
The Alpha And The Human Mate

Elizabeth POV

A voice awake me from what was like a long sleep ..'Lizzie ', Ana ; called out to me from the bathroom as she walked upto where I was turning around to face her I suddenly jumped out of bed realizing i slept in. I quickly rushed to the bathroom where i hurriedly brush and then took a quick shower before running out to join my best friend as we rushed to work.Soon as we stepped inside the diner we quickly changed into our working gears which I hated but had no option but to wear it cause i need this job to pay my bills and helped me with food. Ana and i have been working with Joe for 6 months ever since i came here, Ana is literally all the family i have my parents passed away a month before I moved over here..The night of my family death i was out with Ana watching a movie when i got them shovking news of their dismise , I was left hearbroken when i got home to see their ripped body all over I couldnt help but broke down in Ana's arm , i could bearly muster courage to ask what happen when someone told me it was an animal attack, that was all it took for me to run out , Ana came after me and ever since she hasn't left my side i am grateful for having her in my life.Ana noticed i was lost in my thoughts and quickly came to my side to make sure i was ok...We started our days work by making our way outside to collect order..I was left shaken when i noticed the crowd it was always busy at the diner but never so crowded ....I quickly grabbed a notepad and a pen and started collecting orders....Ever since i stepped inside the diner i have been having this wierd feeling it seems to getting worst as I approach the table taking order it was like the air was different today it had a special scent that i couldnt get over....i suddenly stopped and my heart started pacing I started scanning the diner trying to figure out what was wrong with me....after a few seconds of looking around i froze my eyes locked with the most beautiful pair of eyes it was a light grey with blue I slowly looked at the gorgeus man i ever seen before and to my surprise he was also glaring at me..when Ana noticed i was lost she came upto me i quickly looked away and started taking orders only giving him a slight look to see he hasnt took his eyes from me...I quickly walked into the kitchen to avoid another eye contact with the stranger....as i turn to make my way to the chef I felt someone grabbed me from behind dragging me outside the backdoor....i quickly turn around only to be surprised that it was the gorgeous stranger for a second i was lost in his eyes but quickly got hold of my self... "Who are you" I asked the stranger...He took a second before he replied " I am Damon ;"he said giving a smile . "Why did you bring me here Damon," : I asked.....I needed to talk to you he said again with a smile...I told him i will be free by 7 then we will talk and turned to walk back inside I suddenly felt his arms tugged on my elbow pulling towards him i lamded on his solid chest and he took in embrace wrapping his arms around me like his life depended on it.... I took a deep breath trying to inhale as much of his scent as I could i didn't know what was happening but i felt like I was lost in his arms I felt safe and loved my feelings was mixing inside that i didn't know what to say I just closed my eyes try to enjoy that moment as i was being drifted away i heard his voice said "Mine" I quickly loosen my arms around him and pulled away.I then realized i was hugging a total stranger. He then put his arms around me asking me if i was ok..I only nodded my head.He hold hands and walked me to black SUV he opened the passenger seat for me to get in ....I turned to look at him but he nodded with a begging looked which I kind of felt and just nodded and stepped in as he closed the door really carefully trying not to hurt or scared me i looked at him as he makes his way to driving seat just thinking to my self y am I evening going with a total stranger I met a couple of minutes ago .....As he stepped inside the vehicle he was smiling widely I couldnt helped but noticed he then turned to me saying I will answers go all my questions when we reached our destionations he also added that it was our mate bond that was making me trust him.....i guickly jumped asking him how did u know what was I thinking.....he again smiled but this time he started the vehicle before answering me saying he could read my mind..I was shocked but at the same worried also about how could he read my mind...he again smile saying I would soon have my answers.....he was driving for almost 15 mintutes befored he pulled over at a very edge of the woods he walked over to open the door for me holding my hand as I stepped out the wind was cold so he took off the blazer and give me to put on i accepted cause it was really cold he then lead me into the woods we walk for atleast 10 mintues before stopped he slowing turn around to face me getting serious.....


All kind of thoughts were going through my mind when i looked at him he smiled saying he can never in his wildest dream think of hurting me...I have the slightest idea why but I believed him after seeing that i was calm he walked up close to me he then closed his eyes thinking on how to say what he had to....I hold on back to his hand letting him know he could say what he wanted that i was listening he opened his and looked at me trying to figure if I would be OK with what he was gonna say....they were silence for a minute before i asked him....Why did he say i was his and why did he being me here what did had to say to me i was asking question after question finally he spoked in a low voice"I am Alpha Damon head of the Midnight Moon pack and you are my mate " he said.....I let go if his hands at the same moment I stepped backwards.. I was scared before i could say another word he pulled me in for another hugged which I hesitate to but finally give after he said that no matter how much i tried i wouldnt be able to keep away from him because of our mate bond which was true....After letting go of me he asked if i was OK cause i havent said a word since he told me he was a werewolf and that too an alpha....i quietly said i was trying to control my feeling that i can't seems to get hold of...he then laughed again taking me for a next hug saying he understands..he the sadly asked if i believed what he said and if i was OK with spending the rest of my life with him...i smiled and said yes i believed him cause i could felt our mate bond.....but i couldnt answer his last questions I told him i couldnt keep away from him so i would be spending he rest of my life with him definitely but i needed some time before the marking and mating ceremony...he agreed he said he wanted me to be happy always.....We headed back to the diner where I changed and told Ana i will be gone for a while but there is no time to explain now she was OK with me being gone as long as it makes me happy.....i rushed back outside to Damon who took I his arms i told him i need to pick HP my stuff if will be staying with him he ghen told it was not needed that ever since he saw me yesterday he went shopping...i was surprised when he said that i ten asked why didnt he say anything the moment he saw me....but he looked down then towards me saying he was checking to see if i was already taken cause he didn't want hurt me in no way....i could control my emotion and hugged him only for him to pulled me in closer....he noticed i was lost he then asked if i was OK i nodded and we walk to his SUV and he drove us to his home....I looked out the window when he annouced we are finally home it was a huge 2 story building with a fountain infront they were also 2 guys around Damon age waiting as we parked infront of the fountain Damon walked over to help me out I was looking at the 2 guys watching me and bowing their heads....i was scared Damon seemed read my mind getting closer to me putting his arm around my waste assuring me everything was OK...the 2 guys then approach us addressing Damon as" Alpha " and me "Luna" i looked at Damon who introduced the the 2 guys as Eric and John....i smiled at them and Damon continue that John is his Beta and Eric his 3rd in command....the 2 guys follow us as we make our way inside the building it was far more amazing than i thought it would be Damon then told John and Erick that he would call if he needed anything before leading me to a huge bedroom before we enter he told it is our bedroom I slightly blushed and he smiled he then walk away leaving me as i walk behind him i let out a sigh as I enter the room I could feel my heart relax as I had this feeling of being home....i didnt realize my emotion got hold of me until Damon came running to me asking me whats wrong that's when i realize i was crying tears keep falling as Damon try to wipe them i felt then coming down more he then pulled me in for a hug after reading my mind and realizing i was scared to be happy cause happiness doesnt last long in my life...he break the hug making me look him the eyes telling that he will never leave my side no matter what the cause maybe I felt happy to hear him say that he pulled me in for a another hug then letting go after my stomach grumbles he break our hug smiling pointing towards the bathroom telling i should clean before dinner...I walked a few steps from before turing around and told him i had no clothes to wear he then smiled and walk to his closest and took out a bag and 1 of his t- shirts with a pants which i assume was his..he looked down and said the bag had undergarments that his sister brought he said I collected the clothes and headed to the bathroom closing the door behind me i took my clothes off and i quickly shower and grab a towel wrapping myself with it i then went out to see if Damon had a hair drying but as i stepped out of the bathroom door Damon was standing there just staring at me from top to bottom that was when I realize i was still wrapped in a towel....I slightly blushed as i turn around....Damon walked upto me from behind putting his arms around me I could feel the electricity stronger than before running through my body i closed my eyes as Damon kissed my cheek then moving down slowly to my neck placing small kisses which send a wild feeling through out my body i could feel my knee getting weak I quickly turn around hugging Damon as tight as i could but he continued placing small kisses on my neck making me shiver....he smiled as he pulls away just enough to look me in the eyes...he leaned slightly placing his lips on mine without any more delay he started kissing me deeply I could feel his tonge in my mouth as i kiss him back passionately I pulled away just to breathe as I feel his hands running along my skin sending more shiver as his hands grab my breast i let out a moan just to having him smiling knowing i was also having the same feeling as he was he quickly leaned back to kiss me passionately and he picked me up carrying me in his arm to the bed softly putting me down before climbing over me not breaking the kiss.....his hands start moving from my breast to my thighs when I felt his hands gaining closer I slightly pull away from his kiss he quickly sit up asking what was wrong....I looked down he then stopped moving saying he was sorry that he knew from my scent that i was a virgin I smiled knowing he figure what i was thinking by reading my mind...he said it was OK that he got carried away by his feelings which is getting stronger everytime he is close to me ....I realize that he thought i was not ready but it wasn't that i just wanted him to slow down because I was scared he would hurt me cause its my first time.....he grabbed his shirt looking to get up from the bed.... i grabbed him pushing him back to sit as I climb on his lap kissing him he dropped his shirt grabbing waist switching us back in the same position as he break the kiss to take off his pants leaving him with his boxers alone we kissed for a while passionately until I felt his hands unwrapping the towel leaving me naked I blush as he stare at me he then asked me if i was sure i am ready I pulled him in for another kissed nodding my head telling him i was ready he then removed his boxers and entered me slowly I could feel the pain as he penetrate me i grab on to him hard as my nail sinking in back he pass his hand into my hair telling me it would pass kissing me on my forehead I could feel my tears falling and he slammed hard into me taking my virginity i didnt realize when my pain turn to pleasure I could feel his pace getting faster as he started getting rough I sinked my nails in his back once more as i feel my big orgasm with that I felt his stroke getting a little faster before he explode inside me...We laid there for like a couple minutes before both fall a sleep.....When my eyes open I smiled as i remember our moment together Damon was still asleep i slightly move away as he turned I try to grab the towel covering my self heading for the bathroom as soon as I got out of the bed i open the door as quite as i could trying not to wake Damon as i step in the shower a few seconds after i heard the door closed and i knew it was Damon from his scent he pulled the curtain joining me in the shower he started placing small kisses on my back before we knew it we were having sex again in the showers which made me really tired and hungry I quickly put on the clothes from early that Damon give me and headed down to the kitchen where Damon was as i walked up to him kissing him on the lips right after he pulled me on his lap making me comfortable he started feeding me i was looking at him with tears in my eyes as he pulled me in for a hug he told me i he had to hurt me i was scared i didn't understand what he meant but before i could say anything he started placing small kisses on my neck before i realized he grabbed the back of my neck and sink his teeth in to my neck biting me i scream and he let go but he already put his mark on me i pulled away to see tears in his eyes....I instantly forgot my pain and hugged him as tight as I could after a few minutes I pulled away wiping his tears telling him i was ok and he then said he wanted to do it last night but he didnt want to hurt me twice at the same time I slightly blush he pulled me in for a kiss as it was getting passionately I pulled away reminding him i was human that I needed rest he smiled as he took me in his arms and carry me to bed putting me down softly he then laid next to me as I doze off...As I woke up the following morning i noticed Damon was gone I started to pace out of the room before i realize i stumble into someone which i notice was one of the guy from yesterday that Damon introduced me to....I apologize and asked him right away if he saw Damon....he replied "Damon left early because he had some unfinished worked to take care off" he said....If you need anything i will be right downstairs, "I will be hanging around until Damon gets back "he added.,...I thanked him before turning back to head to my room...As i close door behind me i was feeling a little down cause I was hoping to see Damon when I got up....i knew he was an alpha so he would be busy but somewhere down inside me i wanted him with me always....I quickly showered and went downstairs to see breakfast was already made and arrange on the dinning table.....I looked up and saw Eric the guy i stumble into while i was looking for Damon i give him a smile which he return.....I walked upto the table and took a seat with Eric glaring at me i asked him to join me cause i wasn't accustomed to eat alone he then smiled and took a seat next to me.....After we finish breakfast we went into the living room and watch television...Eric and I have been talking mostly trying to get to know each other.....I was feeling uncomfortable cause I had to wear Damon clothes i then asked Eric ho far is the closest mall cause i needed to go shopping.....its not too far away,he replied.....we continued watch tv for about an hour as i was about to take a tour around the house I heard the door bell ring.....We both look at each other, Eric looked shocked cause we weren't expecting any guest he told me.....Eric grab my hand as i was about to open the door i told him it could be Damon but he said no its not him....I figured his werewolf powers had something to do about that.....i moved back and stayed hidden behind of Eric until the second time the bell rang this time i grab hold of Eric arms really tight as he walked over to open the door...Eric faced dropped as he open the door i moved from behind him to find a tall man and blonde woman standing who were now staring at me looking to attack me any moment...Eric backed up inside as the duo started moving towards me....the blonde spoke up first...."So this is Damon so called HUMAN mate" she said ....her words especially Human sounded really harsh..."Emily ", " Stephan" what are you doing here., Eric said....Damon is not home and you should leave before he gets back., Eric added....Both of them were still glaring at me....Not before we have a little fun, Stephan said.....i was getting scared I remembered Damon told me I could always call him through our mind link all I needed to do was close my eyes and called out to him....I quickly closed my eye and called as hard as I could for him.....I felt a hand grabbed me when i open my eyes i saw the man holding Eric who is trying to fight his way out my attention then turn to the blonde infront of me who pushed against the wall and i fell to the ground after crashing to the wall....i try to get up but instead cut my hands on the pieces of glass from the photo frame that fell when i hit the wall...the blonde then grabbed me from my hair pelt me to the TV i was just there trying to get up when I heard Eric called to me my vision was already blurry as i stand up my knees became weak and give up as I was about fall back to the ground i felt a hand grabbed me I recognize the scent it was Damon i could barely see the anger I his eyes as I faint away...As i open my eyes slowly i saw a strange woman standing over me I got scared and I jumped up only for Damon to grab me saying it was ok.....i looked at the woman when Damon said she is the pack doctor i never loosen my grip from Damon until i doze off....When i woke up Damon was crying by my side he noticed I was awake and quicky grabbed me in for a hugged saying he was sorry he said if anything happen to me he would have died also I couldnt help but asked Damon who were they....he looked and then backed up before he started he said Emily was his ex and Stephan is her brother...he said after he found me he told Emily but she wasn't ready to leave him she wanted to hurt me to get back to Damon....Damon looked relieved when he said he took cared of them try wouldnt ever crossed my path ever again ....after a while being in bed with Damon I told him i was hungry he offered to bring my food in bed but i wanted to go downstairs i was already resting a lot as we were walking noticed something on to floor that shocked me took me back to the night my parents was killed i saw a broken pendant which I saw the other piece next to my mother's body tears started rolling down thats when Damon came rushing to me to know whats wrong i slowly asked who the pendant belong to unable to control my tears....Damon said it belonged to Emily he was the one that give it to her....I broke down realizing it was Emily and Stephan who killed my parents ....i told Damon after i got hold of myself...he was so angry i could feel his wolf he said they deserve the death they got i felt a sudden happiness inside me which made me hugged Damon...

3 Months Later


I woke up very early but Damon was already gone i didn't mind cause he was gone with Eric to bring over Ana who turns out to be Eric's mate....Eric and I became quiet close he consider me a small sister he never had and Ana is my best friend i was so happy for them.. i wasn't feeling well the past couple days morning sickness the pack doctor adviced that i took a pregnant test since i only made my transformation last full moon I took the test and my happiness was added i was pregnant.....When Damon got home i was in the kitchen i run into a hug and give him the good news which he couldn't believe his happiness has no boundaries....I finally hot the happiness i deserved..

The End