
The Alchemist Of The Divine Lands

Divinious, a strange and powerful energy that gives those who are fortunate enough to become a powerful being that has the ability to grow beyond normal limits. These people are called Awakened Ones. With so many races of intelligent beings and diversity of fighting styles, there are bound to be one's who pushes the limit. The Divine Lands is a world filled with Divinious, governed by gods that uphold rules and functions of the universe. But even with this much power, they do not meddle and remain in their own respective realms. What would happen if an individual who knows the rules and functions of the modern world gets reincarnated as a person who also knew how to use the rules of the world and create something new? Such is the power of an Alchemist.

02SYBAS70 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

Another Quest With A Psychic

Frinton's Training Hall…

Chrysos tried out the spell Farsight and immediately, a magic circle formed in his eyes. His vision zoomed so much into the wall that he couldn't even see anything. The wall's details were so clear to his eyes.

"The hell? This spell doesn't only give me increased vision, it also magnifies it to an extremely clear detail." Chrysos was able to see the stone wall's details very clearly. It was like looking through a high end magnification lens.

Chrysos had fun adjusting his vision from magnified vision to normal vision. He readjusted it too fast from normal to strong again and again and again that he momentarily got dizzy.

"That…. Doesn't seem to be a good idea" Chrysos massaged his temples and felt the pain even more. "Yep, that's a bad idea." Chrysos silently told himself to never do that again.

After learning all the spells, there was no reason to stay any longer.

Chrysos packed up and left the training room that he rented. The service in Frinton's Training Hall is very nice. He had to give it a five star review if this was back on earth.


Chrysos' House…

Chrysos knocked on his door and he soon heard footsteps coming from the door.

Opening the door, Meiros looked at his master and said, "Master Gerald, welcome back." Meiros walked inside and sat on a chair in the living room. "So, how's your trip?"

Chrysos entered the house and closed the door behind him. "It was a good trip. I learned new abilities and I think I can handle myself better now."

Meiros raised his eyebrows. "Master, how many spells did you learn?"

"Four spells. It took me a while." Chrysos grabbed a bunch of bear flesh and bones from the shelves before preparing to brew a hypertraining potion.

"Four spells?? In a few hours?" Meiros was in disbelief. As a street kid, he never received any type of elementary knowledge except on how to read and write. So of course, magical knowledge is a bit too complicated to learn even for him.

"Yeah, what's so surprising about that?" Chrysos said while brewing.

"I... I just don't think it's that easy to learn them. Are the spells easy to learn though?" Meiros asked timidly.

"They were all rare tier spells. It was fun learning about them." Chrysos continued on with his work.

Meiros showed an expression of shock. "You understood those spells?"

"Mhmm.." Chrysos nodded as he continued refining a mixture.

"Master Gerald, I didn't expect that you would also know about magic. All I know is that you're good at alchemy or something." Meiros praised.

"You find spells hard to learn?" Chrysos continued brewing.

Meiros tilted his head in confusion. "I mean, yeah.. Only nobles know how to read and understand things properly. I wouldn't be able to learn to read if I didn't read someone's mind."

"Oh right... the education system here is still undeveloped.." Chrysos thought to himself.

"So, are my books about alchemy too difficult?" Chrysos asked. He wanted to make sure that Meiros could understand whatever he was teaching.

Meiros touched his chin. "I mean, you rewrote them to be very simple, so I guess it's easy?"

"That's good to hear." Chrysos finished brewing the potion and turned it into a hypertraining fluid before he drank it.

Since he used the organic tissue of boars for his hypertraining fluids before, they only managed to increase his strength by that of a boar for each bottle. Now that he's using a bear for it, he should also receive a bear's strength. In theory, that is what should happen.

Because of the increased concentration however, the effects might be different from the other previous fluids. Chrysos even felt the massage to be extra relaxing than last time.

Trying to resist the urge to sleep from the relaxing sensation all over his body, he turned to Meiros and said, "Wake me up later when it's dinner time. Also, we're going to go on a quest tomorrow morning." Chrysos then slept without warning. The relaxing massage took over his will to stay awake.

Shrugging his shoulders, Meiros replied. "Alright."

Meiros had nothing else to do, so he just took a bath and did some chores. That was the least he could do.

In Chrysos' mind…

While Chrysos was being "massaged" in his sleep, another thought appeared in the black void of his thoughts.

It was the mental energy of a bear that still remained. But since Chrysos kept the bear dead and preserved for weeks, the thought was significantly weaker than how it would be if it was freshly brewed.

The thought was then entangled by a psychic energy tentacle and was sealed inside with the other thoughts.

A concerning amount of hours later…

When Chrysos woke up, it was already nighttime. Meiros was shaking him to wake him up.

"Master, I cooked dinner." Meiros gestured to the table filled with cooked meat and eggs. It was amateurish, but it was cooked enough to be edible.

"Huh?" Chrysos was still in a groggy state after sleeping in such a relaxed manner. "Oh uh, let's eat then." Chrysos went to the sink and removed his mask.

He hung his mask on the side of his waist and began to wash his face. He wiped it with a cloth and followed Meiros to the dinner table.

The two ate their meals and went to bed. Chrysos was still very sleepy, so he had no problems going back to sleep after having dinner.


The next day, in the adventurer's guild.

Chrysos looked at the list of intermediate quests and saw one with a decent reward.

Hunting a Bleeding Steel Veined Rhinoceros with a reward of 50 silver coins.

Chrysos saw the terrifying appearance of the Bleeding Steel Vein Rhinoceros, or Steel Rhino for short.

He took a map where the beast lives, and called Meiros to travel towards this beast.

Chrysos walked out the adventurer's guild and approached the hooded Meiros trying to hide from the crowd by standing behind a light pole.

He took the map from his backpack and gave the map to Meiros. "So, the target for today's quest is located around here." Chrysos pointed to a spot inside a forest in the map, and said to Meiros, "Try to memorize the landmarks of the area so that we can arrive there faster."

"So far?" Meiros looked at the map and began scanning the entire map. "How are we going to go there? It'll take us too long and it's going to be afternoon the moment we reach that spot.

"Haha, Don't worry. We can make it in just an hour." Chrysos revealed a faint smile.

"How?" Meiros looked around. If his master was going to use a mount, he would've seen it by now.

"But first, drink this." Chrysos gave Meiros an Uncommon Tier, Weightlessness Potion.

Meiros recognized the dark, opaque, blue green colored potion and drank it. After that, he felt as if his body wasn't affected by the gravity that much. But it was all an illusion, it was just the work of wind Divinious making parts of his body float and therefore reduce his weight.

Chrysos walked towards Meiros and carried him with one arm. "Don't panic, I got this." He placed Meiros on his back and held him to prevent accidents like falling off. Chrysos got into a running stance before he took off running.

"You got whaaAAaa-?!!" Just as Meiros was about to ask, Chrysos sprinted at full speed.

While running with the combined strength of three boars and a bear, and the muscular endurance of an elephant that specializes in body strength, the surroundings became a blur for Meiros.

Chrysos jumped, slid down, grabbed branches and swung on them, dodged boulders, and avoided logs as he ran at astonishing speed.

Meiros on the other hand, was screaming his lungs out.

1 hour later...

When they arrived at the area where the Steel Rhino was the most active, Meiros finally touched the ground with his legs while quivering.

"T- That was too... Terrifying.." Meiros almost saw his life flashing before his eyes. He just stood in place with a petrified expression.

"Pssh, it's just a sprint. What's so bad about it?" Chrysos laughed at his student.

"Hah, hahaha.." Meiros laughed with a jittery voice. He looked like he experienced several wars in just a second.

Clapping his hands together to wake Meiros up from his state, he said, "Alright, you'll rest here for a while and I'll look for the Rhino, alright?" Chrysos knew that he pushed Meiros a bit too hard.

"Y- yeah. That sounds great." Meiros sat down to calm his mind.

Leaving Meiros who was still scared silly, Chrysos walked around the area to check for any signs of the rhino. He took out a scent masking potion and fully soaked himself in it.

Next, he used a moss growth potion and splashed it all over himself. After that, fresh green moss slowly grew from the liquid, and it slowly covered him entirely in moss.

He wiped the moss off the glass of his mask in order to see properly.

Now, he crept around the bushes because he didn't want to alert the rhino if it was ever close to him.

"When the rhino wants to hunt, it sweats profusely to trick its prey that it's injured. Normally, that wouldn't be effective for other animals but this rhino is different. It can secrete a special type of sweat that smells and looks exactly like blood, hence the name Bleeding Steel Veined Rhinoceros." Chrysos looked for blood in the surrounding area. If he ever saw fresh "blood."

He'll know that the target is near once he sees a puddle of red liquid.



Meiros sat down and concentrated his mind. His stressed mental state slowly soothed and became calm just like the water of a pure vibrant lake.

Meiros exhaled. "Phew... that was a very scary experience. He thought that he was going to die anytime during that ride."

Meiros stood up and looked around.

"Wait, where did the master go?" Meiros looked around carefully. "Hmm... master said that I should just stay here." Meiros sighed and waited.

However, not far from his peripheral vision, he saw something move.

"Huh? Who's there??" Meiros took his sword from his back and looked at the source of the sound warily.


He saw the bush move again and he could see blood leaking from the plant.

"Blood?" Meiros slowly walked away.

The thick bush rustled again and a rhino slowly walked out. But this rhino was bleeding all over its body. It looked tired and its life was slowly seeping out of its eyes.

Meiros opened his eyes wide. "Is that the rhino that we're hunting? Awesome! It's already injured! This will be easy enough." Meiros walked towards the rhino.

Of course, he didn't underestimate it. But as he walked towards the rhino, his mind was thinking at a very accelerated pace.

"What was that thing that the master was talking about?" Meiros recalled his memories. He could've sworn that he heard Chrysos talking about something about the rhino. But since the travel method was too shaky, he couldn't hear too much about it.

"Hmm, was it about something not to trust what you see?" Meiros thought about it more, and then, it all clicked.

The rhino was not at all injured!

When this thought came to his mind, he immediately turned to look at the rhino only to see it charging at him!

"Crap!" Meiros' mind worked quickly.

"Dammit, what should I do?! Can I dodge this??" Meiros' mind thought in just 0.0001 seconds.

"No, I can't dodge to the right..." Meiros' thought around the 0.003 second mark.

"Should I use mind control? Nope, that won't work, mind connect is useless, Telekinesis wouldn't work as well, because I need to fully surround the object that I want to carry with my own Divinious.." Meiros' mind created this many thoughts in just 0.023 seconds.

"I got it! There's no way to dodge this physically, so I need to use my Divinious to save myself!" Meiros finally thought of a solution in a millisecond.

He opened his hands, summoning a magic circle on both of his palms, he used telekinesis and using the psychic energy to create force, he launched his body upwards.


Since his body is filled with his own Divinious, surely it's enough to launch him upwards, right?

Meiros looked down and saw the rhino miss him in under a few seconds. If he thought any slower, he would've died!

"Phew, now how am I supposed to survive this fall?" Meiros was several meters from the ground. Meiros used telekinesis and slowed his fall down.

But there was a problem.

He couldn't support his own weight for this long. He was running out of Divinious quickly. He needed Chrysos' help right now.

Meiros gritted his teeth before he shouted. "MASTER!"

The sound covered the area of the forest, scaring most of the birds out of the trees.

Chrysos heard it and ran towards the direction of the sound.

The rhino was surprised that Meiros dodged its charge. He looked up and saw Meiros, who was covered in sweat from trying to support his weight just so that he wouldn't fall.

The rhino was patient and has some degree of intelligence. But when Meiros shouted, it knew that this person didn't come here alone.

The rhino looked around while guarding Meiros' descent.

Chrysos arrived and saw the rhino who was just waiting to kill Meiros.

"Oh no you don't!" Chrysos opened a bottle in his waist, summoned a magic circle, attached it to his sword and swung it, sending an orange wind arc full of Inferno Mist.

The wind blade struck the rhino, leaving a white mark on its body.

When the rhino saw that it didn't do much to him, it was visibly relieved and even mocked Chrysos. But unfortunately for the rhino, Chrysos casted the spell Fire Trail the moment the wind blade flew out from his sword.

When the fire made contact with the orange fog, an explosion occurred.


Chrysos bent his left leg downwards before he jumped up, catching Meiros who overexerted himself by carrying himself using Divinious.

When Chrysos landed down, he looked at the explosion and waited for the fog to settle.

He was going to kill this rhino.

"It's fine to hurt me, but if anyone or anything wishes to hurt someone I care about, I'll make sure that they are going to suffer." Chrysos slowly spoke as he landed on the ground.

"No matter what, I'm not going to let those around me die once again." Chrysos glared at the rhino under the dissipating gray smoke with a menacing golden shine on his eyes.