
Chapter twenty five: a strange encounter

Conrad lifted Cynthia up and placed her in his lap. He just loved having her close. He snuggled his head unto her neck and inhaled her wonderful scent. Nothing no other scent, compared to hers. And no other scent could effect him so. Whether it excited him or calmed him, that scent, her scent, effected him like no other.


"Yes, my love?" he spoke into her neck as he continued to nuzzle her.

"Do you really think that man can harm us?"

"Yes." Conrad lifted his head up and then gently took her chin and lifted her head up to look at him. " Yes, I do. He is beyond crazy; he is obsessed. Obsessed people are irrational and irrational people do things we cannot think of because we are not irrational. That alone makes him dangerous. My love, he employed a human (whom he detests) to torture you in order to force your wolf to come out. He tortured you, the one he said he had to have. He is crazy! Those actions alone tell me he is unhinged. If he employed a hunter once, what makes you think he won't do it again. Or a witch? or a warlock? or a demon? or a vampire? or a dwarf? We have not made a coalition yet with the other supernaturals and humans still hunt us! All he needs to do is decide, come hell.or.high water, he is coming for you...and...well, we do not know... we cannot predict what he will do to get what he wants...Which is you!"

"Conrad, my dear, we can overcome this threat. Together. "

"But what about those times we are not together? We have duties and responsibilities that require us to be at different venues. What about then?" Conrad hugged her tightly. Cynthia sighed realizing he had a point.

"Conrad, what do you suggest?"

"I suggest we get busy making treaties with other Supernaturals and form a body guard team with different powers to keep us, especially you, safe."

"A team...hmmm...yes...I think you are correct."

Just then Vladimir knocked. "Come in." Conrad said.

Vladimir sat down and crossed his arms over his chest. "What team? I overheard just that last sentence. How can I help?"

Conrad and Cynthia explained the situation with the crazy Alpha out to grab Cynthia and her abuse at his hands. Vladimir was livid. He was determined to kill that wolf. He personally would tear out his heart." He should not even be allowed to draw another breath. Why do youbwolves tolerate him? He gives all of you a bad name!"

"This is part of the issue. Since the Kingdom fell apart there is no set law enforcement for any of us. Your kind have your own form of rogues and abusive leaders, true?"

Vladimir had to agree. He knew of two such blood thrifty murdering vampires.

"True. So, we build a team around each of you. We cannot lose either of you."

Conrad shook his head, "No. Just Cynthia."

Cynthia and Vladimir strongly disagreed.

Vladimir reasoned, "Your Majesty, the Queen would be weakened and easy to pick off if anything happened to you and vice versa. So, we need BOTH of you protected for this to work...or...all of us are doomed sooner or later."

Conrad reluctantly agreed.

Now to build not one but two loyal teams of Supernatural warriors, as if they didn't have enough to do already.

Tom,Conrad's father, followed up with Supernatural leaders regarding the time of their arrival as well as how many in their party. Cynthia oversaw accommodations for all. Conrad kept vigilant watch over Cynthia. He was also preparing documents for treaties.It was a busy couple of days.

What unnerved Conrad and Sieon (the former Beta of Blake's pack) was how quiet it was. It felt like the calm before a huge storm. Neither of them could relax and it was taking a toll on both their nerves. Timothy (Conrad's Gamma and Cynthia's personal guard) told both of them to unwind, rest. He reminded them this was not helpful for any of them especially if trouble did come. But neither one could. Blake slept with Cynthia secured in his arms. Simeon slept outside the door on a futon while Timothy or one of the assigned guards stood vigilant guard. Blake had just fallen into a comatose sleep (after 3 nights of not sleeping) when Cynthia heard a scratching...very subtle but obvious scratching...at the one and only window. While the window was 2 stories off the ground and locked, someone or something apparently was attempting to break in. Cynthia mindlinked Timothy and the guard that she heard scratching at the window while not moving. She pretended to be fast asleep and Conrad was completely oblivious as he slept hard. Then the scratching stopped and the subtlest breeze was felt by Cynthia. Her senses were on high alert. She did not feel a threat and relayed as much to Timothy and the guard who were told to stand outside the door until Cynthia said otherwise. Timothy had tried to argue with her but after the third "No" he knew to stand alert and wait. No one bothered Simeon or Conrad as both were exhausted. It was quiet. The light breeze ceased. There was a warmth now to the air near her feet, at the end of the bed. Cynthia opened her eyes slowly and a greenish light and a foggy, blurry figured as standing there. "Greetings, your Grace." Conrad bolted up took a defensive position holding Cynthia tight and bellowed, "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN OUR BED CHAMBER?!" Cynthia rubbed Conrad's arm in an attempt to calm him while Timothy, the guard and a very groggy Simeon charged into the room breaking the door,swords,knives and fists ready.

Cynthia shook her head. The green glow, blurry figure knelt, head bowed. "Forgive me, your Grace, I startled you."

Conrad,Simeon, Timothy all growled. The guard stood stock still observing. Cynthia sighed, "Greetings.And who do we have the honor of welcoming?" Conrad grimaced at her and growled low as he increased his hold on her and pressed her further into his chest.

The green, glory, blurry figure materialized more and there before them was a very delicate, handsome faye. "I am the leader of the Faye, Gerald in my name. I have come to pay homage to our King and especially our Queen. Your Grace, I am at your service as are all faye. You are part Faye, my Queen and therefore our Gracious Lady."

"Part Faye? I am?" Cynthia had not ever considered she was also part Faye. "Am I such a hybrid?" Gerald spoke, "Once you came.into your powers you became a.little bit of all species. It is a mystery but we were told in our prophecy that you would come. We have been waiting since His Majesty's parents were.killed for you.Only you would unlock His Highness from the magic spell that kept him hidden and unite us all under one Kingdom banner. Only to you two will we bow."

Conrad furrowed his bows. "What?" He mindlinked his Father,Tom and his Beta, Simon. "Get to my bed chamber immediately!" Within seconds, literaly, literally, two appeared. "What magic?" Conrad demanded of his father. Tom was confused. "Huh? What are you talking about? Magic? Son, I have no idea what you are asking?" Then,

Tom noticed the Faye standing there still at the foot of Conrad's and Cynthia's bed. "Who might this be? and why is he in your ..." "Father!" Conrad bellowed."What magic hid me!? and from whom? and ..." Cynthia took Conrad's face in her petite hands and gently kissed him.He sighed and then took a deep breath in...relaxing his shoulders. "Thank you,my love." Cynthia blushed and smiled then kissed him on the cheek. She then turned her attention to the ever growing gathering of men in their room.

"Gentlemen, please wait for us in the main office. Gerald, sir, please follow them. I believe I need to ..well.. dress more appropriately." Conrad looked at her and then pulled up the bedspread to cover her nightgown so others would not see her and growled a deep growl of warning. Cynthia chuckled. The men fled the room.