
The Alchemist Of The Divine Lands

Divinious, a strange and powerful energy that gives those who are fortunate enough to become a powerful being that has the ability to grow beyond normal limits. These people are called Awakened Ones. With so many races of intelligent beings and diversity of fighting styles, there are bound to be one's who pushes the limit. The Divine Lands is a world filled with Divinious, governed by gods that uphold rules and functions of the universe. But even with this much power, they do not meddle and remain in their own respective realms. What would happen if an individual who knows the rules and functions of the modern world gets reincarnated as a person who also knew how to use the rules of the world and create something new? Such is the power of an Alchemist.

02SYBAS70 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Worm Boss Fight (1)


The tiny cracks within the bone armor of the worm puffed out a stream of methane from the small spaces in the armor. Because of how putrid the area where the Bone Worm expels this gas, it has the smell of a very strong rotten odor that makes creatures that smell it go away from disgust.

Meiros covered his nose. The smell was just too damn horrible. "Master, I'm going dizzy just smelling the gas from that thing.." Meiros looked up at the Bone Worm's body that rose up from the ground, still not completely exposed.

"That's alright, I can deal with this guy.." Chrysos ran towards the Bone Worm.

"Master, you really- Agh.. nevermind." Meiros hopped on Ralfor's back before commanding him to run away with all of the remaining energy he had.

Chrysos then leapt up and began using the small cracks of the Bone Worm's armor to climb up. Chrysos felt like he was scaling a skyscraper.

Like seriously, this thing is huge!

Chrysos then realized that his flaming sword wouldn't help him that much if he's going to try and scale the worm. Good thing he turned it off when he jumped towards the worm. If not, he would ignite all of the gas and give himself a pretty nasty burn.

He then activated Steel Rage to strengthen himself and to prevent himself from falling down.

Using his right arm, Chrysos threw himself upwards and when the momentum ran out, he quickly grabbed on to a crack and steadied himself.

Looking down, Chrysos felt cold sweat dripping down his back. "I'll definitely die if I fall down now…" The cold winds from this height blew harshly towards Chrysos which caused his coat and hood to flutter aggressively against the strong gusts of wind.

Strengthening his grip, Chrysos began climbing up once again.

But as Chrysos was about to reach the halfway point of the worm, his foot slipped which almost caused him to fall down.

"STOP WRIGGLING!" Chrysos then sent a punch towards the Bone Worm with no effect. "You almost killed me, you stupid worm!" With a huff, Chrysos continued climbing.

The worm was still positioned upright to let gravity do its thing and let it devour the corpses of the Bonecrusher hounds. Chrysos only had a short time frame before it decided to burrow underground again.

"Ngh.." Chrysos eventually reached the top. He was on the side of the worm's mouth. A few steps here, and he would become worm food.

Looking at the rows of teeth that were the size of two human legs, Chrysos nodded to himself. "Yep, it's definitely uglier up close."


From below, Meiros was watching Chrysos using Farsight.

From this distance, Chrysos looked like a speck of dust, while the worm still looked large.

Meiros was wondering what Chrysos' plan was. Was he going to jump inside and kill the worm? Will he use some kind of explosive? Those thoughts kept popping in his mind.

But suddenly, Chrysos did something that Meiros didn't expect at all.

"Right! Master has that thing!" Meiros laughed.

From the worm's mouth..

Chrysos held the spatial bag on his waist and took out a large amount of green slime. And while it was on the air, Chrysos took out different mixtures of liquids and then he used a wind magic circle to keep them floating on the air.

After that, with one arm stabilizing the mixture, he used his other arm to drink Divinium recovery potions.

He put the empty bottles back and shrouded the mixture with his Divinium.



The Divinium from Chrysos suddenly changed and began refining some of the mixtures.



The aura of the Divinium suddenly changed once again, purifying specific mixtures.



Chrysos alternated between his unique abilities, brewing the large mixture above the Bone Worm.

He then used Material Detection to see the state of the potion that he was brewing.

"Hmmm… needs a few more cycles.." Through the magic circle on Chrysos' eye, he scanned the mixture and began with the procedure.

He used the wind from the magic circle on his arm to spin the entire mixture, creating a small cyclone of potions.

After that, he drank one more Divinium recovery potion before finishing the brewing process.



The cyclone pulsated and began changing from a range of different colors between blue and yellow.

Eventually, it settled with a bright yellow color with a very fine and light composition without any impurities in sight.

Chrysos canceled the wind from his magic circle.

And before the liquid touched his body, he jumped off the worm's mouth.


"What??" Meiros had to look twice just to verify what he was seeing.

Why did his master just jump?

He knew that his master had a very tough body, but to survive that height was a bit hard to accomplish.

But just as Meiros was wondering what Chrysos' next course of action was, Chrysos took a strange flesh construct from his spatial bag before connecting it to his back by stabbing it forcefully. Of course, why wouldn't he?

As soon as the nerves and muscles connected to Chrysos' body, he used his Divinium and channeled as much as he could to the pack of flesh and nerves on his back.

"Please work, please work, please work, I tested this earlier, you better not fail at times like this…" Chrysos was praying in his heart.

The flesh construct twitched after receiving the stream of Divinium before finally reacting.


The flesh construct grew in size before ending up in the shape of a glider.

The body of the glider was made of tough living tissue and the rest was made from thin but sturdy flesh that allowed it to withstand strong winds.

"Woohoo!" Chrysos glided away from the worm.

The bright yellow potion splashed all over the Bone Worm. It covered many parts of its body except for the lower areas. Some even got into its mouth which enraged it.


Releasing a deep and angry roar, the small slits in the Bone Worm's armor began shooting out small tornadoes infused with Divinium.

Turning his head, Chrysos' expression turned into that of surprise. "He's really angry at me.."

He then controlled the glider, narrowly avoiding those whirling spikes of wind. Up ahead, when the tornadoes hit the ground, they pierced through it without any resistance, creating a bunch of narrow holes on the ground.

This increased the fear in Chrysos' heart. But at the same time, to fight something this powerful was exhilarating. "Not bad for something that just advanced to the Provectis rank.."

Fhiu! Fhiu! Fhiu! …

More tornadoes were aimed at Chrysos. If it weren't for him nimbly avoiding the projectiles by repositioning the glider, he would've been shot a long time ago.

Chrysos knew that this worm was just shooting him as a defense mechanism. After all, he just spilled a bunch of chemicals on it while it was just eating.

Now that it was enraged at him, it was trying to get rid of Chrysos to the best of its abilities.

A few more tornadoes came towards Chrysos' direction.

To avoid getting hit, he pointed the glider a bit lower which made him swoop down like an eagle catching its prey, which successfully prevented him from getting turned into a corpse that decided to look like swiss cheese.

"Not sure if I'm fighting a worm or an anti aircraft artillery shoved inside a worm." Chrysos snickered. Because of how large the tornadoes were, the Divinium needed to keep the drilling motion and the entire structure of the projectile stable was also large, making them easy to sense and dodge in advance.

If you avoid where it's going to be, then you wouldn't get hit at all.

Meiros looked at the worm spewing hundreds of green and yellow bullets of swirling wind. Seeing how dense the amount of bullets were aimed at Chrysos, he couldn't help but feel nervous.

But at the same time, since he had a similar skill to the Bone Worm, Meiros found it as a great way to gain inspiration from. Just by watching it fight his master, Meiros could feel his skill and understanding of it growing deeper.

Chrysos eventually lost altitude and began to descend.

He took out Angelfeather and slashed the glider off his back. Now that he was on the ground, the difficulty of dodging these bullets were three times harder.

Turning his head, Chrysos could sense dozens of tornadoes coming towards him.

With a powerful leap, he slanted his body and spun in the air, dodging multiple tornadoes at once.

And when his feet touched the ground, he ran without hesitation. Tornadoes hit the spots where his feet were a few seconds ago, kicking up a large amount of dust behind Chrysos.

Blocking these projectiles were useless and the worm didn't seem to have the intention to stop at any given time. But regardless of that, Chrysos was thinking things through very calmly despite his heart pumping so quickly that his blood circulated around his body at such a rapid pace. His adrenaline was so strong that the entire ordeal was a thrilling challenge for Chrysos.

The worm was slowly learning Chrysos' movement patterns. It even tried hitting the directions Chrysos was going to run towards, but it would always be avoided by him either sliding down or jumping through them like an acrobat passing through flaming hoops and hurdles.

The worm soon noticed that none of its attacks were working at all. And since it noticed that Chrysos couldn't attack it and it couldn't kill Chrysos, it decided to burrow underground.

The large body of the worm bent down and began digging through the earthen sea.


The ground shook as it chewed through rock and soil. But as soon as its bony armor slid against the earth, causing large amounts of friction, the chemicals on its body flared up, turning into a hellish inferno.


An otherworldly screech resonated around the area. The worm stopped digging through the ground the moment it realized that the friction was burning so strongly that the heat even managed to pass through and burn its skin directly.

"Hahahahaha! Take that!" Chrysos laughed. Seeing his plan work out well was a very good feeling that he couldn't help but smile.

The worm seemed stupid at first glance, but these things are actually very observant of their surroundings, except when it came to eating.

They had to use as much concentration as they could or else their meal wouldn't go to their stomachs where it was going to be digested. That's why they have to stay upright, leaving them in a very vulnerable situation.

Seething with rage and fire, the worm tried fanning out the flames by spewing out large clouds of methane through the exhausts in its skin.


From afar, the Bone Worm looked like a gigantic pillar of fire that sprouted from hell. Anyone who looked at it would feel a sense of insignificance just from the sheer power coming from the worm.

The worm lit up the area by burning a large amount of gas, like a dragon that breathed in all directions, the grass in the hills were charred into black ash.


The worm saw that it didn't work very well when it came to dispelling the fire on its body. So with a vengeful thought on its mind, it ignored the areas of its body where it was burning and decided to shoot Chrysos once again with tornadoes.

Chrysos just laughed at this pathetic attempt to bring him down along with itself. "You'll run out of energy soon… with that big of a body, the amount of energy you need to sustain it will also be proportional." Said Chrysos as he dodged the wind projectiles that almost obliterated him down to the bone.

The worm kept aiming and aiming, but Chrysos moved like a sparrow that managed to dodge every raindrop from a thunderstorm.

Eventually, the flames in the worm's body were getting too much to handle. Even the bone armor wasn't doing so well because it was starting to burn.

If the armor eventually breaks, Chrysos would have spots that he can target the worm from. After all, under that tough armor, the worm's flesh isn't that remarkable in terms of enduring damage.


Chrysos heard a loud cracking noise from the Bone Worm. He was getting excited, if he was correct, the worm would become very vulnerable to damage now.


But something was wrong, the worm was gathering Divinium inside its own body.

Once the Divinium was strong enough that the worm started to glow like a golden pillar, a large explosion was about to occur.

"Ah sh#t… this might be a miscalculation.." Chrysos wasn't sure if he was going to survive an explosion of this magnitude.

What's worse is that he doesn't possess any kind of shield spells that would help him mitigate the damage.

But even if he did have some, it would shatter almost immediately if it were put up against this much power.

But despite this, Chrysos didn't wait for his death.

Using "Swiftness", "Steel Rage" and a couple swiftness potions, he used everything that he could to run away. This was his last chance to escape with his life.

Feeling the intense amount of Divinium finally stop strengthening, he knew that the explosion was about to happen shortly.

"I'm probably going to die…" Chrysos sighed one last time.


A large shockwave spread out from the worm's body, bony shrapnel from the armor flew in all directions, killing anything and anyone who's been hit by the large pieces of bone plates.