many I'd have to go through. 15 huh this could prove to be a interesting I think to myself as I start chuckling in amusement.

Hippolyta then walks forward and looks me in the the eyes. As are eyes meet I'm filled with instant rage as I scowl. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the queen of the land of whores." I say letting my anger slip a little.

"Watch you tongue." The Amazon said whilst looking at me I disgust. "Return to you cell at once, and you will be spared." She said in a calm voice as she held eye contact with me. When she finished her words I felt my rage clime to a whole new height.

"You want me to go back... after all these years caged up like a animal you want me to go back?" I say as my anger keeps climbing. "I SPENT 5000 YEARS IN THAT SHIT HOLE ABD IF YOU THINK IN GOING BACK WITHOUT A FIGHT YOUR SORELY MISTAKEN!!!!." I yelled as I conjured 5 spears of lightning and launched them at the Amazons, vaporising my targets by the amount of power I channelled through them. The remaining warriors then charged at me enraged at the death of their sisters. I conjured my twin lighting blades and engaged them in heated combat.

Whitest running I take out another few with a lightning slash. Trying widen my chances of escape. As soon as we reach the centre, there are only 5 Amazons are remaining. Hippolyta then inches closer to me and wings her sword towards my head trying to take my head off. I block it with a blade in my right hand and swing the blade covering my left hand at her face. She was shocked at the speed in which it was approaching her face. She tried to dodge to the left but wasn't fast as it left diagonal cutter going downwards on her right check.

Sorren didn't pay attention to the remaining Amazons and received a kick sending him hurling back. Not having any time to react. He crossed his arms with a X guard, a received another incoming attack, pushing me even further back. I then fall to a knee and catch try to catch my breath. They all have over hundreds of years filled with battle experience this could have gone a totally different way l. I think to myself as I raise to my feet. Just then more Amazons started to arrive on the battlefield, I'm then surrounded by tuns of Amazons .Enraged, I took out his sword and stabbed it into the ground and yelled at the top of my lungs. "SURGE!!" Right then a sea of lightning erupted from my sword spreading in every direction electrocuting all the Amazon causing them scream in agonising pain, I smile evilly at the sound a keep it up for a few more seconds until I cut the power and watch the fall to there knees panting heavily.

I then look over the Amazons who are starting to get back to their feet. I don't have enough left over energy to take them on again so I decided to leaving now to be the best cause of action. "Hear me and hear me well Amazons... your suffering has only just begun. I SORREN SON OF ZUSE WILL BRING FORTH THE DESTRUCTION OF THEMYSCIRA!!!" I yell the last part making sure that my voice covers the hole island. I then look over to the queen who is glaring daggers at me and finish saying. "You have 6 years. Then I'll be coming for you. And your blood shall be the first to spill." After he's finished, Nyx then appears and envelopes then both in darkness disappearing from Themyscira.

(With Hippolyta)

I look towards my sister and tell her urgently. "Light the ancient fire at once." She nods in reply and rushes to light the signal.

"Who is this for my queen." A warrior asks after the pain her her body has past.

Hippolyta looked at her as if she was stupid and replied. " For Diana who else. She and the league stands the best chance at stopping home now." She says then takes her leave. Fearing what at what is to happen now that he is free.

Hope yall enjoyed this chapter it was an fun one to write.

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