

Shiela's POV

"Come back here Shiela!" He ordered..

Duh who does he think he is..

The Alpha prince, the next Alpha king.. so what?

Okay.. I know we have an unfinished business.

Yeah he is meant to apologize and accept me as his mate and future Luna..

"What?" I said rudely.

"You are very ill-mannered!" He said..

"No wonder your sister likes me and prefers me to some girl" I fired back at him.. and he smirked.

"You dare talk back at me.. Oh really?!" He yelled and I trembled abit.

"Now listen to me, I rejected you a long time ago. I found someone else and incase you don't know, she has completely taken your place.. yeah she's the lady in your thoughts right now!" He said.. Without being remorseful about my feeling or something.

"You know what Shiela, I almost wanted you back yesterday but I can see you are a whore"

"Whore??" I exclaimed.

"Do not pretend! Your partner in crime is Lincoln. I've confirmed it"