
Chapter 48: What I Loved Best

Luke POV

I had planned this day meticulously. I wanted everything to be special and perfect for her. I woke up early and watched her sleeping form beside me.

Her long, dark strands spread across the pillow and her body moved slowly with each breath. Her body was so small I almost got concerned I would break her with my touch. Yet, I couldn’t stop my finger from moving across her soft skin.

I pulled back when she let out a soft murmur before quickly going back to her gentle breathing. If watching someone sleep was a job, I’d be making more than I do now watching her.

I got out of bed and went down to the beach to watch the sunrise. I took a deep breath and felt the cool breeze on my face, before going back to the villa where Kiara was still sleeping. I smiled at the way her arms were flung carelessly over her head.