
The Alpha's Virgin Surrogate

"Now, let's discuss sexual experience," he says, his tone matter-of-fact. "It's essential for me to understand your level of comfort and any potential concerns in that aspect." I feel my cheeks flush, the topic leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding honestly, "I... I have not had previous experiences, but I am willing to learn. And... and I can assure you that I am absolutely clean." Alexander's gaze softens, and he almost seems surprised. But he eventually gives a soft laugh as he says, "I understand. Moreover, you still need to go through some tests to ensure that it is a smooth process." *********************** Hi, I’m Sophia, an ordinary college student. I have a happy family and two handsome roommates, but because of an accident, I had to secretly become a surrogate mother in order to pay for my father's enormous medical expenses. What I don't know is that the intended father, a polite and distinguished 34-year-old man, is the most influential and mysterious figure in the city. And what is beyond my control is when I give birth, I’m shocked to discover that my twin babies have wolf ears!

Nina_GoGo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

3. Sexual Experience

Sophia's POV

Descending the staircase with effortless grace, every movement exuding elegance and poise, he approaches me. I can't help but admire his commanding presence. His sharp features are framed by dark, tousled hair, and his eyes hold a glint of curiosity mixed with intrigue.

"Good evening, Sophia," he greets, his voice smooth and commanding.

"Good evening," I reply, my voice slightly shaky as I try to compose myself. "You must be Mr. Williams."

He nods, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "That's correct. Please, call me Alexander." He takes a seat across from me, his eyes never leaving mine. "I must admit, I didn't expect to find you here today," he says, his voice smooth and velvety.

I blink, momentarily lost in his gaze before finding my voice. "I apologize if I've caused any confusion. I received an email stating that today was the day of the meeting."

A faint smile curves his lips as he leans back in his chair. "Ah, it seems there has been a miscommunication. You must not have checked the mail thoroughly. The agreed-upon date for the meeting was meant to be the day after tomorrow. You were supposed to receive the pass tomorrow."

My eyes widen in realization, a mixture of embarrassment and disappointment flooding me. "I... I'm so sorry. I checked the email, but I must have misunderstood. I was overjoyed with being accepted, and I couldn't wait."

His expression softens, and he leans forward, a glimmer of understanding in his eyes. "I can understand your excitement. But unfortunately, today isn't the scheduled day for the meeting."

A knot forms in my stomach as I realize my mistake. I rushed without double-checking the details, clouded by my eagerness. "I'm truly sorry for the confusion. If it's possible, I can come back the day after tomorrow. I'll make sure to be more careful and follow the correct schedule."

As I prepare to leave, Mr. Williams's words stop me in my tracks. "Wait, Sophia," he calls out, his tone gentle yet commanding. "There's no need for you to leave. You're already here."

"I'm really sorry."

Alexander studies me for a moment, his gaze lingering on my face as if trying to discern my true intentions. He can sense my earnestness and determination, despite my earlier misstep.

"No need to apologize, Sophia," he finally speaks, his tone gentle yet firm. "Mistakes happen, and I understand your eagerness. However, before we proceed, I must ask: have you thoroughly read all the requirements and responsibilities outlined in the advertisement?"

My brows furrow as I recall the details of the ad I had responded to. "Yes, I read them carefully," I reply, my voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty. "It mentioned the nine-month commitment and the physical burdens that come with it. I'm aware of the challenges."

Alexander nods, his expression serious. "That's good to hear. The role you're about to take on is not an ordinary one. It requires immense dedication and sacrifice. You will not only carry the weight of the pregnancy but may also need to stay with me for the entirety of those nine months. It's crucial for me to closely monitor the well-being of the baby."

My eyes widen, the gravity of the situation sinking in. The intensity and demands of the job are more significant than I had initially comprehended. The realization hits me like a wave, momentarily taking my breath away.

I take a deep breath, mustering my courage. In that moment, I think of my father's mounting medical expenses, my recent job loss, and

 the limited options I have left. I know that this opportunity, despite its challenges, holds the potential to pay all our bills. It's a huge sum of money, after all.

"I understand," I reply, my voice steady, my resolve unwavering. "I'm aware of the sacrifices involved, and I'm prepared to commit fully. I can't afford to let anything happen to my father, and this is my last chance to secure his well-being."

My heart races as I sit across from Alexander, my mind still processing the weight of his words. The air in the room feels charged with anticipation, the gravity of the situation hanging in the air. I can't help but steal glances at the enigmatic man before me, his handsome features further intensifying my nervousness.

Alexander notices my unease and offers me a reassuring smile. "Please, Sophia, there's no need to be so tense. Let's make this conversation more comfortable for both of us." His voice carries a gentle undertone, putting me at ease.

Taking a deep breath, I nod and attempt to relax my posture, my mind focused on the task at hand. I know that I need to address the questions that lie ahead with honesty and composure.

Alexander leans forward slightly, his eyes fixated on me as if trying to uncover the depths of my character. "Let's talk about spouse selection," he begins, his voice measured. "It's important for me to understand your perspective. Are you actively seeking a life partner, or are you solely interested in fulfilling the role of a surrogate?"

I hesitate for a moment, contemplating my response. I have never envisioned myself in an arranged marriage or a purely transactional relationship, but circumstances have led me to this juncture. With a steadiness in my voice, I answer, "I believe in the power of love and connection, but due to my situation at the moment, I think love can wait."

Alexander nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer, and continues the interview. "Now, let's discuss sexual experience," he says, his tone matter-of-fact. "It's essential for me to understand your level of comfort and any potential concerns in that aspect."

I feel my cheeks flush, the topic leaving me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I take a moment to gather my thoughts before responding honestly, "I... I have not had previous experiences, but I am willing to learn. And... and I can assure you that I am absolutely clean."

Alexander's gaze softens, and he almost seems surprised. But he eventually gives a soft laugh as he says, "I understand. Moreover, you still need to go through some tests to ensure that it is a smooth process."

I nod, feeling both mortified and ashamed that I am discussing my personal matters with a stranger. But for some reason, it doesn't feel out of bounds, probably because of the way he speaks as though we are in a formal interview.

Finally, the conversation turns to the topic of childbearing. Alexander leans back in his chair, his expression thoughtful. "Sophia, I have to be transparent with you. I am not looking for a wife or a romantic relationship. My sole desire is to have children."

My heart sinks at his words, a mixture of disappointment and relief washing over me. I had harbored no illusions of romance in this arrangement, but hearing the affirmation from Alexander makes it all the more real.

With a hint of vulnerability in my voice, I respond, "I understand, Mr. Williams."

As the conversation progresses, I find myself growing more intrigued by Alexander's character. He possesses an air of mystery that piques my curiosity, and his gentle yet assertive demeanor makes me feel oddly comfortable.

In an attempt to break the ice, I venture

 to ask a personal question. "Mr. Williams, may I ask how old you are?" My voice is laced with a mix of curiosity and trepidation.

Alexander chuckles, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You can drop the formalities, Sophia. Call me Alexander," he says, flashing a disarming smile. "And to answer your question, I'm thirty-four."

My surprise is evident as I blurt out, "You look much younger than that!"

Alexander chuckles again, his laughter filling the room. "Well, thank you for the compliment. I've been told that before. Maybe I have good genes, or perhaps it's just the stress of running a successful business that keeps me looking youthful."

I can't help but smile, feeling warmth in my chest as I realize how easily we are conversing. The initial distance I wanted to maintain seems to fade away with each passing moment.

However, there is another question lingering in my mind, one that has been nagging at me since we first met. Summoning my courage, I ask, "Are you married?"

His eyes meet mine, his gaze unwavering. With a gentle smile, he shakes his head. "No, I'm not married. You don't have to worry about becoming a third party or disrupting anyone's family. I assure you, that's not the case."

Relief washes over me as I release the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. The thought of causing harm or heartache to another family had been a significant concern for me.

As our conversation continues, I can't help but notice the way Alex's smile seems to reach his eyes, the genuine interest he shows in getting to know me. A part of me, buried beneath the practicality of our arrangement, begins to feel a spark of attraction.

Deep down, I know that I should maintain a professional distance. After all, our connection is founded on a surrogacy contract, and any romantic involvement would complicate matters. Love and romance have no place in our equation.