
The Alpha Broke my Heart

Lily is the daughter of a Beta. And her mate? He is the Alphas first born son. When they discover what they are to each other, it's a little too late. Because her beloved mate has come home with his shame in tow. A she wolf he impregnated while training in the north for the summer. He shattered their moon. But the she wolf has a secret. And Lily isn't going to let her get away with stealing what is hers so easily. ** This story is full of twists and turns that will leave you crying, laughing, angry, throwing phones, etc. It is a journey that you would love, unable to let go of Lily, Eve, and Zain. I hope you too will love the story and accept the invitation to embark on a journey that will leave you fulfilled and leaves a smile on your face.

ayomijanet01 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs

Chapter 3


It was intoxicating, making my wolf go crazy inside my head, howling and pawing at my mind. My heart rate picked up and right away, I knew.

His head snapped up, eyes wide with knowing, taking the air into his lungs as he searched the crowd. His gaze locked onto mine, his sky-blue eyes focused onto my grass-green ones and it was like fireworks going off on the fourth of July.

The first emotion evident on his face was the shock, mirroring my own. How could it be that we grew up together, part of each other's family, never knowing we were mates?

There were no clues aside from the fact that I harbored a crush on him.

Then, a smile began to creep onto his lips and I found myself returning it. How could I be so lucky to find my mate so quickly and it being someone I already knew, someone in my own pack who I had memories with?

He was happy.

I was happy it was him.

Everything went quiet, it was just me and him, staring into one another's eyes, taking in all the feelings that had enraptured us. The warm tingling sensations that moved all the way from my legs to my head, buzzing through my fingertips. My head was swimming but in a good way. He would make a great mate.

We were broken out of our reverie by the truck's passenger door slamming shut. A tall, lanky blonde walked around the corner, unsure brown eyes scanning around the pack as curious glances were made her way. I peered over at her then back at him. His smile disappeared, replaced by a look of worry and fear.

That was the moment I felt like something was off about her, but I wasn't sure exactly what it was.

A few wolves asked if the female was his mate, but no one said a word until I walked up to him, closing the space between us, his scent entrapping me.

"Mate," My voice rang out, claiming him with my words, wondering if he felt me. He had to because he had smiled at me, he had a reaction.

He knew what I was to him, he had to.

Why did his frown turn upside down so quickly? He had smiled, he was happy. He knew I was his, that much I had been sure of.

The air around us seemed to crackle like static and I felt this overwhelming sense inside me, telling me to mark him as my mate. It was my wolf.

The strange female's eyes went wide at my verbal claim and everyone behind us began cheering about my being the future Alpha's mate. "They will make strong pups," They said.

That might have been true, but not now.

I didn't take notice of my surroundings, still caught up in the feelings that finding your destined mate brings. The woman who had gotten out of the truck was barely able to hold my attention, I was too focused on him, my mate, whose once happy expression transformed into one filled with tension. If his clenched fists and tense jaw didn't give it away, it was his bright blue eyes which were avoiding mine.

I felt hurt. I hadn't understood why he was reacting that way.

The Alpha dispersed the crowd back to the party, a hardness in his eyes as he glared at his eldest son. I was still confused about what was happening until that blonde female's features crumbled once the pack had left us alone and tears streamed down her face. Luna Phoebe took the girl inside before sending me an apologetic smile, sadness in her eyes. Pity.


Now I know why, but at the time I didn't.


Alpha Blake said he'd give us a moment. He already knew. They both did, that much I was now sure of. I was just happy to have a moment with my mate, to ask him what was wrong and why he looked so sad. We had grown up together, he should be as happy as I.

I wanted to know who that girl was and why she started crying.

I remember glancing back up into my mate's eyes, it was just the two of us. His beautiful orbs roamed down my body and I felt his gaze on my every curve and dip. My scent was driving him crazy and every instinct was telling him to mark me as well. He wanted to. His eyes were darkening by the second, a sliver of gold shining through. His canines slid out as I felt a delicious shiver run over my flesh.

At the time, I had just brushed the girl off as a relative I'd not met or a girl needing help.

I decided her outburst of tears was due to the fact that she was having mate problems and had come here for a break. Perhaps seeing us find one another had troubled her soul.

I was naive.

"Weird huh, being your little brother's best friend's mate?" A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I held my hands behind my back, teetering on the heels of my converse. I was nervous.

I didn't know if he was happy anymore. He just stood still, despair written all over him as he inhaled.

Frowning, I reached my hand out, brushing against his, testing the waters.

As our hands touched, an intense sensation rippled over my skin. I gasped at the exhilarating feeling. My knees crumpled, unable to withstand his touch and the effect it had on me, but he caught me with his strong, rough hands, steadying me as he gazed down at me with sad eyes, though his lust for me permeated the air.

He ripped his hands away from me as if I were hot to the touch. I felt confused and alone. Why wasn't he reacting like he was earlier?

He dropped his head, shaking it slowly as he spoke.

"I'm so sorry Lilly. I didn't know..." He whispered, backing away from me, eyes peering up to watch me beneath long ebony lashes, his dark brown hair had fallen over those brilliantly bright eyes, a major contrast against his olive skin and dark looks. He was the most handsome man I had ever seen.

My smile fell, watching him retreat and I suddenly became self-conscious, the wolf inside me whimpering in defeat as my lip trembled. I felt like I was going to cry.

"D- Do you not want to be my mate?" My tone was uncertain, my voice soft and wavering.

I felt the pain he was in, our souls trying to touch one another. It wasn't like being marked and mated where you could feel your mate's feelings. It was different, like our wolves were trying to sync up.

His lips pursed as he shook his head swiftly.

"Goddess, I do, Lilly. If I had only known....

We've grown up together, of course, I would want you as my mate." It was a painful whisper as we both stood two feet away from each other. I had to look up at him to see his face while he fought his hands not to reach out and embrace me like they wanted to.

A moment passed where we just watched one another, not moving. Sadness enveloped me because I knew then that something was terribly wrong. He said he 'would' want me as his mate, not that he did want me. He finally broke the silence with his admission.

"But - something has happened, and now it's tearing me apart, now that I know you're my gift. It's going to break your heart and It's breaking mine too." His eyes scrunched closed.

"I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry, Lilly." He pursed his lips and looked away, not being able to meet my gaze. A lone tear ran down his structured cheek bone as my heart sank and panic rose.

"W-what is it?" It was barely even a whisper.

I knew then, that it had something to do with that blonde she-wolf.

He peered back at me with despondency. "I made a mistake, Lilly. I couldn't control myself." A sob left his mouth and he looked away once more. A man doesn't cry, especially no Alpha blood, they were taught this at birth.

I knew this had to be so very bad for him to do this in front of me.

The tendrils of his scent were grasping at me, urging me to go to him, but I waited for his words.

"The she-wolf. Her name is Grace and... She's pregnant... with my pup." He never met my eyes, he couldn't.

I gasped audibly as pain constricted my heart, grasping its ugly hand around it and squeezing with all its might. Not being able to breathe or stand any longer, I had fallen to my knees as I clutched onto my shirt where my heart lie beating beneath. My lip trembled as I kept chanting, "No... No... No.."