

"We heard nothing about the mythical creatures." Hildegard said.

It was true.

It made no sense that when Scarlet had gone missing the emerald remained intact.

That was one of the reasons why Rose had even kept hoping that her little girl was still alive.

And then she had found a piece of the emerald ashore and it further made no sense.

That the emerald had broken off from its holder and the monsters had still been held captive.

Rose laughed. "Maybe there was really nothing to it. Maybe it was just an old wife's tale. After all the story of the monsters are thousands of years old. It was probably just one of the many old lies our ancestors told."

Rose was doing her best to wave it off away.

"But this was something you had believed in." Hildegard said in surprise. "It was something you believed in. What could have happened?"

"I was wasting my time." Rose said harshly.

Hildegard took a step back.