
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

Running feels impossible, but somehow I manage. Fear is a powerful motivator.

I take off, sprinting as fast as my legs will take me.

I keep looking back at him. I want to make sure he's safe. I want to make sure that he's with me.

We sprint through the trees, silently, completely focused. Every time I look at him, I feel overcome with relief.

Suddenly, everything seems so simple. All I need is him.

We run for what seems like ages.

I am wounded and weak, and with every step it gets harder to breathe.

I feel like I am going to throw up, or pass out, or both, but I know I can't let that happen.

I have to stay strong; I have to keep running.

Because Lance and his pack are still right behind us.


We come across a stable in the woods just as my legs are about to give out. Ryan approaches a horse. I can tell right away that he's good with them.

He grabs the reigns and pulls it out of the stable.

"Can you get on?" He asks.