
The mating pull

Fallon was pissed I told her to stop, she was mumbling back at me incoherent profanities. She had curled into a ball next to him, he had rolled over but she had her head away from him so we couldn't see where he had went. Fallon had finally finished her endless string of insults when a wet slobbery tongue licked our face. Surprised she picked her head up, he put his head slightly into the curve of our neck. He smelled like the forest but he wore it like a channel no. 5.

He pulled back and sat waiting for us to get up. When we did he lead us towards the direction of my house. I guess the distraction was over. Time to deal with what Emma had said. I couldn't help but be nervous as we got closer. He picked up his clothes and went behind a small bushel of trees giving me privacy to shift. Again shifting back was like breathing, I got dressed fast and left the safety of the forest.

Finn was at the fence waiting for me to come out. I guess he was still a lot better at this than I am. I gave him a shy smile not knowing what to say about Fallon. He just smiled back at me, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Feeling a little panic at the thought he was finally going to go back to that guy I avoided.

"What's your wolf's name?" I blurted out trying to change the mood. He looked surprised but this time his eyes lit up with his grin.

"Rainer, and he is very pleased with himself right now." he laughed lightly shaking his head.

I smiled at him realizing his wolf was happy to run with us. We had reached the back door, taking a deep breath I opened it. We walked in and I led him to our small living room. He kept looking around as if it was the most interesting thing to him. I listened to the house, I could tell my parents were still awake upstairs in their room.

"Please have a seat I'm going to go get them." he just nodded in response taking a seat on our little couch. I ran upstairs and knocked on my parents door.

"Come in." my mom sang from the other side of the closed door.

"Mom, Dad. Can you come down stairs? Finn and I want to talk." I said in a small voice feeling like a child about to confess to something wrong I had done.

"The young alpha is here?" she jumped up and fixed her night robe "I didn't even clean or prepare a treat for him. What will Serena say." she finished her train of thought and took off down the stairs. My dad simple nodded with a solemn look and followed me down.

My mom was in the kitchen turning on the tea kettle and frantically searching for something else. I looked at Finn apologetically taking a seat next to him but he just smiled.

"Okay, tea will be ready soon, but I can't find our cookies so I do apologize young alpha. We were not expecting a visit." she said joining us in the living room.

"Its fine, no need to worry about it. I'm actually here because Daliah has some questions." he said in a calm tone looking at my parents.

Their faces looked confused both of them staring at me. I started to get even more nervous being put on the spot, I felt his arm brush against mine giving me the strength to talk. I explained to them what Emma had told me. Both of their faces grew grim as I explained further. When I finished I looked over to my mate and he gave me a look that almost seemed proud.

"We wanted to tell you but there is so much you won't understand." my mom said holding back tears.

"Do we have to do this tonight Dali?" my dad said taking her into his arms.

"She deserves answers." Finn said annoyed with how he wanted to avoid the conversation. I looked at the clock on the wall and noticed how late it was, our run must have taking longer than I thought.

"It is getting late." I responded to him not daring to look over at him. I could already feel the anger in him starting to rise.

"Daliah.." he said low, so low I knew only I could hear him "Its now or never mate. Just rip off the band aid." he hissed at me.

"Please you guys I deserve to know the truth about our pack. About who we are." I said calmly.

"My pack was my pride and joy, as their alpha I made sure my girls were safe. That they were with good mates who understood us as we were." My mom sobbed, I could tell this was painful for her to talk about.

"Mom, I.." I felt my heart breaking seeing her like this, I didn't know what to say.

"It was my fault." my dad interjected, holding his mate closer as she let her tears flow. "I was a young wolf, my pack was nomadic, we never stayed in one place long and tended meet others like us but different along the way." he sighed, his eyes distant as he continued. "We had traveled with some of these people as we went along, one of them was a witch her name Trista. She and I well we were dating at the time we made it to your moms pack." he hung his head.

"You taught me to never date before my mate though." my hands flew to my mouth in shock. No wonder the had always been so strict in the southern pack.

"We didn't want a similar history to repeat." he looked from me to and Finn taking in our faces. "Well its safe to say that she was not to happy to see I had found my mate. At first I tried to refuse it but the mate bond... Well I'm sure you understand the pull. With me finally leaving her Trista went on a rampage, she killed many of our packs, only few of us escaping with our lives but no one made it out unscathed. We were cursed by her dark magic, to never know our wolves again." he finished handing his head, his turn to take comfort in mom's arms.

"The moon goddess found a way though, how come I have Fallon now and you guys can't speak with yours?" I asked not sure if they even knew.

"Its my punishment for not protecting our packs when they needed me most." my mom said in a small voice, the pain lingering on top of the acceptance.

I leaned back into the couch not even noticing I was sitting on the edge listening to their story. Cursed for finding their mate, what kind of evil jealous rage can one fall under to almost kill off two whole packs? I looked up at Finn who was looking at me trying to figure out how I was feeling. He gave me a small encouraging pat on my thigh, the warmth bringing me back to reality.

"This is a lot to take in, why would you lie to me?" my head whipping to them, angry " I had to find out from someone I don't even know!" my voice got slightly higher as I felt the sting of betrayal. "Were you ever going to tell me? Or were you going to let me believe that forever?" I stood up glaring at them.

"That's enough." Finn said standing up and taking my hand. The sizzle of his touch calming with each second. "My mom says she has a room for her at the pack house. She will be staying with us tonight." he said the alpha tone seeping off of his voice.

"But.. But Dali please." my dad said looking sad like he didn't know how exactly to start apologizing.

"It was an order by the Luna." Finn looked at them both and they just bowed their head in acknowledgement.

"I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.. I love you." I said as Finn lead me to the front door.

They said it back and we went on our way, at first I was about to head to my car but he grabbed my hand and stopped me. I looked at him kind of dazed, everything seems to be happening so fast. He looked like he understood and pulled me towards his truck. Climbing into his truck was difficult for me being only 5'4 to his 6'2. When I finally managed to pull myself in he was already seated and ready to go.

"You okay?" he said with his eyes trained on the road.

"If I said no would that make me weak?" I asked with out thinking, staring at the trees go by. He didn't answer me, I guess that meant yes.

The late night was starting to get to me I could feel my eye lids getting heavy, threatening to close. The day was to much of a roller coaster, I just wanted some peace. I must have dozed off since I half woke up to being moved, the warmth that enveloped me put me right back to sleep. I was so comfortable in it that the moment it was gone I groaned. Come back was all I could think, it was the first time I had felt safer than ever before. Those thoughts ended abruptly as sleep took over fully.

I woke up from what felt like the most restful night of sleep I have ever had. Opening my eyes I noticed the huge room I was in, the only light seeping in from behind dark black curtains. This must be one of the guest rooms in the pack house. The bed was so comfortable the black satin sheets felt so nice, much better than my bed at home. Sighing I stretched but stopped when my hand was met with those familiar fireworks.

I flipped over to see a half naked Finn sprawled out like a star fish. Why was he in here? His muscles looked like he was a statue in an art museum but carved just for me. With out thinking I reached out and touched his abs, the smooth skin sent sparks through my finger tips. I traced the swirling tattoo that started to go up to his chest and broad shoulders.

"Ah, that tickles!" he woke up from the dead of sleep ready to attack. His sudden movements caused me to jump falling off the bed. Crashing on the floor in a loud thud I let out a gasp.

"I'm sorry." I managed to say in a small voice but he did not answer. I peeked up on the bed and he was already back asleep. That was a relief, how embarrassing would that have been. I faced palmed in annoyance, Fallon on the other hand was happier than ever.

I sat down on the floor looking around the room, there was a large leather couch and a few matching off to the side of the room. At the other end of the room there was a large stone fire place with pictures lining the mantle. The giant California king kept right in the middle. It didn't take long for me to realize this was indeed not a guest room but his. Taking in the room I should have realized it was his, his scent was all over.

I got up and walked over to the door to the side of the room, it was the only one that looked like it might be an exit. Carefully I turned the knob so I would not wake him up. In the hall I did the same, I stepped cautiously down to the kitchen, the one room I ever ventured to go when we lived here before. The kitchen was huge like the rest of the house, marble counter tops and stainless steel appliances to match. I opened the fridge to grab a water bottle before trying to find a way home.

"Now, I'm all for grand babies but lets get our degrees first shall we." Serena's voice came from the other side of the fridge door scaring me.

"Um.. I promise I would never disrespect you like that Luna." I said closing the door and bowing my head to her.

"Oh come on I told you call me Serena!" she laughed with a mischievous smile " there is definitely something making you happy, your practically glowing!" she finished eyeing me. My mind snapped back to last night, the realization of everything thing my parents and Emma had said was true.

"Is that your power Serena?" I asked curious to know how it works. Her face beamed at the question.

"Oh no darling, I know when a she wolf is in need, but auras are easy if you know what to look for." she finished saying that going around me to start on breakfast.

"Is that how you knew I was coming here that day?" I watched as the recognition came over her.

"Well I knew someone was on their way to talk. I can never quite make out who until your close." she said pulling out the pancake mix, and some strawberries from the fridge. "I can feel the urgency, the whom normally doesn't matter as I'm here to help all of my pack. But when I saw you little one my heart broke." she sighed, looking down at her work. "These are your favorite right?"

"My absolute favorite." I smiled at her knowing that.

"What a coincidence, their a fan favorite around here too." she smiled at me then past me. "morning hun, thought I said the second bedroom to the right." her face dropping to a serious one pointing a spatula at him.

I turned to see a half asleep Finn, thankfully with some clothes on. If he were to have come in with his shirt off I couldn't help what I might do unconsciously. He looked at us his face still puffy from sleep. He just grunted at her, plopping down in a chair at the kitchen table.

"He's always like this in the morning. Good Luck!" Serena put two plates in front of me and motioned for me to join him at the table.

"Are you sure? I can help if you like." I said not sure how to deal with him looking for an escape.

"I've spent twenty-three years of this, its up to you now." she laughed mischievously and left the kitchen, but not before popping her head around the corner to finish. "I mean if you want to help, I'm sure the staff wont mind a clear sink." she smiled and waived bye.

"Breakfast," I said with a half smile sliding the plate at the almost feral looking alpha.

"Mmm, my favorite." was all he grumbled out before digging in. I laughed at the cute sleepy side he was showing. Laughing lightly I joined him. My goddess she made the best pancakes!