
The Amazing Lives of Tai

A young boy inherits a great divine power known as the Spirit of Will, abusing the boys naivety and fear, the power is stolen which not only leads to the boy dying but may also lead to the destruction of the continent. As he lays dying he is given another chance From the spirit of Life. Using it's power he is given the ability to Reincarnate but at the cost of his memories. Guided by the spirit of life and the legacies left from their past lives, Each reincarnation lives different lives but all with the same destiny, Recover the power and correct Their mistakes.

Yonbui · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
19 Chs

Chapter 4: Patrol pt.1

"AHHHHHHH! Where is Tai!? He should be here already!" shouted Norina.

"Call down he'll be here soon, yesterday was pretty stressful." Cylo tried to calm her down.

The two had been waiting by the gate of the temple since morning ready to go on their first patrol in the southern forest.

"Hey guys!" a voice yelled from across the temple.

It was Tai running hurriedly towards them.

"Sorry for being late guys...hmm? There's something different about you guys."

Norina and Cylo were in there basic uniforms but there was a noticeable difference to what they were accessorized with. Norina had two slightly curved short swords on her hips that almost looked like daggers the grips were black and red and had an engraving of a dragon type creature on the pommels. For Cylo it was a long staff with a large blade on the end of it. This was a common weapon used by the Disciples in the temple, Tai remembered people calling it a Guandao or a reclining moon blade, Cylo also had large prayer beads that were around his neck that were similar to the Grandmasters. Tai had recalled that these beads were used to exercise wraiths that appeared from the forest.

"Oh did you get those from your father Cylo?" Tai asked him.

"Yep! The Grandmaster gave me ones he put blessings on himself, he said you couldn't rely on something that might be faulty."

"The Grandmaster also put blessing onto my short swords too ya know," said Norina.

"Really that's amazing."

"But more Importantly Tai, Why are so late, we've been waiting for you since morning."

"Oh sorry I was up a bit late yesterday."

"Up late huh? And what were you doing up so late?" questioned Norina.

"And what is that on your hip?" Cylo asked taking notice of the long black object on Tai's side.

"Oh this?" Tai took the object off and showed the two. "It's awesome isn't it?"

The long black shape wasn't very miraculous it was a long straight black item that was very skinny. The only thing that stood out was that there was a Seven pointed star a quarter of the way down on one of the flat sides.

"Is this...a sculpture?" asked Clyo.

"NO!" Tai Exclaimed. "It's a sword obviously!"

Tai took the side short of the star and pulled it. Out popped a straight dark black blade with a slight purple hint as the sun reflected on it. The scabbard and handle didn't look spectacular but blade itself was mesmerizing.

"Huh? Besides the blade everything else is...plain." said Norina

"Plain!? do you think its plain too Cylo?"


"You're both heartless," Tai whined. "Fine the next one's I make will look so good even you guys will say they're amazing."

"Wait Tai did you say you made that?" Cylo had a doubtful look on his face


"I didn't know you had smithing skills."

"I don't."

"Then how did you make it." the two questioned.

Tai Smirked. "I did it using my new power!"

"WHAT!?" Norina shouted.

"You can use your power already?"

"That's Right Norina, with the help of the Black and White spirits I was able to create this blade which I hereby dub Saturn!" Tai shouted pointing the blade towards the sky.

Cylo placed his hand on his chin."Wait the black and white spirit also appeared to you?"

"Yep they said they'll come from time to time to help me out, but more importantly we should get going I can't wait to try Saturn out." [Tai]

"Saturn? Why Saturn." Norina asked.

"Well believe it or not This sword has a special ability and when I seen it the name kind of just came to me."

"hmm then what's the special abili-"

"Are you guys ready to go out or are you gonna play around all day?" A female voice said coming from behind them.

Walking in their direction were three Disciples form the Temple wearing Light Blue Uniforms, all but the woman were holding Guandao that were larger that Cylos and all three had large prayer beads around their necks. Junbi was the female with brown reddish hair tied in a bun with a slim body but you couldn't tell was packing lots of strength, She had a one handed sword on her side. The other two were her twin brothers Setto and Go they had short black hair and very muscular bodies that one could mistake for being chubby, a child could mistake them for bears.

These three were the guards to the Temple and also the ones who were to chaperon the three kids on their patrol through the forest.

"Oh sorry Junbi we were just listening to Tai telling us about his new sword." Norina ran over to Junbi with a happy look on her face.

"Hmmm it isn't very fancy looking but I can tell the Blade is reliable. Maybe I'll have to teach you some good sword skills later." Said Jumbi

"Really! Can't wait." [Tai]

"Hmm Tai its good to be diligent but with the boss her you won't have to worry about using any weapons!" One of the twins spoke, It was Setto, Tai could only tell because the weapon he carried had a black tassel tied to it, Go had a white tassel and spoke after him.

"That's right! The boss is the strongest fighter in the whole temple she's slayed legions of wraiths even the king of the underworld himself fea-"

Junbi swung the scabbard of her weapon and bonked her brothers on the head.

"Please Ignore my idiot brothers, and stop calling me boss please." Junbi sighed.

"Look what you did Setto now the boss is angry at us because of you."

"Because of me? No its all your fault!"

"Take this!" The two brothers started a small brawl with each other but it wasn't a fight, for some reason they were posing their muscles to each other.

The kids had a look of pain on their faces while Junbi struggled to ignore them and walk toward the gate.

"Lets go these Idiots will catch up when they realize we've left."

"Aye aye Captain." They said in together in a monotone voice.

They walked for about an hour before they reached the forest that was at the bottom of the temples mountain when the brothers caught up to them. Before they decided to enter, Junbi paused for a moment and spoke to them with a serious tone.

"This may just be a patrol to get you guys used to the area but you must take it Very seriously," Junbi looked at the three. "We are taking a short route where wraiths aren't too active and ones we've seen are only about the size of small rabbits, but be careful recklessness may still get you hurt."

"Yes Ma'am!" the three said together.

"Don't call me ma'am...you can call me Elder sister."

"Yes Elder Sister!"

"Ok I'll take point, Cylo you stay behind me, then Norina and Tai after her. My brothers will be in the back. Now this is just patrol but if we run into wraiths, we eliminate them, But if I say run then you trace back to this spot and wait for everyone to regroup. By no circumstances are you to fight if I say to run. OK?"

"Yes Elder Sister!"

"Yes Boss!" The Twins shouted from behind.

"...Ok then lets go."

Junbi started into the forest and the others followed behind her. There wasn't too much happening as they traversed through the forest. Not many beasts appeared and there were no Wraiths that appeared at all. After an hour and a half of patrol the kids were bored so Norina decided to spark up a conversation.

"Umm Junbi?"

"Yes Norina?"

"I only recently heard about wraiths so I don't know what they really are. Like what do they look like and What are they." asked Norina

"Hmm well even I don't know what they are exactly, but I can tell you that they often take the forms of beasts they seem like they are wrapped in a black shadow and attack indiscriminately. They are vicious creatures, there are some that are the size of Dogs and Forest Wolves that can usually be handled alone by someone who knows how to exercise them, but some times there are some even bigger the size of large bears or even Titan Wolves that stand at least 3 meters when on all fours. Just one of those would take a group of ten regular Disciples to handle." She paused for a moment. "But Luckily you have me, I'm no regular Disciple." She said with a slight grin.

"Alright I can use some wind magic so hopefully that'll help me defeat some." said Norina.

"Well magic is certainly a plus when-."

Suddenly Junbi motioned her hand to the rest to stop and stay quiet. She lower her body and crept forward slowly, the others followed her doing the same. She came up to a bush and parted it slightly, That's when they saw it. Wraiths, there were 7 of them shaped like Wolves. Tai could see the black shadow that covered them that was lashing almost as if it was fire burning them. They had eyes that seemed like they were originally yellow but had a bloodshot tinge to them. and beneath them were several dead bodies of Forest Wolves.

"Hmm, Strange seeing wolf wraiths along this path, But this seems like an opportunity...alright," Junbi began whispering. "Me and my brothers will go first to show you guys how it's done, watch carefully."

Junbi scouted the area where the wolves stood while still taking cover behind trees and bushes making sure there was no other danger, Once she returned to the group and assesed there was no danger she stepped out to greet the 7 wraiths. They all turned to face her with vibrating growls. Junbi drew her sword. Suddenly 3 of the wraiths charged at her but Junbi didn't move a muscle.

"Echo" she said.

In an instant the Wraiths that charged at her ripped apart.

"You're lucky princess, as The Boss is also well versed in Wind magic." Go said while preparing to step out and assist.

Setto and Go ran and stood beside their sister.

"As for me and my brother-"

There was a loud crack as the Blades of the brothers started sparking with electricity flowing through them. The two brothers dashed forward past Junbi at 2 more wraiths that were charging towards her.

"Fangs of the Thunder God!" The Blades sliced through the wraiths with ease. Now it was a stand off between that last 2 Wraiths. These last 2 seemed bigger than the other ones who ran before them and one was even bigger than the other. With no warning the Biggest one turned and Ran back into the forest.

"It's running?" This was shocking to Junbi.

"I've never encountered a wraith that had value for it's own life, but we have to deal with the problem in front of us first." She said as she reached for the beads around her neck. Her brothers did the same. She motioned her hands and the beads followed along like a snake. She pointed towards the last wraith.

"Scatter!" the beads shot out at it all scattered through the air in a random pattern.

"Bind!" The beads all came together with a long white light connecting each of them and wrapped around the wraith who was caught of guard and was now immobilized. The two brothers threw a single talisman that seemed to duplicate themselves and covered the wraith completely. The two stepped forward with there palms out.

"May the Creation god accept you into the after life. HAAA!" They shouted as the form of the Wraith broke apart like glass then vanished without a trace.

The beads came together like a snake and made their way towards back to Junbi.

"The beads can be used more offensively too but I wanted to show you the safest way they are used in the field Cylo," She turned back to the Kids who were waiting behind her still looking through the bushes. "I'll give you some tips on wind magic that will work better with your swords later Norina but for now I think long range slash attacks will be best for you until you get more experience. With the training you guys have gotten so far, handling small fry like this should be easy. I couldn't show you any sword techniques yet Tai...Hmm I'll show you some next time."

"No need! That was plenty and with this sword I can probably mimic your Wind technique. Next up is our turn!" Tai shouted.

"Haha well I guess you get points for confidence." she chuckled.

Though she seemed in high spirits there was something that was bothering Junbi and it was the fact that one of the wraiths ran away. There haven't been any wraiths that showed Value in their lives since they were first discovered.

'Are the Wraiths evolving? maybe their numbers are low and they're adapting to survive?' These thoughts crossed her mind but she decided later she would report it to her superiors at the temple. But the group continued on with their Patrol.

They continued through the forest and had two more encounters with Wolf wraiths that they seen. The first was left to Cylo using his beads to bind them and talismans to exercise them.

"I'm not very good with magic but I can do great with just the beads and talismans. Not to mention I have my guandao just in case."

The next one Norina took care of Using speed from her use of wind magic she was able to avoid any attacks and was able to use a few short range attacks to slice through the wraiths.

"This seems easier than expected, maybe its because the blessings on the swords?"

After patrolling a little more they decided to take a break it was almost Noon now and they were all working up a hunger. They decided to make a small camp so they could cook some food and eat.

"Ahh man I want to fight the next one!" Tai was getting restless for a fight.

"Be patient, wraiths are dangerous and if you mess up and try to do something dumb you might put yourself in danger. Not to mention that that sword of yours seems a little unreliable to me." Norina snarked at him.

"Whatever! This sword is amazing I'm gonna use it to slash down whoever is making these wraith things one day!" said Tai as put a spoon full of the soup they were eating into his mouth.

"You'll get your turn Tai if not today then tomorrow." Junbi told him.

"ahh I guess so." he muttered.

Tai looked up from his meal towards where Junbi was sitting was across from him and he seen two glowing eyes peeking from the shadows in the forest.


"I know" she said.

She stood up and turned around pulling out her sword. From out of the shadows stepped a large wolf shaped wraith. It was the size of the one who fled from them before so Junbi was positive it was the same one.

"Tai, I guess you can get your chance today."

It was bigger than the other ones Cylo and Norina faced but from what Junbi could tell it was at a level they couldn't handle.

"Ok now its time to show you guys what I've got!"

Tai stepped forward with his sword at his left side not drawing it out yet. He took a low stance and faced the Wraith that was staring at him with its Yellow red eyes. It didn't make a move but Tai noticed something.

"The eyes that I seen were glowing white...not yellow.." he whispered to himself.

The wraith charged at him with enormous speed but Tai stayed calm still not drawing his sword. Junbi was on edge that he hadn't taken out his weapon yet so she was ready to jump in at any moment in case he were to mess up. But Tai didn't need her help, the wraith jumped toward him and before it got within a meter of him he pulled his sword out and slashed it at the air in between them. Suddenly the wraith was surrounded by what seemed to be rings, the rings collapsed and cut the wraiths body into pieces. Tai summoned another ring this time coming from the swing of his blade. The rings destroyed the pieces of the Wraiths body that were falling and continued to slash going through the trees that were behind it.

"I uhh think over did it." said Tai as he turned around to see his friends astonishment.

"Whoa Tai what was that?" asked Cylo

"hehehe That was the power of Saturn here, I can't do too much with it right now But im sure in the future I'll be able to use it even better and the next sword I make will be even better. Hmm maybe I'll give that one some fire attacks."

Tai started back towards his friends with a grin on his face, But when he looked up at his friends faces they all had a very tense look.

Suddenly he felt an enormous pressure coming from behind him, But before he could react Junbi was directly in front of him. She pulled him and threw him behind her. Tai fell to the ground then turned around to see a gigantic figure in front of him lifting its weapon from the ground at the spot where Tai was just standing.

"What is that?" asked Tai

"You kids stay back leave this one to us." Said Setto.

The brothers with their glowing weapons stepped beside their sister who was standing to appose the figure.

"Looks like its a humanoid or Ogre type Wraith." Junbi said to them

The wraith stood at about 5 meters tall and was holding something that seemed like a giant sword. There were horns in the shape of a crown coming from the top of its head. It gave out a large roar Vibrating the whole area around them. Tai and the other two could do nothing but stand there and watch in astonishment.