
The Alpha's Replacement Bride

Marchioness Harriet Goldlane, a talented noblewoman, made a deal with Old Duke Almandine. To save her younger brother, she was willing to become a substitute for Liam's 'mate', the grandson of the Old Duke. Liam was an Alpha whose 'mate' died long ago. He was severely injured and had been living without a heart for a long time. He could only wake up from his sleep when there was a full moon. The Old Duke and Liam himself guessed that the man would die soon due to his worsening condition. Because of that, Old Duke wanted Harriet to give birth to an heir to the Almandine Family from Liam's seed so that their family would have a new leader. The Alpha's replacement bride would soon find that she was in love with the dying man and now they both wished for a miracle to save Liam's life. Could she fulfill her duty to bear the next Alpha for the Almandines? Would Liam survive to protect his bride and family?

Rossita Saga · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
612 Chs

Ezra's Type

“How many Mages can you offer, Crown Prince Hyacinth?”

The Emperor's question marked the confirmation of his agreement to ask Heinrich for help. Hearing this, Heinrich smiled happily.

“One hundred,” replied Heinrich. “But they are all my personal troops that are only tied to me, not the Hyacinth Kingdom or anyone else. You can assume that I am helping on my own behalf, not my Kingdom.”

A hundred Mages were already a great help.

The Emperor hoped that there weren't too many Wyverns for the opponent to ride–because if there were more than a hundred, it meant that the Diamond Duchy had prepared all of this long ago and the Emperor didn't smell any suspicious scent from them at all.

Ezra thought the same thing. All of this was too fast and too sudden. How could the Diamonds have managed to build the Wyvern Rider Squad so quickly?

There was no way they'd already gathered and created enough tools and materials to create a large army, right?