
+The Alpha's Mate+

Asher Has Moved on from his past. And Now Ever Since He Moved to Sitka In America, A small town with little drama. The Perfect place to forget about his past and move on with his life and finally find his mate and focus on school. Although When it comes to the first day of Year 10 Shit goes south. Dante Meets Asher and Asher Meets Dante. Both of their wolves already Know. A Spark of electricity, A familiar scent both Soon to Find out that Their Mates. Although Asher Keeps his past locked up in a vault not Telling Dante About his Past, not telling Dante That Asher himself is an Alpha. Soon To know When everything uncovers and Asher's Past Catches up to him. 2 packs are endangered. 2 Alpha's are Pressured to make a decision. What Will it be?

0Life · Fantasia
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8 Chs

Chapter 3.

Asher's POV

It was the end of Chemistry and the start of a new period. I made my way to English with Josh he was calming and entertaining. until I felt a pear of eyes on me. I looked over my shoulder and found Dante Staring at me. I glared back at him barring my teeth as warning. "Something Wrong love?" Josh asked I turned back to look at him and sighed "Just Dante staring at me.. makes me feel lil uncomfortable." I say answering his question. "Oh I see well don't worry love I shall protect you" He said dramatically as if I was the damsel in distress. "Awe thanks pup" I said with a sweet tone.

It was after English were the group met in the cafeteria. "Wow I'm surprised You managed to tame the beast" Jax said. "Haha So I'm guessing Cherrie told you what happened in Science then?" I said before taking a bite out of my sandwich. "How could I not!?" Cherrie said before she went on again "I mean you literally shut the beast off! and were talking about an Alpha here!.. You know Crescent Moons Pack.. " She continued to ramble on. "So The beast is Dante? and He's an Alpha?" I say amused from the new information. 'He doesn't seem much of an Alpha to me.." I say and Jax bursts out with laughter quietly just letting the group hear. I look at Dante and yet again he's staring at me. I let my eyes glow at him then travelled down to see his hands clutched up into a ball.

I gave him a teasing smile. Then as I leaned in closer to Josh and watched his eyes with pure anger and disgust of actions. I rolled my eyes at Dante and focused my attention on Josh. The other were still talking, Josh noticed me leaning in to his side. He lifted me up as if I was a feather and placed me onto his lap. letting me still face the group as we talked. I could feel Josh's arms wrap around my waist. I let a quiet purr only letting my friends hear.

"OH MY LORD!" Cherrie squealed as she fumbled to get out her phone to take a picture out. "You guys would make an adorable couple" Joel Commented while Cherrie was taking pictured and Jax agreed with him. I loud crash made everyone look up to find a Pissed Alpha. Yet alone that Alpha was Dante. He let out a low growl as he glared at josh and me. Josh's grip tightened protectively. But suddenly I could feel the electricity between me and Dante's eye contact.

"Oh shit.." I mumbled as Dante made his way over to my group's table. I loosened Josh's grip and got up out of my seat and stood before Him. before Dante....