
Chapter 103 Stop The Bleeding

Emma immediately held his hand, fearing that he would break it. And she replied, "A gift from a friend..."

He asked indifferently, "A gift from Zane Russell?"

She pulled his hand away anxiously and said, "Let go of me. Don't break it."

He said threateningly, "Why are you so careful? You must really like it!" Emma was anxious and scared, wondering whether he was going to break her necklace.

Liam had no intention of pulling her necklace despite being tempted to, fearing that her slender neck would get hurt.

"When you see him tomorrow, give it back to him. You are not allowed to take anything that belongs to him again," he ordered her like an overbearing husband. In the end, he added, "I can give you whatever you want."

Shaking her head, she said, "I don't want anything. I'll give it back to him."

He asked, "Where's my gift?"

She replied, "In... in the room!"