

Lin Que stared at Xu Bin solemnly.

This Xu Bin is far less developed than his limbs on the surface.

To be able to cultivate soul power to the 27th level at this age, in addition to the support of the forces behind it, it also requires a strong talent.

"Lin Que, I will prove to Mo Qingcheng that you are not worthy to compete with me."

"I originally planned to leave this trick to Qin Feng. You are honored to be the first person to be defeated by this trick of mine!"

The words fell off.

A powerful spirit power fluctuation overflowed from his body.

The spirit power level also climbed all the way from the twenty-seventh level.

Level 30!

"My goodness, Xu Bin has been hiding his strength."

"I remember that if I was right, Qin Feng was at level 30 alone in the outer courtyard of the Canglan Academy. I didn't expect that there was an extra Xu Bin now."

"The young master of the rich and noble family, the ability to make money is really not trivial."

Said the screen name who watched the live broadcast.

A small hill not far from the iron forest.

Qin Feng's mad fighting Yuling regiment was like watching a play, looking at the two Yuling regiments fighting fiercely below.

"Oh, I underestimated Xu Bin." Qin Feng let out a surprise.

"Boss, do you want to go to the pot?" Lu Feng watched the battle below, and his heart was itchy, especially when he saw Lin Que's super powerful combat power, he wanted to rush down and fight Lin Que happily.

Qin Feng touched his smooth head: "Don't worry, just take a look."

On the battlefield.

Lin Que called out MMP secretly.

The 27th level had already caused him a headache. Now that he has broken through the 30th level, he is still playing with woolen yarn!

"The third spirit ability, the real body of the devil wolf!"

Xu Bin let out a furious rage, and his soul power poured into the two-headed wolf of the spirit of hell.

I saw the two-headed wolf of **** slowly merge with Xu Bin.

Xu Bin is like a humanoid demon wolf, full of fierce strength, and sharp black bone spurs grow out of his back. The whole person looks like the supreme ghost among the red devil mythical creatures.

"Lin Que, this is the spirit ability brought by the D-level rage ghost jade, which can be increased by 60% and lasts for three minutes."

"You said, how should I torture you for these three minutes?"

Xu Bin flaunted his sharp wolf claws and looked at Lin Que violently.

"Will you kill a werewolf?" Lin Que cursed.


Xu Bin roared, and the sound wave containing soul power burst in the sky.

Xunye Si Lingxu resident.

Lin Wei looked at the picture on the screen and his face sank: "This Xu family is really good at making money, and it's a bit tricky to be angry with ghost jade."

"Brother, come on!" Lin Xi hugged the puppet bear tightly with a pair of small hands, feeling nervous.

"Lin Que, die!"

Xu Bin's violent eyes locked on Lin Que, and the killing intent permeated his body, covering Lin Que overwhelmingly.

"Brother Lin, I'll help you!"

Xiang Qianqiang was about to go with his body supported, but was swept to the ground by Zhou Chu.

"You can't protect yourself, still want to help others?" Zhou Chu sneered.

"The first soul skill, Lu soul!"

Su Tangjiao yelled, and a flame arrow gathered from the martial soul in her hand and rushed towards Zhou Chu.

"The first soul ability, virtual!"

Zhou Chu's body turned transparent, avoiding Su Tang's attack.

Tiange Yuling Group only used three people to delay the attack of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group four.

"No one will come to help you."

Xu Bin rushed out of his body, and the wolf's paw was covered with an elusive force of terror.

"If you want to play, I will stay with you to the end!"

In the face of Xu Bin, who had soared in strength, Lin Que did not choose to shrink back. He did not retreat but moved forward. The black iron-colored fist trembled fiercely with Xu Bin.

Fist to the flesh!

He had no choice. As the captain of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group, if he retreats, what face would he have to go out to meet Tang Lin and the dead adoptive parents?


Xu Bin's wolf claw scratched Lin Que's right shoulder, exposing the bones.

Lin Que's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out.

"Haha, Lin Que, what are you fighting against me?" Xu Bin laughed presumptuously.

Lin Que ignored the blood flowing on his right shoulder.

Looking at Su Tang and others who were struggling to support him behind him.

Take a deep breath.

There is no choice!

Lin Que's eyes became sharp, and a scarlet blood lotus mark appeared between his eyebrows.

The magic blood in the body is activated.

The scratched wound began to heal continuously, and the pupils in the eyes gradually turned scarlet..."Fate, do you dare?"

Lin Que stared at Xu Bin, the blood lotus mark in the heart of his eyebrows exuding a weird red light.


Xu Bin's wolfish body trembled, and Lin Que's breath, he actually felt a sense of suppressed fear?

Lin Que stepped forward again and again.

Without taking a step, there was a scarlet dagger condensed and slashed towards Xu Bin.

"The second spirit ability, Dark Night Wolf Claw!"

Xu Bin's wolf claws were covered with a layer of black light, and his claws swung forward.


The scarlet dagger directly cut off the sharp blade on Xu Bin's wolf claw, and the huge body of the demon wolf was beaten back again and again, and his arms trembled.

"How can it be?"

Xu Bin couldn't believe everything in front of him.

Lin Que could easily decipher the spirit ability that was displayed after the wolf was transformed.

"This Lin Que is simply against the sky."

"Fifteenth-level spirit power, to break Xu Bin's spirit abilities with bare hands, is this still a normal person?"

"Lin Que, are you hanging up?"

On the barrage, many keyboard men pointed out that there was shady.

Canglan Academy.

The old man with a wine gourd hanging from his waist smiled slightly: "Smelly boy, Yanfu is not shallow!"

"What is this ability?"

In the command room, He Chen suddenly gained strength. He didn't believe that Lin Que was really invincible, and he could still take the spirit skills unarmed against Xu Bin with the fifteenth level of spirit power.

It must have used some ability.

It seems that I still underestimated this boy.

The hills above the iron forest.

"It's getting more and more interesting." Qin Feng looked at Lin Que's figure, full of fighting spirit.

Lin Que looked at Xu Bin, who was unwilling to face failure, and smiled coldly: "He has turned into a Erha with all his energy, and is he a snarling dog?"

"To shut up!"

Xu Bin roared, his body was fiercely glowing, and the wolf claws that had been cut off by Lin Que grew new sharp blades again.

"The first soul ability, bloodthirsty!"

Xu Bin's body was covered with a layer of blood, and the whole breath became more violent. The wolf's claws cut through the air, and a dark, double-headed wolf soul rushed towards Lin Que.

"The first soul ability, Soul Breaking!"

Wuhun Chi You possessed both arms.

The blue-red fist marks turned scarlet, with Lin Que's endless anger, blasted towards Xu Bin.

The violent fist marks smashed the dark two-headed wolf soul into a speckled soul power ray.


The time for the wolf transformation on Xu Bin's body was up, the martial spirit was broken, the backlash power was fed back to him, and a mouthful of blood was spit out.

Xu Bin's indomitable aura gradually became sluggish and weak.

Although the wolf transformation has brought him a powerful increase in strength, the weakness after being strong is unavoidable.

"I'm not reconciled!"

Xu Bin roared frantically, unable to accept the fact of failure.

I have been working hard to hide my strength, and I wanted to shine in the autumn hunting.

The 30th level vs. the 15th level was supposed to be a sure-fire battle, but as a result, he was defeated by Lin Quebec.

"Hehe, Qiuwei hunting is not a game alone!"

Lin Que looked behind him, desperately trying to block the teammates of Tiange Yuling Group for himself, and smiled slightly.

If Xu Bin is not so conceited, he will keep focusing on himself.

Even if he takes advantage of Hongye's ability, the outcome is probably unknown.

What a pity!

Victory belongs to him.

"Xu Dashao!"

When Zhou Chu and others saw Xu Bin's defeat, they were shocked and quickly withdrew from the battle, guarding Xu Bin's side.

"I'm not convinced!"

Xu Bin, who was supported by Zhou Chu, was full of madness and hideousness in his eyes.

Su Tang and others supported each other and stood behind Lin Que.

"Huh, Yulingtuan is not talking about fighting alone!"

The scarlet daggers on Lin Que's body condensed, and the three daggers haunting the killing intent were slashed towards the three of Zhou Chu.

"Second spirit ability, Tianyu!"

Li Muyan exerted her soul skills with all her strength, fighting for her life, and resisted the attack.

"is that useful?"

A ghostly figure appeared behind her.

Li Muyan froze in place, her expression frightened.

Under the helpless eyes of Zhou Chu and Wu Da, Lin Que directly eliminated Li Muyan.

"Lin Lang, stop your hands, you can't hold it anymore."

In his mind, Hong Ye said anxiously.

Lin Que did not stop. If Zhou Chu and Wu Da were not eliminated, this battle would still be lost!

"You two, get out too!"

Lin Que didn't want his life, exerting a vigorous golden body, and the figure appeared above the two like a ghost.

"The first soul ability, Soul Breaking!"Zhou Chu and Wu Da were bombarded by Lin Que and fell to the ground, spouting blood one after another.

Looking at Lin Que, who looked like a killer, a drop of sweat was secreted on his forehead.

In the end, he reluctantly crushed the positioning bracelet in his hand and was eliminated.

Lin Que then slowly stopped.

it is finally over…

This was the last thought in Lin Que's mind. The scarlet blood lotus mark on the center of his eyebrows disappeared, and Lin Que went black and passed out.

"Lin Que!"

"Brother Lin!"

Su Tang and others hurried forward to check Lin Que's situation.

"Fortunately, it's just a temporary coma due to an overdraft of soul power." Su Tang said.

Upon seeing this, Xiang Qian and the three were relieved.

Under Murong Qingyue's spirit ability treatment, the spirit power of several people slowly recovered from their injuries, and at the same time they placed Lin Que in the back row of the jeep.

"You must leave here quickly." Su Tang said.

The battle just now must have been known by the nearby Yuling Group.

Now the strength of the entire Hunting Blade Yuling Group is less than 30%, and any one Yuling Group can eliminate them all.

"Why don't you stay in such a hurry?"

Suddenly, a cold laugh came.

Su Tang and the others were shocked. Looking back, they saw that Yang Xiao led the Flywheel Yuling Group and the disciples of the Canglan Academy who had been robbed by them before, surrounded here.

"Despicable villain!" Xiang Gan said through gritted teeth.

This guy must have arrived a long time ago and waited until they and Tiange Yulingtuan were both defeated before they came out.

Su Tang clasped the Martial Spirit Ming Bow in his hand, looking like an enemy.


"If this is a TV show, a villain like Yang Xiao will not survive three episodes."

"This person is so annoying, he can be found everywhere, I want to rush into the red devil mythical creature to beat him up."

"It is said that this kid's grandfather is the elder of the Canglan Academy, the brother upstairs, do you dare to beat him up?"

"Cut, I'm attacking **** the Internet. If he doesn't agree, follow the network cable and hit me!"

"Keyboard Man..."

On the Internet, netizens condemned Yang Xiao one after another.

"Fatty, you take Lin Que and go first, and I will cover you." Su Tang said.

However, the three Xiang Qian stepped forward and stood around Su Tang, fighting the injuries on their bodies, releasing their martial arts, and they were not afraid of Yang Xiao.

"Brother Lin said, it's a matter of life and death, and if you don't accept it, do it."

"People are dead!"

"The big deal is eliminated. Brother Lin didn't abandon us when he was so dangerous just now. If he wakes up and knows that we have all escaped, leaving you alone, you have to hang me on the tree and beat me."

Xiang Gan said a lot, but the last sentence is useful.

"Sister Su Tang, if I leave, who will **** you." Murong Qingyue charmingly blinked at Su Tang's big watery eyes.

"I'm afraid Brother Lin will beat me!" Hou Feng rubbed the back of his head honestly.

Su Tang was silent and glanced at Lin Que, who was unconscious on the jeep. She understood a little bit. Why did Lin Que want to fight desperately when she had a chance to escape just now.

"Coming to fight!"

Su Tang pulled the longbow of Martial Spirit, and the flame arrows condensed, aiming at Yang Xiao, ready to go.

"What a touching scene!" Yang Xiaoyin sneered.

"Don't blame me, blame you for following the wrong person, it was Lin Que that harmed you."

"Give it to me!"

Just as everyone was preparing to step forward to eliminate the Hunting Blade Yuling Group and **** the soul jade, a martial soul spear cut through the sky and fell in front of everyone, blocking the progress.

"Who?" Yang Xiao roared.

I saw a hill not far away, and the Yuling Group headed by a bald figure stepped out.

"I said, you guys bullied a few wounded, don't you want to criticize it?"

Qin Feng pulled out the Wuhun Overlord's spear that was inserted on the ground, and the top of his head was shining brightly by the moonlight, an aura of force and aura that overwhelmed the audience.

Seeing Qin Feng, Yang Xiao's arrogant arrogance suddenly went down, rolled his throat, and said, "Senior Qin, what do you mean?"

"Hunting Blade Yuling Group, I will protect it!"

"If you have any comments, come and **** me!"

Qin Feng stood in front of him with the Overlord Spear in his hand, making a clattering sound, some of the courageous people were lying on the ground with frightened legs.

Seeing Qin Feng exudes a strong spirit power fluctuation and invincible aura.

Who dares to go?

Qin Feng looked at everyone's angry and frightened look, and the corners of his mouth were slightly cocked.

No wonder Lin Que, this kid likes to pretend to be X.

It turned out to be so cool."Senior Qin, why are you?" Yang Xiao suppressed the anger in his heart and said with a strong smile.

Qin Feng picked the Overlord's spear in his hand and pointed at Yang Xiao: "Master, who do I want to protect, do I need to explain to you?"

He protects the Blade Yuling Group, first, he can't understand Yang Xiao's bullying by more.

On the other hand, he is a martial idiot.

Lin Que's powerful combat power made him feel like fighting. If he didn't fight with Lin Que, it would be meaningless to win the Qiuwei hunting first place.

Yang Xiao collapsed and was speechless for a while.

He is the first person in the outer courtyard, and there is really no need to explain to him.

However, Lin Que would not let him go easily today.

"Anyone who eliminates the Hunting Blade Yuling Group will have ten E-level soul jade per person! And, I don't even take the soul jade of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group!" Yang Xiao said loudly with fierce eyes.

The crowd stunned by Qin Feng gradually began to agitate as Yang Xiao spoke.

Ten E-level soul jade, that is two hundred points!

In addition, the soul jade in the hands of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group, not to mention the first place, and the opportunity to go to the inner courtyard to practice in the top ten.


Luo Yuan shouted, and led the flywheel Yulingtuan to rush up first.

With the leader, the hesitant young people summoned out the spirits one after another and rushed up.

Qin Feng blinked as he looked at the crazy crowd.

Why is this different from the script he imagined?

Last time Lin Que installed X, why didn't the car overturn?

Could it be that Lin Que is handsome and has the protagonist's halo?

"Boss, what shall we do now?" Lu Feng asked.

Qin Feng's Overlord's spear was tightly held in his hand, and he swept across, rushing forward and flying.


The bulls have blown out, and if you leave the Hunting Blade and Yuling Group aside, it will be embarrassing.

Soon, fiercely fighting the Yuling Group and the Yulings of the Exterminating League.

Qin Feng's five people are all spirit defenders of the assault system.


Su Tang's martial arts longbow shoots a series of flaming arrows, specifically attacking the Controlling Guardians and priests in the crowd.

Xiang Qian and Hou Feng rushed into the crowd, and the two cooperated with each other to help Qin Feng and others contain a lot of Yuling.

"Haha, happy!"

Qin Feng fought more and more bravely, his soul power gushing out like a tide, and every time he swung the Overlord's spear in his hand, one person would be eliminated.

30th-level spirit power, plus S-level Wuhun Overlord Spear.

There are not many that can stop Qin Feng.

Command room.

He Chen looked at the picture on the screen, his forehead was covered with black lines.

Good autumn hunting, the ghosts are not killed, they are all in one ball.

It's amazing.

"This Lin Que is simply a mouse shit." Yuan Qing slammed the table in front of him angrily.

"Report, call from Wolf's Den, asking about the situation of the Red Devil Mythical Mythical creature."

"Report, the official of Cangtong Town called, asking for an explanation of the situation of the Red Devil Mythical creature."


Outside the door, the voice of the communicator kept coming.

He Chen only felt his brain hurt.

Originally, he still liked Lin Que a little bit, but now, he was anxious to pull Lin Que out of the red devil mythical creature and give him a vicious beating.

The Qiuwei Hunting is an annual festival in Cangtong Town. It has attracted the attention of bigwigs from all over the world. Now it has turned into a pot of porridge. If it doesn't matter, he will have to be punished!

Just when He Chen was about to personally go to the Red Devil to suppress the mythical creature, a beautiful figure walked into the command room.

"The day trip is my lord."

Seeing Lin Wei, He Chen quickly stood up and gave a military salute.

Yuan Qing was trembling with excitement, couldn't lift her hands, and the corners of her mouth trembled and couldn't say a word.

"From now on, everything here is under my command." Lin Wei shook his trench coat and sat domineering in the first place, watching the surveillance.

"The red devil mythical creature..."

"I said, everything here is under my command, don't you understand?" Lin Wei's tone was cold, and He Chen, who was a large colonel, had his eyes scared that he did not dare to speak.

Although the autumn hunting is very important, it is not enough to alarm the night patrol and the day traveler.

There must be a reason why Lin Hua is here.

Suddenly, a terrible thought popped up in He Chen's mind.

Lin Hua is here for Lin Que!

Before, he had asked people to retrieve Lin Que's files, but found that Lin Que's files were strictly encrypted and could not be accessed by non-general officers.

If Lin Hua really came for Lin Que, then all this would make sense.

It's no wonder that Lin Que's combat power is so against the sky.

The truth is out.The Red Devil Mythical Battlefield.

Qin Feng's Wuhun Overlord's spear was in his hand, shuttled among the crowd, his body was surging with golden spirit power, like a **** of war, no one could get in front of him.


Xiang Qian, in the form of a humanoid demon dragon, and Hou Feng left and right, advancing and retreating in an orderly manner, weed out many less powerful spiritual masters.

"If this continues, our soul power will be exhausted sooner or later, and we have to find a way to break through." Qin Feng punched out a force attacking spirit defender.

Among the few people, Murong Qingyue was the pastor, and the treatment couldn't keep up.

Even if Qin Feng and the others were fighting against the sky, they would be eliminated by exhausting their soul power.

"Lin Que, this favor is too big for you." Qin Feng glanced at Lin Que, who was unconscious in the jeep, and said in a deep voice.

"The first soul skill, the gun is like a dragon!"

The dragon pattern on the Overlord Spear gradually awakened after being injected with soul power, turning into a soaring golden dragon, hovering on the Overlord Spear.


With a shot stabbed, the golden dragon uttered an exuberant dragon roar, carrying an endless spear, and instantly eliminated a group of tenth-level spirit power spirit masters.


Qin Feng led everyone to evacuate.

Xiang Qian walked forward with Lin Que on his back.

"Chasing." Yang Xiao's face was gloomy.

Qin Feng and others fled all the way down the road. During the period, they encountered many ghosts blocking the way, all of which were wiped out by Qin Feng.

"You shouldn't be nosy." Qin Feng gave himself a mouthful.

Hunt down ghosts well, isn't it fragrant?

It's alright now, being hit by a group of people chasing.

"Boss, our spirit power has already consumed more than half." Lu Feng said.

Fighting and fleeing this way, the mad fighting Yuling regiment is better. After all, they are all spirit Yulings above level 20, but the hunting blade Yuling regiment is miserable.

Except for the priest, the remaining soul power of the others is almost negligible, and it is estimated that even the spirit of the martial arts can not be summoned.

"You take Lin Que and withdraw first." Qin Feng said.

Su Tang shook his head: "As long as there is no Red Devil Mythical Mythical creature, Yang Xiao and the others will find it sooner or later, and they will not escape."

Qin Feng was silent, holding the Overlord's Spear tightly in his hand.

"Quickly, they are ahead, don't let them escape."


After a while, Yang Xiao led people to catch up again.

"Damn, it's like dog skin plaster, it's endless!" Qin Feng was angry, since he couldn't escape, there was only one way.


"Don't fight with them, give them control, consume them with spirit abilities, and wipe away all their remaining spirit power." Yang Xiao commanded everyone.

Immediately, the sky full of soul abilities smashed towards Qin Feng and the others.

"not good!"

Qin Feng's face changed in shock: "Protect the Hunting Blade Yuling Group."

Su Tang and the others had lost their spirit power, and under such intensive attacks, the lightest injuries were all serious injuries.

Yang Xiao, this is murderous!

However, the battle line was too long and Qin Feng wanted to get back. Yang Xiao would not give them a chance. The members of the Flywheel Yuling Group entangled Qin Feng and the others.

"Yang Xiao, this is a competition. It's killing people. Can you afford it?" Qin Feng roared.

Yang Xiao smiled grimly, turning a blind eye.

He has no eyes, even if the college blames him and a grandfather defends him, he is afraid of a hammer.

Lin Que must be killed.

"Do not!"

Qin Feng's eyes were bloodshot, and the terrifying soul power of level 30 rose to the sky.

It's too late.

"Lin Que, you are not dead!" Yang Xiao looked excited.

next moment.

Snow flakes suddenly fell across the battlefield.

A martial soul peacock whose whole body is holy as snow, **** its wings and flies, standing on its back with six shadows.

"Second spirit ability, extremely cold and freezing!" Mo Qingcheng's lips and teeth moved slightly.

The Martial Spirit Ice Crystal Peacock flapped its wings and screamed, and a terrifying chill erupted from its mouth, blocking the attack.

Tian Yu waved the spirit long whip in his hand, zooming infinitely, and pulled Lin Que and the others over and escaped the attack range.

Many spirit abilities broke through the cold barrier and smashed at the location where Lin Que was before. The terrifying spirit power exploded, directly smashing the ground into a seven-eight-meter-high pit.

If it hits Lin Que and others, there is no possibility of survival.

"Lin Que!"

Mo Qingcheng jumped down and ran to Lin Que who was unconscious with an anxious expression.

Following behind, in addition to the Qingcheng Yuling Group, there was Chu Junyao.

"Fatty man, get out of here!"

Xiang Qian wanted to say hello, but was kicked away mercilessly by Tian Yu.

Looking at Lin Que surrounded by beautiful women, Xiang Qian sobbed aggrievedly: "I'm all in a coma and there is such a beautiful blessing. When will my love come?"

"I want sweet love too!"After Mo Qingcheng and Chu Junyao looked nervously, they confirmed that Lin Que was just fainting with overstretched spirit power, and the women sighed with relief.

"Yaoyao, hurry, help Lin Que." Mo Qingcheng hurriedly grabbed a cute-looking girl next to him and pleaded.

Tang Yaoyao felt that there were so many stars above her head being shaken by Mo Qingcheng.

"Sister Qingcheng, you are shaking, and Yaoyao is probably dizzy."

Liu Qian and Yang Min's second daughter covered her mouth with a chuckle.

Sure enough, Tian Yu was right. A woman in love has zero IQ.

Mo Qingcheng blushed, quickly let go of his arms, and glared at the two women shyly.

Chu Junyao looked at Mo Qingcheng with complex colors in her eyes.

People who used to be unimportant to her, nowadays, there are girls who are even better than her.

"Second spirit ability, holy seal!"

Tang Yaoyao's martial soul is a string of emerald-colored necklaces, releasing a green light to fall into Lin Que's body.

The soul ability effect restores 20% of the soul power of the Spirit Defender within three seconds, with 15% of the healing effect.

Holy Indo.

Lin Que's eyelids slowly opened.

When he saw the beauties around him, he felt for a while.

Are you in heaven with your boxed lunch?

Thinking of the fame of Brother I, he was burped by the author before he got the finale, sorry!

But fortunately, with such a beautiful woman in heaven, this wave is not bad.

It's just that, why I see these beauties so familiar.

"Lin Que, are you okay?" Mo Qingcheng exclaimed happily when he saw Lin Que was familiar.

"Qingcheng, why are you in heaven?" Lin Que said.

"Bah, you Lin is not ashamed, we ran all the way to rescue you, you dare to curse us." Tian Yu said angrily.

I do not believe!

Lin Que grabbed Mo Qingcheng's little hand and drew a circle in Mo Qingcheng's palm with his thumb.

Well, this familiar touch.

It smells like this.

"I'm not dead, haha!" Lin Que exclaimed excitedly.

With a thunder whip glowing in Tian Yu's hand, he roared like thunder: "You Lin is not ashamed, let go of my Qingcheng."

"Don't let go!" Mo Qingcheng lowered his head shyly.

Lin Que smiled awkwardly, withdrew his hand reluctantly, and smelled the lingering fragrance.

Not to mention, it's so fragrant!

"Chu Junyao?" Lin Que looked at Chu Junyao who was standing at the end for a moment.

"Lin Buxie, you have a good relationship with a woman. We met this **** the way here. She was besieged by a group of E-class headless ghosts in order to come and save you." Tian Yu said, winking at Lin Que.

"You are born out of nothing!"

Lin Que blanked his eyes and Tian Yu: "I grew up with Chu Junyao and we are good friends. Is there anything wrong with her coming to save me?"

Chu Junyao's eyes are dim, is it just a friend?

"Lin Que, your uncle, I'm Cao Ni, what a girl to pick up on this juncture!"

"Hurry up and come and help!"

Qin Feng, who was fighting deep in the crowd, roared angrily.

Lin Que, a cover for his exhausted life.

It's not bad for this day, don't tell me to help when I wake up, I'll make up the girl first.

"Strong bald?" Lin Que saw the besieged Qin Feng with a question mark on his face.

You are beaten, it's my shit!

"Lin Que, I drafted the uncle!"

Qin Feng was angry, his spirit power exploded, and he shot back the besieging Yuling Group, carrying the gun to Lin Que.

"Boss, calm down!"

Lu Feng quickly grabbed Qin Feng.

"Did he have Watt in his head?" Lin Que pointed to the furious Qin Feng and asked Su Tang.

Su Tang's face turned dark, and briefly told Lin Que the ins and outs of the matter.

"Good brother, don't worry, I am coming!"

After learning the whole story, Lin Que smiled apologetically, took the Nepalese saber that had been knocked down on the ground on the side, and rushed into the crowd.

"Damn it!"

After the crowd, Yang Xiao saw Lin Que who was awake and cursed.

With the participation of Mo Qingcheng and others, their few Yuling Groups simply didn't have enough to look at.


Yang Xiao ignored the hard-fighting allies, and directly led the Flywheel Yuling Group and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

Lin Que, holding a Nepalese saber, charged in the crowd.

These guys dare to chase and kill themselves without mercy. Although they can't beheaded, they can still be done with a tooth for a tooth, avoiding the key, and leaving them a lesson.


After seeing the terrifying combat power of Lin Que and Qin Feng, several members of the Yuling Regiment had no desire to fight.

The slain lost their helmets and armor, and fled.

Lin Que and Qin Feng joined forces to eliminate all the Yuling Groups that were chasing them.

Lin Que didn't ask for the soul jade he obtained, and gave all of it to the two imperial spirit regiments, Kuangzhan and Qingcheng.

The members of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group also recovered some spirit power and injuries under Tang Yaoyao's soul skills treatment.

"Damn it, let the villain Yang Xiao slip away." Qin Feng clapped his palms and said unwillingly.

He just wanted to get Yang Xiao out and beat him violently.

Lin Que didn't care about it. The Qiuwei hunting had only been carried out for a few days, and the days to come would be long. As long as Yang Xiao was still in the Red Devil, there would be one day he would meet.

Suddenly, Qin Feng thought of something, and the Wuhun Overlord Spear in his hand pointed directly at Lin Que.

"Qin Feng, what do you want to do?"

Mo Qingcheng and the others released their martial arts, staring vigilantly at the people fighting the Yuling Group.

Lu Feng and others were also dumbfounded. They were teammates on the same front just now. Why did the boss betray all of a sudden?

"Lin Que, let's fight!" Qin Feng said straightforwardly.

"Hit a hammer!"

Lin Que pushed away the Overlord Spear and glanced at Qin Feng.

"You find someone who is seriously injured and just awake to fight, even if you win the fight, what sense of accomplishment do you have, without being upright, what is the difference from Yang Xiao?"

"Why didn't I see where you were hurt?"

Qin Feng just saw that Lin Que was so fierce, carrying a Nepalese saber and chasing someone for a long lap.

"Brother's injury, you don't understand!" Lin Que put on a master posture.

Qin Feng frowned and seemed to be injured internally.

"Well, when you recover, we will fight."

Lu Feng:? ? ?

I have seen such a lame lie, do you still believe it?

"When your injury recovers, I will come to you." Qin Feng finished speaking, and left the battlefield with the mad fighting Yuling group.

Lin Que looked at Qin Feng's back and shook his head and sighed: "This child is an honest person at first sight, so honest, I can't bear to lie to him."

"Lin Que, you can't do the thing about blocking the road and robbery." Mo Qingcheng walked to Lin Que and exhorted.

Lin's shortcomings felt a little regretful in his heart.

These people can't afford to play one by one.

I robbed blatantly, my strength was inadequate, and on the other hand, I united against him and didn't talk about martial ethics at all.

"Brother Lin, what are we doing next?" Xiang Gan asked.

Lin Que looked at Chu Junyao and slowly said, "Hunt and kill ghosts!"

"What are you talking about?"

Xiang Qian wondered if he had a hearing problem. In his impression, Lin Que was not the kind of person who followed the rules of the game.

Are you really afraid of being beaten?

"Actually, it's not busy." Chu Junyao whispered.

She had found Lin Que before, and wanted Lin Que to help hunt down an E-level rare ghost, a mind-baffling ghost, and acquire soul jade spirit skills among the red devil mythical creatures.

"As for the ghost ghost, I've heard that someone found one on the road. Because of the insufficient strength of the Yuling group, the ghost ghost was eliminated by the ghost ghost." Mo Qingcheng said.

Although the Heart-Broken Ghost is an E-level ghost, its strength is invisibly close to a D-level ghost, and the general imperial spirit group can't deal with it.

"Then go and go on the road." Lin Que said.


the other side.

The iron forest in the depths of the red devil mythical creature.

A red devil with blood-red and hideous scars on his face knelt on the ground.

In front of him, stood a tall and burly figure in black robe, surrounded by black spirit power that was several times that of the Red Devil.

As the overlord of the red devil mythical creature, the red devil actually bowed his head to this person, and his status is hard to imagine.

"Where are the human boys?"

"Encourage Master Chen Jinjin, according to your instructions, they have been put into the center of ghost mythical creatures by me, and there are still three days away from here." The red devil said respectfully.

Chen Jinjin nodded slightly: "As long as you successfully catch the human boy named Lin Que this time, Ming Yuan will accept you as a member and enjoy the supreme glory."

"Thank you, Lord Chen Jinjin!" The Red Devil looked excited, Ming Yuan, that was the holy place that these ghosts outside, who wanted to enter by all means.

"Hurry up and do it, don't let the night inspector find any clues, otherwise, I will kill you." Chen Jinjin said sharply.

"No, dare not!" The Red Devil buried his head down, afraid to look at Chen Jinjin's eyes.

"Go down and get ready." Chen Jinjin waved his hand.

The red devil nodded again and again, his body turned into a **** ghost and rose into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a thick haze of blood gradually spread throughout the ghost..."Hou Feng, fat man, drive her over to me."

Inside the red devil mythical creature.

Lin Que's figure shuttled through the iron forest.

Next to him, Mo Qingcheng led the sisters of the Qingcheng Yuling Group, assisting Lin Que and slaying the bewitching ghost.

Confused in the phoenix crown of an ancient woman's wedding leave, the ghostly face is pale, but the facial features are so beautiful that it is impossible to associate her with a ghost.

"Be careful, everyone, the ability of the ghost, charm, don't stop talking." Lin Que said while pulling the distance between himself and the ghost.

He has learned a lot of knowledge after following the curtain blade Yuling group.

"Su Tang, block her position!" Lin Que jumped onto a twig, and watched the confusing ghost move flexibly, very upset.

The words fell off.

A series of flame arrows condensed, and continuously shot toward the ghost, shrinking the scope of the ghost.

"Look where you go!"

Xiang Qian, Hou Feng stood in front of the confusing ghost.

"The first spirit ability, the mad lion roars!"

"The first soul ability, the evil spirit!"

Two spirit abilities hit the confusing ghost one after another, and flew her towards Lin Que.

"Brother Lin, pick it up!"

Lin Que's figure flashed, and the green and red fist marks in his hand condensed.


"The first soul ability, Soul Breaking!"

The green-red fist mark penetrates directly through the body of the puzzled ghost, creating an energy explosion pattern in mid-air.


The confusing ghost fell heavily on the ground, and his body dissipated a little bit, turning into a cold red soul jade, lying quietly on the ground.

"Lin Buxie has become stronger again." Tian Yu said in surprise.

Although it was a teamwork, Lin Que's last punch was the last one to kill the deceiving ghost. That kind of combat power was no trivial matter.

"Lin Bu's first piece of soul jade, isn't it a mutant soul jade, it's so powerful, it seems to have a controlling effect."

Mo Qingcheng nodded: "80% is right."

Lin Que fell steadily on the ground. Suddenly, Lin Que noticed a faint **** mist not far away.

Hey, this ghost is so special.

Lin Que didn't think much, bent down and picked up the confusing ghost jade, turned and handed it to Chu Junyao.

"Here, it's yours."

Chu Junyao took the soul jade and felt very emotional. When she thought of what she said when she ran to Lin Que's house before, she felt ashamed.

Who on earth needs to look up to whom?

"Thank you!"

Lin Que waved his hand: "If you really want to thank me, when you return to Canglan City, you can ask Sister Qingyu to cook me a delicious meal."

"No problem." Chu Junyao smiled as she listened to Lin Que's words.

He is still the same boy.

"Delicious, I want too!"

When it comes to eating, Xiang Gan rushes over.

"You want a fart, go away, didn't you see that I was talking about business?" Lin Que kicked Xianggan's **** away and said disgustingly.

"Well, you are not ashamed of Lin, and Qingcheng is still there, so you will be troubled by the flowers."

Tian Yu stepped forward and grabbed Lin Que's ears, and said with one hand on his hips.

"I'm going, I don't want face?"

"Woman, I advise you to think twice!"

Lin Que came out of breath, his skin instantly turned black and iron, and he turned and grabbed Tian Yu against his feet.

"Do you want to taste the Ansai waist drum too?"


Lin Que felt a terrible killing intent staring at him. Looking back, Su Tang had already bent his bow and set an arrow, aiming at his next third lane.

"Please don't touch the scene, I didn't mean to offend you!" Lin Que explained.

Su Tang slowly put away the martial soul.

"Okay, stop making trouble." Mo Qingcheng stepped forward and helped Tian Yu up.

"Qingcheng, get out of the way, I want to kill Lin Buxu!"

Ran goose.

Mo Qingcheng didn't mean to stop Tian Yu at all.

Tian Yu blinked, but you stopped me!

I can't beat Lin not ashamed!

To avoid embarrassment, Tian Yu grabbed Mo Qingcheng's hand, grabbed her wrist, and yelled at Lin Que.

"If Qingcheng hadn't stopped him, you would have fallen asleep on the ground, brother smelly!"

Mo Qingcheng:? ? ?

Lin Que cast Tian Yu contemptuously.

People want faces and trees want bark. I think you are like a husky.

"Lin Que, the map my brother gave me shows that there are a group of F-class cemetery ghosts nearby. Do we want to hunt them and get points?" Mo Qingcheng said.

"Don't go!"

Lin Que refused.

"Do you still want to continue to block the road and rob?" Mo Qingcheng said.

"That's a lot of effort!" Lin Que stretched.

"Master, I have a plan to accumulate points faster and without any effort."

"what's the plan?"

Everyone looked at each other and said in unison.

"Perfect plan!"The Red Devil Mythical Central Safety Zone.

This is the place where the upper, middle and lower three roads meet. Most Yuling groups choose to stop here to replenish water.

In order to facilitate the movement, many disciples chose fast-eating instant noodles, dry bread, compressed biscuits and other foods.

at this time.

On the empty ground in the safe area.

A large double-opening refrigerator, two large barbecue grills, and a diesel generator were placed on the open floor, and the engine hummed.

On the barbecue grill, the grilled chicken wings shine brightly, and the air exudes a mouth-watering aroma.

Lin Que was wearing a pair of sunglasses, holding a fan in his right hand, and taking out a bottle of iced can of Sprite from the refrigerator in his left hand, shouting.

"Hey, don't miss it when you pass by."

"The hunting blade buffet barbecue booth opened today, and the audience is 20% off!"

"The group purchase price, an E-grade soul jade, unlimited food!"

This wave of Lin Que's operation, Mo Qingcheng and others saw it, and they were shocked.

"Brother Lin is Brother Lin, so it's no wonder that we borrowed our Canglan Ling before we set off because it turned out to be such a business venture!"

"High, really high!" Xiang Qian gave Lin Que a thumbs up.

Although Su Tang and Murong Qingyue were disgusted with Cang Lan Ling's contents, they looked at the fragrant grilled chicken wings in their hands.

It smells so good!


"I'm going, this Lin Quezhen Nima is an individual talent. He participated in the autumn hunting and went to the ghost to sell grilled skewers. The first person in the ages!"

"Look at those who ate dry bread, they don't have any spirituality at all."

"The wise man has opened the hungry barbeque stall and grilled skewers."

On the Internet, many netizens gave Lin Que unanimous praise, and many people even went to Weibo to search for the dreams of 900 million girls and became **** fans.

"Come on, delicious roasted yam!"

Lin Que took out a powerful electric fan from Canglan Ling, and blew the fragrance to ten miles.

"I'm so angry!"

"Even if you bake it, it's still so fragrant, even if it's fragrant, do you still use an electric fan to blow it?"

"You are so bad, I like it so much!"

Some people looked at the dry bread and instant noodles in their hands, smelling the aroma from the tip of their noses, their saliva almost dripped.

"Could it be cheaper, a piece of F-grade soul jade, will it work?" Someone couldn't help but ran forward to bargain with Lin Que.

"Our 100-year-old shop does not bargain."

"A price, an E-class soul jade."

Lin Que took a sip of cold Sprite, and leisurely grilled skewers with some cumin powder.

It's great.

"Sit on the floor and start the price!"

"No traitor, no business!"

"Bullying me, haven't you eaten skewers?"

"Even if we starve to death today and jump from here, we won't eat your fragrant skewers, I said, **** can't stop it."

One minute later.

In the open space in front of the barbecue stall, teenagers sat on the floor, skewered skewers, and drank cold coke in one hand.

Life is nourishing!

Lin Que Leng smiled coldly, everything in the world can't escape two words!

It smells so good!

"Boss, ten more meat skewers, tomato-flavored!"

"Brother Lin, do you have any beer? Here is a case!"

Lin Que looked at the originally bulging refrigerator, and it was swept away all at once, and he secretly cried out in his heart.

He really didn't expect the skewers business to be so prosperous in ghosts.

He suddenly wanted to stay here and stopped going out.

If you are here for ten or eight years, I guess that Dad Ma will have to abdicate and greet him enthusiastically for dinner.

A hill not far from the safe zone.

The five members of the Flywheel Yulingtuan were hiding on the hillside, watching the people in the safe zone smashing and drinking. That's a nourishment!

Looking at them.

A bucket of instant noodles has to be divided among five people, and there is no soup left.

"Young Master Yang, why don't we go and admit Lin Que and buy some grilled skewers to get rid of the gluttony!"

"You eat shit!" Yang Xiao shouted angrily and kicked the talking team member.

Looking at the skewers under the mountain, he swallowed.

He wants to eat skewers!"Brother Lin, these ingredients are almost gone, are you still in stock?"

Xiang Gan suddenly felt that he was born a little expert in grilling.

Give him a refrigerator and a barbecue booth, and he can do it for a lifetime.

In just over an hour, the running water of the barbecue stall has received hundreds of E-level soul jade.

The ranking of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group is heading straight for the top ranking!

He could already imagine what he would do after he walked out of the Red Devil in a month.

Go to the island country first and buy a maid of seventeen or eight back.

One a week, no repetitions.

"Nothing." Lin Que shook his head and sighed. Knowing that the business was so fierce, he hadn't defrauded a hundred and eighty orders from Tang Lin and bought skewers directly from the Red Devil.

The grand plan in Xiang Qian's mind was instantly shattered.

"Brother Lin, do you still have any tricks, don't hide and tuck it, let it out quickly."

Lin Que glanced at Xiang Gan.

Just when he was Du Niang, the answer came casually.

In the safe zone, five dark shadows sneaked in sneakily.

"Boss, bring up all of your leftover meat skewers, and another case of beer, which must be chilled."

The five were fully armed, their bodies wrapped in scarves tightly and airtight, and placed a piece of E-class soul jade in front of Lin Que.

"Exotic style?" Lin Que was slightly taken aback.

Looking at the five people, it feels so familiar!

Especially the one standing in the middle has a nasty spirit on his body, which makes people want to beat him.

"I want to eat meat skewers, sorry, because the ingredients are limited, the price has become three E-level soul jade." Lin Que said with three fingers.

"Three, you are robbing!"

Some of the five couldn't help but roar.

Three E-level soul jade, if they were put on the outside market, it would cost 600,000.

Originally an E-level soul jade was too much, but now the price is still increasing.

"I love to eat or not, and if I don't eat, I'll fall down!" Lin Que said lightly.

No money, what kind of skewers to eat.

Drink northwest wind, that's cheap!

"Okay, I eat!"

In order to eat the skewers, the man in the middle took out two soul jade and put them on the table.

"Come on, you guys please here!" Lin Que, under the leadership of Soul Jade, warmly greeted several people waiting by the side.

Xiang Gan will be busy grilling skewers.

"Fat man, I will grill their skewers!"

Lin Que picked up a handful of grilled meat skewers and sprinkled it with salt and cumin.

"Brother Lin, what are you doing?" Xiang Gan asked puzzledly.

"Of course it's grilled skewers!" Lin Que smiled sinisterly, swept away from the corner of his eyes, the five people behind him were wrapped tightly.

Think you can't recognize you this way?


I let you eat skewers, you are so salty!

Lin Que sent the carefully grilled meat skewers to the five people.

"Come on, fragrant meat skewers, five of you take it slow!"

When the five people saw the fragrant meat skewers, the hungry wolves rushed to grab the meat skewers. They were not afraid of burning their mouths. They exposed their mouths from their scarves and gobbled the skewers.

"Ahem, so salty!"

"What family, Yanba doesn't need money!"

Lin Que looked at the five, holding a Nepalese saber in hand, and said with a smile: "Master Yang, the meat skewers, are they delicious?"

"Delicious ass, salty..."

When Yang Xiao was halfway talking, he was stunned.

"I do not know what you're talking about."

Lin Que smiled faintly: "I'm still pretending, I'm not afraid to cover the heat rash if I wear a scarf in such a hot day."

"Even if you see it, this is a safe zone, do you dare to do it to me?"

Seeing that he was seen through, Yang Xiao simply stopped pretending, and pulled off the scarf on his waist.

Five members of the Flywheel Yuling Group surrounded Lin Que.

Five to one!

"More than people?" Lin Que coldly smiled and made a big move.

Mo Qingcheng saw a group of beautiful girls standing behind Lin Que.

"What's so arrogant about you!"

"Young Shao, they are crowded!" Luo Yuan said.

Lin Que moved his arm, looked at Yang Xiao, and jokingly smiled: "Give you a chance, don't tell me that I am bullying you."

"Tell a joke, it's funny to spare your life!"≡ Table of Contents


Yang Xiao and others looked aggrieved.

Even if the skewers are salty, they are still caught and told to tell a joke.

"Lin Que, even if you eliminate me, Luo Yuan, I cannot give in to you."

"If I frowned and blinked, I would not be a hero!"

Lin Que gave Luo Yuan a thumbs up.

"Friend, I admire your backbone."

"Fatty, take him to the surgery!"

Xiang Qian took a piece of red-hot steel charcoal from the barbecue with a clamp, and walked towards Luo Yuan with a wicked smile.

Upon seeing this, Yang Xiao and others moved their hips frantically to keep their distance from Luo Yuan.

We didn't speak, it was none of our business.

The cold sweat on Luo Yuan's face showed a far-fetched smile: "Wait, I have something to say."

"long long ago..."


Lin Que slapped Luo Yuan with a slap.

"Not funny, change one."

"Bird Vodka, the whole height..."


"Think again."

"Wowotou, four for a dollar!"

Lin Que slapped Luo Yuan's face with another merciless slap.

Luo Yuan's face was beaten and swollen into a pig's head. He cried and said in mourning, "Big brother, you can hit every time I say something. You can't wait for me to finish talking?"

"I can think of these, I'm easy, I, you don't respect me at all...Woo!"

Don't you really treat the villain as a human?

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment, yes, he didn't seem to finish talking.

It's sloppy!

"Sorry, it went well," Lin Que explained.

Mo Qingcheng waited for a group of girls, watching Lin Que teasing others, covering their mouths and chuckles.

This guy is too bad.

"There must be no fighting in the safe zone. If you want to learn from each other, leave the safe zone." The soldiers on duty in the security zone of the Night Watch Division on the side couldn't stand it anymore and reminded them.

"Lin Que, did you hear that, as long as we don't get out of the safe zone, you can't move us."

Yang Xiao looked at the soldiers on duty, as if seeing a savior, and shouted at Lin Que excitedly.


Lin Que put the Nepalese saber back into the Canglan Order.

Just when Lin Que was about to continue selling skewers.

Outside the safe zone, a strange **** thick fog slowly spread.

"Look, what is the fog outside?"

The thick **** fog that appeared for no reason attracted the attention of countless teenagers.

Lin Que also looked up, frowning slightly.

It's this fog again!

Lin Que had seen this kind of blood fog more than once, he had seen it both on the way back, when he hunted and killed the confusing ghost.

But it's not strong, and it's not much different from the ghosts wandering in the ghosts.

However, now, these **** mists are not only very rich, but also exude a **** smell and evil aura that makes one's heart palpitating.

"Look, there is something in the blood mist?"

"Hey, it looks like a ghost."

Everyone's eyes gathered in the **** mist, and the next moment, everyone's face changed.

"It's a ghost, not one, but a group!"

"A lot of E-class ghosts!"

In an instant, everyone was shocked, and they immediately summoned their martial souls, waiting in full battle.

Wherever the **** mist passed, hideous ghost hands emerged from the mud.

A mighty army of ghosts and monsters invaded toward the safe area.

"Humans... all **** it!"

"I'm so hungry..."

A series of cold and terrifying roars came from the **** mist.

"Lin Lang be careful, there is a force in the blood mist that is stimulating and attracting ghosts. They have already run away, run away!"

Hongye's voice sounded, very anxious.

Lin Que's pupils shrank, and he quickly roared.

"Everyone, be careful, the blood fog is weird!"

"Open the defense system!"

No need to remind Lin Que, the soldiers on duty in the safe area had already opened the defense system, and a huge power grid blocked the **** fog.

The attack system inside the security zone is activated.

Countless machine gun shells bombarded the ghosts in the **** fog!

Under the intensive firepower attack, a group of F-class ghosts were wiped out, but soon, a new group of ghosts emerged from the **** fog.


Lin Que's spirit power surged, stepping out.

"Don't be in a daze. Use spirit skills that can attack from a distance!"Command room.

Lin Wei frowned as he watched the situation coming from within the ghost mythical creature, and stood up abruptly.

"Ming Yuan!"

He Chen was also panicked. Before the Qiu Wei hunting, he had already led the team to explore the Red Devil's mythical creature, and drove some powerful ghosts to the depths of the mythical creature.

Even the only D-class red devil in the ghost mythical creature was suppressed by him.

Right now, the Red Devil mythical ghost tide army is rioting, but he has an unshirkable responsibility.

"Notify all personnel in the ghost mythical creature to ensure the safety of students."

"Assemble the troops and enter the ghost support!" Lin Wei ordered.

"Report, Enlightenment, Master Day Tour Envoy, the entrance of the Red Devil Mythical Mythical is suddenly blocked by a **** mist."

next moment.

Lin Wei's body flashed, and quickly moved towards the entrance of the ghost mythical creature.

Looking at the **** mist that filled the entrance, his face was gloomy.


A white tiger with a pair of silver wings on its back, bathed in thunder, appeared, flapping its wings and roaring!

S-class Wuhun, Thunder Wing Shadow Tiger!

At this moment, Lin Hua's spirit power was not covering up, the seventieth rank terrifying spirit power, condensed into a fist mark, slammed down against the **** mist.

Suddenly, the entrance of the ghost mythical creature made a deafening noise.

The citizens of Cangtong Town saw the images uploaded on TV, and their faces were full of worries.

"My child is still inside!"

"Why is the night inspector not dispatched yet, what are they doing for food?"

For a while, the citizens looked angry, and they were about to go out to the night watchman for an explanation.

There are also some parents who drove to Canglan Academy.

Canglan Academy.

Tang Lin stayed with the old man, and also knew what was happening in the ghost mythical creature.

"Ming Yuan made such a big movement, what on earth did he want to do?" Tang Lin said in a deep voice.

The old man's eyes were deep, and he didn't understand what Ming Yuan wanted to do so hard.

There are only a group of children in that ghost.

and many more.

"They're here for Little Lin." A gleam of light suddenly appeared in the old eyes.

"Old, I don't worry, I have to rush over."

After finishing speaking, Tang Lin didn't wait for the old person to react, her spirit power surged, soaring into the sky, and heading in the direction of the red devil mythical creature.

At the same time, several powerful auras in Canglan Academy rose from the ground, unanimously heading in the direction of the Red Devil.

The old man looked at the figures walking away, his body trembled suddenly.

"not good!"

The old man thought of something, his body flashed, and he rushed towards the Lingquan Cave Mansion on the back mountain of the outer courtyard.

Inside the red devil mythical creature.

Lin Que and the others kept releasing spirit abilities to kill the ghosts that attacked the power grid.

However, the ghosts in the **** mist, one by one, seemed to be unaware of the pain, destroying the power grid desperately.

Da da da!

The soldiers' dark muzzles kept shooting frantically at the ghosts, and bullet shells were scattered on the ground like running water.

These bullets are made of special materials, and ghosts below D level can cause fatal damage.

The originally quiet safe area.

Now it's a mess of porridge.

Gunshots, the roar of ghosts, panic screams of students...cries.

In the blood mist, a blood-red ghost floated.

"That's the Red Devil!" Lin Que exclaimed.

"Lin Lang, I felt the breath of Ming Yuan in the blood mist, maybe this is for you." Hongye's voice sounded.

Lin Que's face sank, Ming Yuan again.

Bacheng came for the devil blood in his body, wanting to catch himself and become a guinea pig.

"This bunch of craps."

In order to catch myself, I actually chose to work in the ghost mythical creature, there are so many innocent people here!The gunshots, the roar of the ghosts, the screams of the teenagers and girls, echoed in the ghosts.

The entire safety zone has become a battlefield filled with smoke.

Many disciples of Canglan Academy, looking at the **** mist in the sky, had long been so scared that they could not even summon martial arts souls, let alone condensing soul abilities.

On the other hand, a twentieth-level imperial group of the Xunye Division, orderly destroying the ghosts in the **** mist.

"I said, do you want to sit and wait for death?" Lin Que shouted angrily.

Don't look at the defensive power grid in the security zone now blocking Scarlet Weapons, but how long can it be stopped in the face of such a huge group of ghosts and monsters?

Not to mention there is a D-class ghost, the Red Devil.

The safety zone is broken, it will be sooner or later.

These hundreds of students, if they resist with all their strength and wait for the rescue of the night patrol, they still have a ray of life. Sitting and waiting for death will be a dead end.

"Fatty, let's go!"

Lin Que held the frosty Nepalese saber in his hand, Budo Zhenqi released, and slashed at a dirt ghost bound by the power grid.

In an instant, the mud ghost's head fell to the ground.

"Smugglers, take your fat grandpa a punch!"

Xiang Qian turned into a humanoid demon, with his hands turned into claws, penetrating the body of the ghost.

Su Tangxu held a long bow, and flame arrows rose into the sky, and a large group of F-class ghosts was burned.

"Let's go too!"

Qin Feng single-handedly held the Overlord's spear, leading the mad battle Yuling Regiment and Hunting Blade, and the Qingcheng Yuling Regiment fought to cooperate.

With people taking the lead, some teenagers plucked up courage and joined the battle.

"Hehe, break it for me!"

The red devil's spirit was soaring into the sky, turning into a black beam of light, and hitting the power grid fiercely. In an instant, the electric and light grid was torn into a gap.


"It looks so delicious."

The power grid was broken, and ugly-looking ghosts rushed into the safe zone and started a crazy massacre!

"Protect the students!"

The night patrol soldiers turned their muzzles and fired frantically at the incoming ghosts.


A group of E-class greedy ghosts culled a soldier to the ground, opened his blood basin, and ate up the soldier's flesh and blood in a second, turning them into bones.

Looking at the bones lying quietly on the ground, the heads of the disciples of Canglan Academy were buzzing.

It's dead!

They are just a bunch of fledgling kids. The dead have only experienced them in games. Where have they experienced them personally?

They are scared.

Will the next person to die be one of them?

"I want to go home, I want to find my mother!"

"I don't want to participate in any **** competition, I want to go out."

"Come on, help me, I don't want to die!"

The defensive formation originally established by Lin Que collapsed at this moment, and a cry of cry spread throughout the safe area.

"Can't see me, can't see me, can't see me."

Yang Xiao was trembling with fright, lying on the ground, plunged one end into a mound, frantically covering his head with dirt, revealing a towering **** outside.

It looks like an ostrich hiding its head in the sand.

In the mud, Yang Xiao saw a dark shadow, staring at himself and laughing constantly.

Dirt ghost!

"Ah, don't chase me!"

Yang Xiao jumped up suddenly from the soil and kept running around in the safety zone.

"A bunch of fools!" Lin Que shouted angrily.

At this time, still expecting others to come to rescue?

The Nepalese saber in Lin Que's hand didn't know how many ghosts he had killed, and it had become very broken.


Lin Que saw that Mo Qingcheng was surrounded by a group of E-class gluttons in a critical situation. He threw away the Nepalese saber in his hand and supported him at full speed.

Mo Qingcheng's face was pale. Although her spirit power was at level 25, she could only be beaten when faced with a group of E-level ghosts.

Tian Yu wanted to get out and help, but she was also entangled by ghosts and couldn't get out.

Are you going to die?

Mo Qingcheng's eyes closed slightly, she was ready to give up resistance.

"The first soul ability, Soul Breaking!"

At this moment, Lin Que's figure soared into the sky, carrying a blue-red fist mark, and exploding fist power, killing many greedy ghosts.

"Lin Que!"

Mo Qingcheng looked at the back standing in front of him, with an inexplicable sense of security in his heart.


Lin Que gave a low yell and hugged Mo Qingcheng with his waist, his figure flashed, and he quickly kept a safe distance from the greedy ghost.

How can the enraged greedy ghost let them go and chase them with their ghost claws.Lin Que quickly retreated with Mo Qingcheng, and a group of E-level greedy ghosts chased after him.

"Where to chase your father?"

Lin Que yelled and looked at where Tian Yu was.

"protect yourself."

Mo Qingcheng was taken aback. Before she could react, Lin Que pushed her towards Tian Yu's position.

On the other hand, Lin Que rushed to the ghost tide alone.

"Do not!"

Mo Qingcheng wanted to catch Lin Que, and Tian Yu hurriedly caught her.

"Qingcheng, are you crazy?" Tian Yu firmly clasped Mo Qingcheng's arms.

Mo Qingcheng watched Lin Que being swallowed by the greedy ghost, but he couldn't do anything.

"Lin Que!"

Mo Qingcheng's eyes flushed, and a drop of tears fell on his cheeks, and was hung in the air by the strong wind on the battlefield.

Just this time.

A roar came from the group of greedy ghosts.

"King Kong Eight Styles!"

The dazzling golden light shook the greedy ghost away, and Lin Que, covered in black iron, stepped out, tearing his clothes into strips.

"My little master doesn't show off, when I am a sick cat?"

Lin Que moved his arms and looked down at the ghost spirit carried by the dead greedy ghosts, being absorbed by him little by little.

Level sixteen!

Ghostly, really a good thing.

"Lin Que!"

Mo Qingcheng broke free from the shackles of Tian Yu, and Li Hua threw rain into Lin Que's arms.

Fragrant jade in your arms!

Lin Que's face was full of enjoyment.

So soft!

So comfortable!

"Hey, don't take you to play like this, fight a war!"

Qin Feng killed a greedy ghost with a single shot, and looked back at Lin Que, who was your friend, and Mo Qingcheng, an envious one.

Mo Qingcheng blushed and left Lin Que's arms, staring at Lin Que in shame.

"Go out to pack you."

After speaking, the Wuhun Ice Crystal Peacock appeared and joined the battle.

Lin Que was full of question marks, did he do something wrong?

"Brother Lin, can't keep it!"

Xiang Qian had consumed more than half of his soul power, and his body had no fewer than ten injuries.

Lin Que turned around and saw that, except for Qin Feng and the others, who also had the Yuling Group of the Night Watcher, almost no one joined the battle, running around like a mouse crossing the street.

The power grid in the safe zone is still being destroyed, and it will not be long before it will completely collapse.

Soldiers garrisoned in the safe area are almost out of firearms and bullets.

"Do you think you want to die?"

"Awakening Martial Soul is not used to make you pick up girls to pretend to be 13, but to kill ghosts and monsters."

"If you don't want to die, you will summon Wuhun for me."

"The priest is treated, and the skills of the control system are all used for me to plug the gap and restore the power to the grid."

After Lin Que finished speaking, he ignored the frightened crowd, picked up a long sword that had fallen from the ground, rushed directly into the tide of ghosts, and continued to fight.

Every time a sword is swung, a ghost is cut and killed.

The disciples of Canglan Academy looked at Lin Que who was fighting **** battles.

Isn't he afraid of death?

When Lin Que was enrolled in school, he was a foolish man, full of gangsterism.

At this moment, it was like a killer from hell, with red eyes.

Is this the same Lin Buxu at the beginning?

"Damn, Lin Que is right. People are dead, and I have to die on the way to charge."

"I don't want to die, I haven't fallen in love yet."

"Miscellaneous, want my life, go to **** together!"

Some **** boys stepped forward one after another, summoned by Wuhun, and joined the battle.

Flywheel Yulingtuan and others also took steps.

Yang Xiao quickly said, "What are you doing to kill you?"

"Yang Shao, we are the spiritual masters!" Luo Yuan said firmly.

Yang Xiao was stunned, looking at the dead person beside him, shaking his whole body: "Okay, you want to be heroes, then go on your own."

After speaking, Yang Xiao got into a wooden box and hid again.


"Counsel, how did this stuff become a spiritual master?"

"I seem to beat him!"

"Draw a circle and curse him for being eaten by ghosts."

Lin Que shuttled through the ghost tide, and cooperated with the members of the Hunting Blade Yuling Group to continuously harvest the ghosts from the periphery.

Everyone joined the battle, and the priest's augmented spirit ability raised everyone's combat effectiveness to a level, and the situation was stabilized a lot.


Qin Feng's eyes were red, and regardless of the consumption of soul power, as long as the soul ability was cooled, he immediately used it, and there was already a lot of soul jade under his feet.

"Lin Que, if you want to do this, I'll listen to you."

Lin Que and Qin Feng back to back, watching the increasing tide of ghosts.

"Live!"The entrance of the Red Devil Mythical.

In the Night Inspection Division, Canglan Academy assembled a large number of Yulings, and Elder Ying and others were all present.

Lin Wei stared at the lingering blood mist at the entrance with a gloomy expression.

"Is there any way?" Lin Hua asked Tang Lin who was coming by.

"Tang Lin, what exactly is the existence of this **** mist, and why my attack will have no effect on it." Old Ying asked.

Among this group of sixty or seventieth level spiritual masters, Tang Lin is faintly headed.

For nothing else, Tang Lin used to be the strongest among them.

"The miasma on the surface of Mingyuan." Tang Lin looked solemn.

At the beginning, under the leadership of Lin Yuan, the Hunting Blade Yuling Group arrived on the surface of Mingyuan to perform a hunting mission, and the memory is still fresh.

"If you want to dissolve the miasma, there is no way to do it, just use the priest's purification skills. It is difficult to break through with brute force alone."

Everyone is in trouble.

There are no priests present, but if you want to purify this kind of miasma, you must be at least level sixty.

"It's too slow for the elders of the inner courtyard to come." Old Ying said, the situation in the red devil is in a critical condition, and they dare not delay for a moment.

"Blow directly with brute force."

Lin Hua couldn't wait that long, the S-class martial spirit, Thunder Wing Yinghu was released.

A wave of thunder marks bombarded the **** mist.

Tang Lin shook her head and smiled, her temper was exactly the same as her mother.

"Everyone, do it."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Wei, who was holding a long red flame stick behind Tang Lin, appeared, and the shadows of the sticks slammed heavily on the **** mist.

With a decision, Ying Lao and others also attacked Scarlet Mist.

Within the ghost mythical creature.

The battle was fierce.

Everyone's spirits were summoned, all kinds of spirit abilities were used, and no one dared to paddle the water. In this kind of scene, the one who died carelessly was himself.

Lin Que slashed the dirt ghost in front of him with a sword, and frowned as he watched the fierce battle.

It can't be dragged on like this.

Have to find a way to change the battlefield situation.

Lin Que looked up and saw the red devil directing the ghost tide in the **** mist.

"Everyone, set the fire for me and knock it down!"

Lin Que's sword pointed directly at the Red Devil.


Everyone turned their gazes, and various spirit abilities smashed at the Red Devil.

The Red Devil froze for a moment, and he stayed well in the sky, so why did he pull his hatred?

"Damn human."

The red devil shouted angrily, the red ghost gas turned into a barrier to stand in front of him, but in the face of such a intensive spirit ability attack, he still couldn't stand it.

"Don't stop attacking, beat him into a hornet's nest." Lin Que said.

"Human, you are looking for death!"

The Red Devil stared at Lin Que. He wanted to keep Lin Que until the end and slowly tidy up, but he wanted to irritate him, which couldn't blame him.

"Children, catch that human being for me!"

next moment.

The ghosts that rushed into the safe area, Chao Lin Que swarmed, and directly skipped the others.


Stabbed a hornet's nest.

"Everyone, run away. These ghosts came to Lin Que. Let's run away."

Upon seeing this, Yang Xiao shouted immediately.

However, no one responded to him this time, one by one, looking at Yang Xiao angrily.

Is this person still a spiritual master?


Mo Qingcheng really couldn't stand it anymore, and a Frost Arrow condensed in his hand and shot it at Yang Xiao.


Yang Xiao's **** was shot directly by the ice arrow, and he inserted half of his ass, spouting an arc of blood.

"From the day when everyone became a spiritual master, they were destined to put their lives aside and kill ghosts as their own responsibility."

"Now, it's time for us to act for the pledge."

Mo Qingcheng said loudly.

"Fight to the death!"

Qin Feng picked his spear and pointed at the Red Devil.

"Fight to the death!"

Xiang Qian and the others shouted in unison, with a powerful voice like beating a drum.

"Catch the thief first, capture the king first, kill the Red Devil first!" Lin Que's eyes were sharp, and he jumped straight to kill the Red Devil.

The Red Devil is the king of this ghost mythical creature. If you take it, you might be able to suppress this ghost tide.

"Cover Lin Que!"

Qin Feng held a spear and followed Lin Que.

He came out of Lin Que outside the game, the strongest combat power, he and Lin Que joined forces, plus everyone's support, not to mention beheading, severely injuring the Red Devil, it is not impossible.