
The Alpha King's Mate

A King needs his Queen, to rule by his side. To see the beauty in every little things.. Its all Alexander ever wanted. To feel the bond of a Mate.. To feel how to be cared.. Mates now a days are hard to find especially "True Mates". He have to find her mate as soon as possible for his wolf is growing restless and impatient on finding their mate. The one that the Moon Goddess destined to be with him for eternity. And when the time comes to finally meet his mate, would Alexander, the Alpha King, would he accept her mate after knowing the horrible revelations about her mate? Is he willing to accept all of her and be the Queen of Werewolfs in his kingdom?

LavLyn09 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
57 Chs

Chapter 7

Camryn's POV

"Wake up Camryn" hearing the faint voice of my wolf inside me.

"Just one more minute, let me sleep more" groaning at her in response. I felt like I didn't have enough sleep last night. I just had the worst nightmare in my life. Dreaming that the pack had been attacked by rogues and that there was a tall man that had marked me knowing I'm not even his mate.

Arrgghh! It's so disgusting remembering his awful face in my dreams.

I shifted in my sleep, feeling the pain aching all over my body.

Why does my body feel in so much pain?

That dream felt real!

The throbbing ache in my neck made it all worst!

Wait! What?


At my neck?

Still, eyes are closed, startled at the thought, I run my hands over my neck.

What's this? Why it felt sore and damp?

Damp with what?

Opening my eyes I saw blood.

Blood in my hands?

Running my hands again at my neck. There's really blood on it. It confirms what I have been dreading.

It's not a dream.

It's all had happened.

It's all real!

I abruptly woke up. All the memories of last night's horrible scene came crashing down on me. Beaded sweat already forming on my forehead.

Why is this even happening?

It can't be.

I can't be his mate!

My dreams of having a mate are all crumbling down. All that I've been fantasizing about mates that my mother had told me are now shattered, stained with that dreadful man had done to me! Making all my visions into illusions.

What will happen to me now?

What will happen to us? To my wolf?

Calling her deep within me, I only felt a glimpse of her and her faint voice. I can't feel her clearly. What is happening to my wolf? Is this have to do with the mark?


That should be the only reason why my connection to her and our bond is weak. And this is the first time that had happen to us.

And that is because of that dreadful man!

Our weak connection is because of his mark!

He is not my true mate!

Breaking my thoughts with that awful man, I take notice of my surroundings. It's a bit dark and no windows around. The thick hot humid air filled the place where I'm in. The only light that filled the place is a torch that hangs on the far side of the wall.

Looking down, I am only laying on the hard filthy ground without anything, even a pillow or a blanket.

Scrunching up my nose, irritated at the foul smell.

"What is this place?" wandering where I am. The room smells like a rotten and nasty odor that's sickening to the core.

Standing up, I move towards the light. Upon nearing, I was scared at the thought of where I am.

I am locked up in some kind of a stinking cell.

Maybe this is the rogues' dungeon where they held all of their captives.

And what's shocked me more is that I'm not alone. There are also other shewolfs locked up in other cells. Weeping, sobbing and others are screaming for help.

What would I do now? I even can't communicate easily with my wolf now.

"You! This is all your fault!" startled at the sudden voice. Turning my sight at the cell across mine.

I know that voice! I'm very familiar with that voice!

"Savannah, is that you?"

"This is all your fault! Where were you when the rogues attacked? When they have taken us? They should have taken you instead of me!" her anger flaring out of her. Rattling me to my core.

"You have ruined my birthday!" her eyes that are full of hatred and despise looking at me. "Maybe you have been secretly communicating to them to strike at us, especially to the Alpha! To my father! To have your revenge! That's why you're not even there when they arrived and assault the entire pack!"

"What are you talking about?" I was bewildered by her accusations against me.

"Traitor! I knew it! Father should have ended your life a long time ago! My father is right! I shouldn't be good to you! Tell me, are you happy now!" gripping her hands harder at the metal bars until her knuckles turn white.

The other shewolfs also started to shout and cursed at me. Accusing me and blaming me for what had happened.

"That's not true!" screaming to them that I was not one to be blamed "That's not even true!" a tear escaped from me "I maybe hate you all and you all have held a horrible animosity deep in my heart but I'm not that wicked to onslaught the pack just to have my revenge!" I break down in front of them. Showing all my emotions.

"Liar! Look! Look at you! You had the nerve to show off your mark! That you have found your mate! Out of all the unmated shewolfs here!"

Looking down at my appearance at what she said. I almost forgot that half of my shirt had been ripped off by that awful man that had forcefully marked me.

"So proud of yourself now, huh? Fucking pathetic bitch! If I get out of here, I will make sure to end your worthless and disgusting life!"

She really hates me that much. I didn't even do anything bad to her.

I tried to speak up once again to defend myself but was interrupted by the sound of sudden heavy footsteps.

Someone is coming.

The horrible look on our faces made us all quiet down.

Then the sound of the opening of the metal bars reaches my ear.

Unexpectedly terrifying screams and shrieks suddenly filled the whole place. Hearing the shewolfs pleading and their agonizing cries.

The rogues. It must be the rogues.

More terrifying and unpleasant screams can be heard in the other cells.

"What are you doing to them? Please, stop it!" I shouted. Trying to talk to them.

I was petrified at the screams of the possible things they are doing to them.

Then loud footsteps once again echoed that were coming closer.

Until it had stopped at my cell.

"Hey, mate. Did you miss me?"

I shook with terror at the man in front of me. Seeing that disgusting smile again on his awful face.

The sudden jolt of electricity surged through my neck that send my whole body to tremble.

It's his mark.

It made my whole body feel weak.

"You filthy whore! You really are a traitor!"

Savannah's shrill voice made my heart jump.

"See! You even mated to one of these disgusting rogues! Well, it suits you! You even deserve to have a mate for one of them! Because you are like them! A trash, cheap, and useless pathetic whore!" then she laugh hard which made my heart sink at how lowly she thought of me.

Suddenly, in a blink of an eye, she was slammed against the metal bars. Making her face collide with the hard bars.

Her eyes went wide at the tall man's words "Don't you dare speak like that to my LUNA in front of me!"


What did he mean by that?

Baffled at what he just said.

"Wait for your punishment after I'm done with my Luna."

Then he licked the side face of Savannah making me squirm in disgust "Don't you worry, you will have your own good time with me" grabbing one of Savannah's bosom and squeezing it.

"Let go of me! You maniac!" yelled Savannah.

"You know what I like the most? Is a fierce shewolf like you!" pinching her peak to its hardness.

Then he let her go.

"That was just a taste of what you will feel for later I will ravish that delicious bosoms!" sending her a teasing smile that made Savannah scramble away from the metal bars.

"Don't you dare touch me again!"

Then the tall man came closer to my cell and open the metal bars.

My feet are backing away on their own accord.

He set foot inside with a lust emanating off of him. Now, I fear him even more.

He's going closer and closer as I abruptly came to a halt as my back hits the end of the wall.

Peeking on his back, he had left the metal bars open. I can try to escape and get away from him.

Readying myself, I tried to get deep breaths but my lungs are not functioning well right now for my heart is pumping so fast that I felt agitated I might break down.

"I can feel your uneasiness, my little mate. We aren't even getting started yet you're already on edge?" speaking to me in a soothing voice.

"Don't call me that! I'm not your mate!" I roared back.

"Oh come on, I know your words will get back to you once you feel my touch on that fragile body of yours" The desire in his voice is vivid.

I closed my eyes hard.

'Here goes nothing' I chanted in my head.

As I open them, I dashed at his side aiming at the open metal bars.

Not looking back, I aimlessly got out of the cell. Once I'm out, I kept running. I didn't dare to stop.

As I was passing through the other cells, I can't believe what my eyes are seeing.

It was a petrified scene that makes my blood run cold.

What did they do to them?

Some of the shewolfs on the cells are naked! Some are screaming for help.

Passing through another cell, I stopped dead in my tracks.

A horrible shriek came out of my mouth.

My body can't move. I felt numb with horror.

The scenes in front of me made my heart stop.

There inside the cells and every other cell are naked bodies of the shewolfs and the rogues.

The sound of their bodies roughly colliding with each other. The rogues rapidly grind and violently slam in and out at the nakedness of the shewolfs.

The penetrating screams of these poor shewolfs pleading to them to stop.

How could they do such a thing?

They had gone mad!

They are insane!

The dungeon's atmosphere was filled with thick humid lust and the intense aroused hung in the air.

The continuous sound of the rogue's moans, groaning in pleasure. Their desires and hunger are so strong that made my stomach flip.

It is the most pitiful and heart-wrenching sight I had ever seen.

Why are they even doing this to these shewolfs that they're not even mates?

They don't have the right to forcefully mate with them!

What in the world is happening?

A ridiculous evil laugh had me turn around.

"Isn't it beautiful to watch?"

"Are you out of your mind? Why would this be beautiful to you? It is a nightmare! If this is only a nightmare I would love to wake up now!" how could I be in this kind of devastating disaster?

My Moon Goddess why are you letting this happen?

"Stop this violently abusive sexual assault you're all doing to these unmated shewolfs!" my rage for this man has to gone me insane for anger.

Anger that I felt for all of the rogues here.

The tall man moves toward where I am standing. But I didn't dare move, I will fight him even if it takes my life just to end this sickening awful man!

Coming closer to me, an unexpected tingling sensation started to feel in my body.

What is this? What is happening?

I look at the man whose coming closer and closer to me.

"What is it mate? Do you feel it?"

Stopping in front of me, he was so close to me now.

Then he grabbed my waist slamming my body against him. The rapid tingle started to spark all over me as our bodies touched.

"Can you feel it? Can you feel me now?" his fingers stroking my waist which made my breath catch in my throat.

I swallowed hard. He's damn too close. I can't think straight. My mind is in a haze right now.

"See? It's not that bad. I assure you, you are going to feel the pleasure you've never experienced in your whole life."

I can't look everywhere else but just to him. Everything around me turns into a blur.

Oh my, what is happening to me?

"My poor little mate. Are you confused?"

I just nod my head at his question.

Why suddenly the anger I feel was now turned into a bubble evaporating off of me and changing into some desirable sensation I can't understand.

His face suddenly became dark and serious.

"But I won't forgive you for what you did to me back there. You can't escape me, mate!"

In the spur of the moment, his fist collides with my stomach. Punching me hard straight to my gut. Knocking the air out of me.

"The next time you do that to me again, this wouldn't be just your punishment."

He then lifts me into his shoulders. My head hanging on his back. My limp body dangling on his broad shoulders, and I felt light-headed and dizzy.

My eyelids are getting heavy, as darkness welcomes me once again.

Until I can't take it anymore and I shut my eyes.

Once more, I let the darkness take over.