
Chapter 32 Working for a big star

The next moment, Emma saved his number. Meanwhile Asher was staring at her all the time so he curiously asked, "Mommy, are you going on a date?"

Emma hesitatingly put down her phone and replied to her son's question awkwardly, "No! It was my boss."

"Is your boss a man or a woman?" Asher instantly asked another question. "It's a man," she truthfully replied back.

"Is he young ?" he asked.


"Wow! He must be very handsome!" Ella and Asher commented together.

"That's right! He's a big star," Emma nodded and proudly showed off to her children.

After listening to that, Ella exclaimed in excitement, "A big star!"

"That's right! He lives nearby," Emma gave them more information. Meanwhile, Asher was stealing glances at his daddy's reaction. There was an unrecognizable expression on Liam's face so he immediately said coquettishly, "Mommy, when will you take us to your boss's house. We want to go there to play?"