
The Alchemist Archvampire: Chronicles of the Unseen Alchemist

Brief Notes for Those That Don't Want to Waste Their Time: +The chapters will be between 1000-2000 words and I will write until I feel like the chapter is over I don't like cliffhangers +As the title says, the story will follow the daily life of a powerful archvampire that interested in Alchemy. - So if you're looking for a novel with great plot twists, an overpowered main character making cool entrances and saving delicate female leads etc, you're in the wrong place. +The main character will use his power to entertain himself and find something to do with his endless free time. While doing that he causes something that he wasn't aware of... +And he doesn't like to leave his castle but over time this might change with the interactions he will have with female leads. +If you're not interested in mc's backstory, you don't have to read synopsis **** After centuries of war and slaughter, the Archvampire Jasper Shaw had finally become the most powerful being. The only one who could match him was the Demon King Asmodeus himself. But there was no chance of them fighting to each other, they were childhood friends from centuries ago. Jasper had achieved his goal, he was the strongest, he had no rivals. He had everything he wanted in the palm of his hand and of course he enjoyed it to the fullest. Wealth, women, authority, everyone in the world bowed down and offered gifts to gain his favor. Like that centuries passed... Jasper had gotten bored with everything. The endless time he had without a purpose became a prison for him. He created a castle for himself near the castle of his ancient friend Asmodeus and did not come out of it for three hundred years. He spent the first decade of this period sleeping in his coffin, which was the longest decade of his life. After a decade, Jasper decided to get out of his coffin and find a hobby. He played silly games by himself, drew pictures, wrote articles, poems and eventually got bored with all of it. In time he became interested in various types of magic but he quickly mastered in every magic so this hobby became boring to him as well. For a while he even became a gourmet; he tasted the blood of many different adventurers of different races, weights and sizes who came to his castle for different reasons, and he had a lot of fun while tasting that bloods. In the process, he didn't talk to anyone, he just watched them and somehow managed to get their blood, but of course there was one exception. That exception was an elf named Kael and over time the two of them developed a friendship based on mutual interest... After two centuries passed like that, Jasper finally found something that really interested him and that he was not very skilled at, Alchemy! But of course, he was not very skilled only for his standards. He spent ninety years doing Alchemy, he was still enjoying it, but he was running out of ideas to do something with alchemy. Right around this time his friend Kael told him that he was not going to visit him no more. Kael had been giving him his blood when he visited him, now Jasper would either have to talk to someone or find a way to get their blood again. Of course, Jasper was no longer the old Jasper, he was very picky about blood, so he had to find someone suitable and keep them visiting the castle, and of course he had to come up with new ideas to continue his hobby... Additional tag: Parody

LemonTheFirst · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
29 Chs

Chapter 1: The Archvampire Jasper Shaw

Hearing the loud footsteps of the hero's group approaching the throne room, the demon lord yelled at his servants to open the doors and let the invaders in. As the demon lord stood waiting for his enemies to emerge, he could feel the rumble of the heroes' footsteps and their heavy breathing through the walls. 

As the doors swung open, you could hear the loud shouts and screams, accompanied by the clank of metallic weapons striking the stone floors. The cries of the dying filled the room as the fierce battle began. As the battle raged, the demon king cast a destructive spell, causing a deafening explosion. 


The sounds of battle woke an Archvampire who had been sleeping in his fortress a few meters away from the Demon King's castle. His name was Jasper Shaw, he had sharp features, striking crimson eyes, and jet-black hair that fell over his shoulders. His ears were elegantly pointed, adding to his ethereal appearance. He was often dressed in finely tailored attire, which added to his air of authority. .. 

*Jasper Shaw* 

Ahh, I'm sick of waking up to Asmodeus' stupid games. Find yourself a quieter hobby, what fun do you get out of playing hero and demon king with these weak humans? Look at me, quietly doing alchemy in my fortress and not waking you up from your damn sleep every morning!

Oh great, another couple of lost fools, I mean "heroes", trying to get into my castle again.


Jasper could feel every movement inside his castle like his own body because he had created it with his own blood. 

People often mistook his castle for the demon king's castle and would try to raid the place. When they entered, they would find nothing but empty rooms because Jasper would build a barrier in a certain room of the house so that the intruders could not hear neither see him and his work and would leave the castle after a certain amount of time.

Jasper, who could move things around the castle as if they were part of his body, opened the door for the intruders and he moved to his alchemy room...


In the middle of the room there was a large table with green and red liquids in glass vessels, 2 large shelves adjacent to the walls, and on one of the shelves there were animal organs, limbs, etc. and on the other there were powders in various colors. 

There were two other rooms connected to this Alchemy room, on top of one of them: *Finished Experiments* and on the other: *Failed Experiments* was written

After Jasper went to the Alchemy room, he looked around blankly for a while, started pacing back and forth and got lost in thoughts.


Hmm, I can't think of anything to do today... and I'm getting distracted by the bugs crawling around in my castle.

I'd better wait for my weekly drink to arrive and then I'll figure out what to do. For now, let 's watch the bugs to kill some time.


Jasper went to his room written *Finished Experiments* and took a black cloak and put it on. He didn't put on the hood that was part of the cloak, and as soon as he put it on he became invisible.

Jasper was powerful enough to make himself invisible with a simple spell, so why did he craft a cloak?

In his hundreds of years of existence, Jasper had reached a certain point in his life where he no longer enjoyed anything he did, he tried a lot of new hobbies, but after a few years he quickly got bored with them until he became interested in alchemy...

After he became interested in Alchemy, he started trying to create new tools and creatures to do even simple chores and he enjoyed each new thing he created.

He stood in front of the mirror and looked at himself... and yes, there was a mirror in the room that could reflect even the invisible things. Jasper said after taking a good look at his cloak,

"It's not only functional, but I've made a very cool design, look at it!" 

He gave a smug smile and continued,

"I wonder if I should open a tailor shop in the capital, I'd be famous for sure!"

Jasper went downstairs and started to following the group of adventurers.

It was a group of four adventurers with two men, a human swordsman and a dwarf vanguard and two women, an elf sorcerer and a human nun healer.

Although he was the strongest of the group, the swordsman had been feeling uneasy ever since they entered the castle. After a while he noticed that there were three of them, he stopped the group and said,

''Hey where is Freine?'' 

Freine was the sorcerer of the group, a very young elf with white clothes and green eyes.

Everyone looked around and soon they heard Freine's scream. They rushed towards the room where the sound came from,

Freine was caught in a mimic chest again, the vanguard of the group pulled out his sword and said,

"Oh, not again. What are we going to do with you?''

Just as he was heading towards the chest, a blood orb out of nowhere hit him on the head and he fainted.

The blood orb was so fast that no one could see it. The swordsman started to panic and said,

"I told you, this castle is not the Devil King's! If you ask me, this place is haunted''

The nun, who was the only one standing other than him answered,

"There are no such things as ghosts! There is no record of such a creature in any record''

"Maybe it's because everyone who met them is dead, huh? Did you ever think of that, you stupid bitch?!? I already feel like someone's been watching me since we entered the castle''

"Hey, stop panicking, get Freine out of that trap and we can out of this castle''


Jasper thought as he watched the swordsman moved towards the chest,

'It's not a trap you stupid adventurers, it's my trash can and it's very useful'

Jasper set up an invisible barrier to prevent the swordsman from getting any closer to the chest, after the swordsman bumped into the barrier he panicked even more and said,

"That's enough, I'm getting the hell out of here!''

He grabbed the vanguard dwarf by the feet and dragged him towards the exit. Nun said,

"Are you really going to leave Freine here?! What kind of a man are you?''

''A reasonable one, you can save her if you care about her so much!''

When Nun was left alone she also headed towards Freine and she hit the invisible barrier in the same way but instead of leaving she started examining the barrier to find a way to break it. After a while, Jasper realized that Nun had no intention of leaving so he approached the chest and telapathically said to it,

"Hey let the elf go, I'll give you something more delicious later''

Mimic swayed as if to say no and tried to devour the elf, Jasper thought,

'At least I tried in a nice way'

Jasper leaned closer to the mimic, his red eyes began to glow eerily and he whispered,

"If you don't let go of that stupid elf I'll start using you as a toilet again!''

The chest's eyes looked terrified, the poor mimic was obviously traumatized... Mimic spat out the elf, the elf fell in front of Nun, Nun bowed her head in thanks, thinking that some unknown presence had helped her and dragged her sticky elf friend out of the castle.

When Nun arrived outside she saw an elf about to enter the castle,

This elf was not like ordinary elves, he was a well-built man, over 185 cm tall. He was wearing a very expensive looking white and gold embroidered outfit and on his fingers he was wearing silver and gold rings, a gold chain around his neck and red jeweled earrings.

She tried to warn him not to went in but he said,

"Don't worry the person inside is an old friend of mine" and walked in...