
We Have Checked You

"No more."

"Miss Shi, you should be pregnant at the time." Feng De induced to say.

"No, I was not pregnant."

Feng De looked at the flat panel display and saw that the data on the display did not fluctuate a little. It is an honest answer. He couldn't help but wonder.

After a pause he continued "Impossible, after investigation, you have been staying at home almost three years ago and have never been out of the house. People who have seen you also see you wearing loose clothes. If you are not pregnant, why are you Want to hide at home for a year? "

"That's because was drawing cartoons and I like to stay at home when I create. Is it strange that I like to wear loose clothes when I'm comfortable?"

Shi Xiaonian is speechless can this also become evidence?

"Three years ago, on New Year's Eve, where was Miss Shi?"

"New Year's Day? It should be Chinese New Year in my hometown. I return to my hometown every year for Chinese New Year."

"No, you were with our young master that night." Feng De said, "You are with the young master and it was your initiative."

If it weren't for Feng De's wrinkled face which was too serious, Shi Xiaonian would have thought he was kidding.

"No! A man as harsh and irritable as he is, I would be nauseated at once! How can I take the initiative to be with him?" Shi Xiaonian stared at Feng De with a very agitated tone.

The scene in the steaming hall was staged again in front of her eyes, and as she was inch by inch was plundered by the arrogant man.

Gong Ou who was now hearing these two words made him sick like swallowing a fly.


On the balcony outside the window, the man sat lazily on the white rattan chair. His face immediately became very ugly when he heard the sound from inside. He placed the red wine glass in his hand heavily on the table.


The woman actually said he was sick he didn't think she was pretending. She was sick of him?

"Mr. Gong, the woman said something deliberately, trying to get rid of the situation. She just wants to attract your attention don't worry about it."

The woman standing behind Gong Ou wore almost thin transparent pajamas, holding a pair of E cups and rubbing his shoulders for him.

"Just try to get rid of it?"

Gong Ou repeated coldly looking into the window with a bad look only to see Shi Xiaonian sitting on the lie detector chair. He has strong hatred in his eyes.

Whether she was really disgusted or stubborn he could see at a glance.

In the room in the window, the housekeeper Feng De frowned and continued to ask Shi Xiaonian, "Miss Shi, we checked you."

"You are just the adopted daughter of the family. You have a sister who is one year younger than you. From young to adulthood, you are nowhere near your sister. From appearance and ability, you are just a third-rate cartoonist but she is a first-line actress that is popular in the country, or cosmetics.

Suddenly her background was described one by one just like the clothes that were stripped off in front of people.

Shi Xiaonian clenched her fists, her teeth biting her lips.

"I asked a psychologist to analyze that long-term inferiority and jealousy would make you want to surpass your sister." Feng De said, "So three years ago, on the New Year's Day, you designed to climb onto the master's bed, hoping to rely on a night of greed fly on the branch but the young master ignored you. Something happened and later found out that you were pregnant and wanted your motherhood to be expensive? "

He said a bunch of words, as if he had seen them with his own eyes.

Long-term inferiority and jealousy.

Shi Xiaonian suddenly felt that all the anger in her heart had turned into bitterness but she could not speak.