
Chapter 41 : A Missing Mate


The preparations for the delegation from Crystal Lake were completed yesterday, but it had done nothing to settle my nerves. We haven’t hosted a delegation for more than a night or two since I became the Alpha. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I went to the inn early this morning to check in with Mama Iida. She assured me that everything was ready for the guests.

Estelle had gone ahead to meet with Lucky and help her prepare for her parents' arrival. I was glad that I was able to arrange for her parents to join the delegation. With her first pup on the way, I knew that having her parents nearby would be comforting to her.

Val was clearly excited that they were coming. His parents both passed away years ago, so Lucky’s were the only grandparents the pup would have. Preserving the family bonds that we could was important to both of us. It was the least I could do for Val in light of everything he’d taken on for the pack.