
The Alchemist Of The Divine Lands

Divinious, a strange and powerful energy that gives those who are fortunate enough to become a powerful being that has the ability to grow beyond normal limits. These people are called Awakened Ones. With so many races of intelligent beings and diversity of fighting styles, there are bound to be one's who pushes the limit. The Divine Lands is a world filled with Divinious, governed by gods that uphold rules and functions of the universe. But even with this much power, they do not meddle and remain in their own respective realms. What would happen if an individual who knows the rules and functions of the modern world gets reincarnated as a person who also knew how to use the rules of the world and create something new? Such is the power of an Alchemist.

02SYBAS70 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
76 Chs

A Very Helpful Bag

Vedian finished telling his story and looked at Chrysos who remained in his spot.

"Alchemis- No.. Chrysos Tylo. My grandfather always told me stories of you and even told me to be respectful when I see you. My curiosity got ahead of me and when I saw you for real, I was disappointed that the stories didn't match up." Vedian dusted his shoulders off.

"I seriously can't believe that for 120 years, we had to pay for your citizenship renewal that you never even used until now." Vedian snorted with annoyance.

Chrysos remained still in his spot not because of the story that Vedian told him but because a memory resurfaced in his head. He could remember everything that night.

He remembered his old self's formulas, magic spells, and the thing that shocked him the most was that Chrysos was actually older than 120 years? But when he looked at himself, he assumed that he was between the age of forty to thirty years old.

Since he came from earth, he also had some fun guesses that he might be over one hundred years old but he just dismissed them as mere guesses. He didn't think that they would actually be true!

Not only that, his old self was extremely skilled in fighting and Gerald even saw that Chrysos was a bit… manipulative to say the least.

His train of thought was interrupted when Vedian sheathed his sword and laughed. "Alright, I had my fun. Make sure to watch yourself." As Vedian was walking away, the two swordsmen recovered and left.

Chrysos shook his head and heard guards rushing over to the scene.

He used his unique ability "Swiftness" with "Steel Rage" and left as fast as he could.


When Chrysos came back home he was breathing heavily.

"Master? What happened to you out there?" Meiros just finished brewing potions and hurriedly went to Chrysos just to check up on him.

Chrysos waved his hand to assure him that he was fine. "Don't worry, I wasn't hurt."

Jifel came out running when he recognized Chrysos' scent and immediately started hugging his leg.

Chrysos picked up Jifel and patted the baby elephant. In Chrysos' mind, he was a bit worried where he should put Jifel once he grows up. After all, a Crimson Tusked Blood Elephant is humongous when they reach adulthood.

Putting Jifel down, Chrysos took off his stuff and laid down on his bed. "Meiros, if anything happens, wake me up." He then uncorked a hypertraining fluid and a muscle potion that will give him the strength of a large Venomous Desert Viper.

Chrysos felt the relaxing effects of the potion and before dozing off, he turned to Meiros and said, "Also, prepare your stuff because we'll be going somewhere important later on."

Meiros nodded. "Absolutely."

Meanwhile in the Nacoris manor,

Vedian returned home and went to his personal vault and took off his armor. He then switched to normal attire and went to find his father.

Andron Nacoris was currently training all by himself in their private training hall when Vedian knocked on the door. Andron heard it and walked towards the door to open it.

When Andron saw Vedian, he asked, "What's the matter?"

"Nothing, I just want to see grandfather." Vedian shook his head and asked for his grandfather's whereabouts.

"He's in the waterfall channeling water, lightning and earth Divinium to strengthen himself." Andron replied.

"Alright, I'll be off now." Vedian waved his hand and walked away.

Andron knitted his eyebrows and asked, "Who did you fight with?"

"It's none of your business." Vedian kept walking away from him.

Andron shook his head and said, "If it's going to bring down the name of the Nacoris family, I'll break your legs myself. Got that?" Andron reminded Vedian not to be too rash whenever he goes out of his way to make trouble.

Vedian made a thumbs up before finally getting out of sight.

Andron grumbled. "Troublesome kid…"

Vedian followed a stone road towards their private waterfall nearby.

The moment he heard the splashing of the water, Vedian knew that he was close.

He kept walking until a beautiful and lively lake came into view. The waterfall was like a curtain of diamonds reflecting the lake's beauty and prosperity.

Vedian narrowed his eyes and saw a figure of a man practicing with Divinium. As he got closer, it was an old man with white hair but with a burly and tough physique.

It was Heisch Nacoris. A 3rd stage Elitius Ranked Knight.

Heisch summoned a cloud and commanded it to attack the nearby lake.


A small lightning strike shot down from the cloud. When Heisch saw this creation of his, he would be very proud of what he has replicated.

Yes, it was a replica of the pink cloud from his encounter with Chrysos in the Iron Mountain ranges.

Many of his personal spells were created with the inspiration of Chrysos' attacks that he saw back then. Of course he also made his own spells and didn't always base his techniques from those that came from Chrysos.

Heisch canceled the Divinium distribution and then the cloud suddenly faded away. He turned back when he sensed a familiar person coming towards him.

"Vedian, what brings you here?" Heisch summoned an earthen root and rode it towards Vedian.

Vedian sighed, "Grandfather, you're always practicing spells to the point that you barely come back home anymore." He then glanced at the earthen root and said, "What's so good about Chrysos anyways?"

"Well for starters, he did save my life when I was young. I told you the story many times before." Heisch laughed.

"Anyways, I want to ask you something about him." Vedian looked at Heisch seriously.

"Oh?" Heisch was surprised that Vedian would take the initiative to ask him something about Chrysos out of all people. "Go on, I'm listening."

"Did he ever have children?" Vedian asked in a slightly uninterested tone.

"What?" Heisch found the question a bit funny. "Well if you're this serious about it, I don't think so." Heisch turned to Vedian and titled his head. "Why did you ask?"

"Nothing.. I just thought I met someone related to him." Vedian said with a shrug.

Heisch laughed. "Interesting. Can you bring that person to me?"

Vedian immediately became alert. His grandfather isn't aware of the situation outside because he puts almost all of his efforts into becoming stronger. If he finds out that he fought Chrysos earlier, his grandfather will definitely try to do anything to please Chrysos and he'll definitely lose a lot of resources just to make this damn fossil happy even though he barely talked to his grandfather, yet Heisch acts as if Chrysos was a god or something.

He always heard his blabbering about him and about how great he is. And as Vedian grew up, this turned into distaste towards Chrysos and alchemists.

"I'm afraid that I don't even know where he is." Vedian sighed. "We just talked but I never even got to fully figure out who that person is."

Heisch showed a disappointed expression. "Ah well if that's so, you can leave now."

Vedian bowed his head and left.

Heisch removed his warm smile the moment Vedian left.

"That kid… he's lying." Heisch shook his head. Heisch snapped his fingers together and a figure in black clothing leapt down beside him.

Heisch turned to the person and said, "Follow him and make sure to report everything suspicious that he does to me."

The figure nodded and faded away.

After the figure disappeared, Heisch walked towards the stone root and jumped on top of it so that he could return to the waterfall and continue his practice.


Ralfor's powerful paws ran across the dense forest. Vaf and Jifel were enjoying the ride.

Chrysos pulled the rope in Ralfor's neck towards the left and Ralfor turned in the same direction.

After a lot of practice, Ralfor was responsive to simple commands and he could even understand a few human words like stop, fight, and calm. He also knows basic directional commands like left, back, forward, right, and jump.

If Nadt was here, he would definitely find the surroundings very familiar.

It was the path towards Chrysos' old cabin.

Why did Chrysos decide to come back here out of all places? It was because of the memories that resurfaced and he remembered a lot of items in his cabin hidden away that would definitely help him a lot.

Not too long later, a run down cabin came into their view.

Meiros exclaimed, "Master, what is this place?" Meiros kept looking at the cabin but he couldn't see anything special about it. After all, they didn't take a quest so this place shouldn't be too special. Right?

When they reached the front of the cabin, Chrysos pulled the rope which prompted Ralfor to stop.

"Alright, let's go inside." Chrysos hopped off Ralfor's back and landed on the ground without any trouble.

Meiros unstrapped the safety seat belts on Jifel and Vaf. After that, the two of them rolled off Ralfor's back without any hesitation and landed on their faces.


Chrysos and Meiros turned around and saw the two of them with their faces half buried on the ground.

"Pfft-" Meiros stopped himself from laughing and used telekinesis to slowly descend from Ralfor's back. "Sooo…. Master, do you have some business with this place?"

"Yes." Chrysos walked towards the door and saw that the cabin was even more worn down than how it was when he was living here. "In fact, this used to be my house."


The moment the door opened, Vaf and Jifel ran inside the cabin. Chrysos ignored the two of them and made his way towards his old bed.

"Woah... Master Chrysos, I didn't know you used to live in such a remote area." Meiros stroked the table and looked at his fingers filled with dust that he later brushed off.

"Well, I had no choice back then.." Chrysos lifted his bed and dust was kicked up after he did so. When he took out the bed, there were a lot of insects crawling under it.

Chrysos casted a fire trail spell and pulled the bed frame away from its original spot.

He then began to break the floorboards and kept digging.

Meiros watched from the side and scratched his head. Even Vaf and Jifel were both confused about what Chrysos was doing.

Chrysos dug through the soil and when he felt something in there, he dug it out to reveal a wooden box.

He opened this wooden box and inside was a bag made of exquisite white cloth with golden strings tied to it so that it could be opened and closed. There were numerous engraved blue runes glowing on the bag's pearly white silk.

Meiros opened his eyes in shock. "Master… What is this thing?"

Chrysos smiled and wiped the bag clean. "It's a legendary spatial bag." He then opened the bag and when he did, his Divinium connected inside the pocket space inside the bag.

Chrysos could identify every single item inside without any troubles and he saw different things like the Crystal Antlered Deer's head, Epic tier ingredients, old maps, and numerous books about alchemy and a very inconspicuous journal.

Chrysos closed the bag by tugging one of the strings and put it on his bag. "So, Meiros.. how amazing was that thing you saw?"

Meiros couldn't believe his eyes. "Master, how do you own a legendary level item?! And why didn't you tell me that you owned something so amazing!?" Meiros' heart was beating rapidly.

Chrysos shrugged. "It's complicated but I'm going to tell you about them in the future. How does that sound?"

Meiros felt that his teacher was more mysterious than what he previously thought of. He couldn't help but think about who his teacher really was after seeing Chrysos own an item only seen in legends.

"Alright, let's go back. I'll also give you something when we return. Take it as a gift for being so amazing at your alchemy lessons lately." Chrysos laughed and went outside.

Meiros replied, "It's nothing since I'm taught by a great mentor."

Chrysos got on the saddle and chuckled. "Just for that, you're getting a smoothie when we get home."

Meiros jumped up excited after hearing what Chrysos said. "Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about." Meiros then carried Vaf and Jifel and secured them in the special compartment designed for the both of them.

And when they're both safely strapped on the saddles, he got on and Chrysos whipped the rope connected to Ralfor's mane and Ralfor immediately went forward and carried them back to Ironmountain.