"I've got calculus after break what about you?" Paige asked, I sighed looking out the window" Uhmm it's a free period for me Diego? " He was spaced out, I waved my hand in front of him. " Earth to Diego"
" Oh snap, what did you say I was way out of the room" He had being doing that lately, actually not just him his sister too the luck siblings are a little bit weird, I wonder what's up with that, " What class?"
" Oh yeah uhmm AP biology" He mummured picking up a crumb of fries of his table, " Nerd alert, I'll see you guys at my birthday dinner today, I need to take a walk I might end up ditching the rest of today" I kissed Diego in his forehead, " Hey mine? " Paige sent me a pout, chucking I leaned down.
" You get one too" Kissing her in her forehead, " Be careful love and if someone messes with you just beat them up call me we will hide the body for you" Diego howled at me. I looked around the cafeteria to find girls staring at us with envy, well mostly at me.
I came into the school three years and I managed to snag the captain of the swimming team and a cheerleader as my best friends. "Ignore them" Diego noticed my discomfort
" Yeah sure," Pulling my hoodie forward with a glare in my face I was starting to regret leaving my lunch untouched, I had to push back my curls for them to fit sighing I wasn't hungry but I'm starving. " I need to cut this off" my hair was starting to piss me off.
Walking into the hall way, I took a turn out of the school premises, The parking lot was almost deserted just a few people, couples making out, friends smoking I decided to take a detour for some quiet time
Walking towards the woods a bit too far from the school but I can make my way back, The sounds of the cricket filled the air, the humid smell of the soil and the dew drops wet my outfit, I grabbed my backpack fastening it around both arms.
A smell of alcohol a rock music filled the environment, Turing back I wasn't in the mood for assholes honestly " Hey pumpkin what are you doing out here all alone? " I turned back at the voice, taking a one over I eyed the man suspiciously, he looked drunk with a bottle of vodka hanging lose, if his red puffy eyes doesn't sell that he is wasted, the fact that he was putting on an inside out t-shirt.
it's midday for crying out loud, on a Monday do you really have no where to be, Turning back I ignored, I don't have the mental health to deal with his shit today, "Hey you, learn some respect high schooler" Still walking I increased my pace.
Falling ass first into the floor, I winced as my head hit the hard floor, an unfamiliar taste of metal filled my mouth as I bit down my tongue,. "What the fuck dude?" It came out of rough and frustrated, as tears begin to pull out on the corner of my eyes, did he really kick me?.
"My boy was talking to you, and you were walking away show some respect you little bitch" His breath hit my face, I gagged at the pungent smell of alcohol, it made me speechless spitting over his face , "I don't want to be bothered just fucking leave me be" Pushing him off me, he fell back with a thud a groan escaped his lips as they pulled into a thin line.
Rising back to my feet I spit out all the blood residue I had left before I could blink, I felt a fist connect with my face , it sent me flying backwards into the air, but I was stoped midday as the smell of rotten eggs and three day old stale burger hit my nose. "Now now she is a pretty thing let's have fun before we kill her"
His breath, oh my God, it was way more unbearable than the pain on my jaw, Kicking myself off hin falling my back hit a tree, I coughed out more blood spilling across my sneakers that's not good, my white sneakers. That's it now I'm fucking pissed off. Pushing my self up I decided to get a good look at the odds I'm working with.
"3 against one weak little bitch, what are you gonna do call your mommy" the dude from earlier snikkered at me, I grimace at the set of brown teeth and his crooked smile, "Uhmm Fuck face what about you shut up" Oh shit I don't sound like me.
That punch much have dislocated my jaw, "It midday go pick on someone your own size or better still some on you own level of IQ" This came out better than the last, Turning to the guy who punched me." Didn't your mummy teach you not to punch a girl, Huh you disgusting piss of shit? don't you have something better to do"
I was pissed alright, years of anger management classes out the window I wanted hurt someone the anger I felt was on a whole new level, it made me feel power raging through me in waves, " Hey bitch shut up" I heard a blaring noise fill my ears followed by the soul sucking pain on my lower abdomen, I got shot fuck I didn't see that coming.
Falling to the ground as dark spot filled my vision I struggled for balance but with a kick from the back I feel face flat into the wet grass, "Lost your smart mouth bitch" I felt pressured of a cold object below my throat. I was going to die?.
Not like this, I can't go this way. "Don't kill her, I want to have my fun" The smell of rotten eggs filled my noise, I was disgusted through the pain, feeling the need to throw up my guts, I let the nausea win, pouring out my lunch on his shoes as they surrounded me
Rasing up I kicked him. Felling all dizzy I staggered swaying grabbing on to my sides "You bitch, now you are definitely dead you little piss of shit, Standing up right the adrenaline pushing through my veins as the surge if rage made my eyes go black, the pain was pushed to the back of my head I could on hear one thing, Kill them.
How am I even standing straight I felt all the pain gradually seep away, Digging my nails into the gun wound I pulled out the bullet.
A scream escaped my lips as pain shook all around my body to my toes " Shoot her, Again now you fool" Looking straight at the guy with the gun I felt the ground move farther away from me, I saw fear flash through his eyes as he dropped the weapon running the opposite direction,
"She.. sh .. she is a monster" He yelled running in the opposite direction, Growling I bent down the pain almost completely gone, maybe from the adrenaline rush, Picking up a stone on the floor next to the pile of granite , the pain was completely gone by now
Tossing the stone to his direction in went right through his skull, I watch his body drop , the bloodlust drive was getting stronger turning into a frenzy with every second, "Run" I whispered but the sound echoed through the woods, it carried the aura of a beast, the echo of a beast was that me?
"Holy mother of God a monster" He turned the opposite direction about to run, Sprint into the air, my body pushes me forward like it was nothing, I pulled both his arms off his body, his screams as his blood splatter across my face I watched life flash before his eyes ripping his insides out with my nails , "Cat caught your tongue?"
I mimicked dropping his arms to the floor, my hand caught my attention, my pedicured nails were claws they extended forward longer and thicker than usual almost lie a beast, Looking up at him my vision turned infra red, I mean literally, I could see through the wood in red vision. The last guy was running smart move, I felt something poking at my tongue as I ran into the woods, more like my teeth trying to extend, canines?
Catching up to him, I went straight for the kill Pulling him backwards but the collar of his inside out shirt, the anger coursing through me made my skin boil. He went straight into the trees his screams turned to s slow yelp, the twig piercing his heart out, I stared at the blood dripping of his lifeless body, I felt my mouth dripping saliva at the sight of his blood.
I felt immense hunger, turning the other way, I fought the urge to drink his blood to a much more lifeless pulp, what is happening to me, within all my pain, I felt the urge to screaming the burn sensation was almost unbearable, Then I did something, I howled no moon in the middle of a sunny afternoon. I howled like a wolf my howls tired into roars as anger shut up to me.
My bones made cracking sounds as hair mure like fur grew on my skin sending chills as sweat beads roles down my forehead.
I felt hunger, an insatiable lust for something I don't know what it can't be blood, but before I could find out, Feeling weak all of a sudden I fell to the ground, gripping of the grass for support, The heat flared up my skin was on fire not literally, My claws digged into the grass, my hands were shifting back to the normal form
The sound of my ringtone flowed through the wind, at just like that the reality of the situation hits me I just killed three people "oh my God,Holt shit I just killed three people" running back to the my bag which was surprisingly far from the spot I was in the wood how far did I run?
It was Diego, I couldn't pick up I got there late and also the terror in my voice will make him lose his mind, With my finger shaking and my legs threatening to turn into jelly I began clearing any sign of myself off the crime scene, it was I changed into my spare outfit in my bag, cleaning off the blood and stuffing the bloody strained clothes into my bag.
I took one last look at the bodies the one with no arms and his lungs sprawled across the blood in a bloody mess, I gagged dry heaving as the wave of nausea hit me, "What Is happening to me?" picking out my mirror and my spare water bottle I clean my self up, I fixed my make up at I decided not to think about the claws as I stared at my nails, "It can't be, it was just an hallucination"
Walking away from the woods, Perks of living in a small community no surveillance cameras at the woods, "Hey Diego" I walked back towards the school, My heart rate has refused to stop beating in a frantic but I had to control my emotions, It was not real,. I killed them but I don't know how.
"You still showing up today?" He sounds tired the classes were definitely boring and I was too jumpy to walk with people so I just did the next wise thing, "Nope, I'm sorry but I'm ditching for the rest of the day, I'll text to late see you at my place"
"Alright sweet peas" He ended the call as I released a breath I had no idea I was holding, "I need a distraction". My legs were visibly shaking as I took a turn, Walking towards my favorite place the world, the shooting range I need to suppress what I feeling, what ever happened back there I'll deal with it later
"Hey pumpkin you should be at school" I heard Ronald yell when I walk in , taking a turn I kissed him on the forehead, "Really rough day today" I hope he doesn't notice my shaky fingers, He studied my expression with a curt nod, "Come one, I got new stuffs for you to try out I'm almost excited"