
Chapter 15: Escaped?

*In the extended dome*

The tensions on both sides were high. The unknown enemies and the remaining survivors of mystic city mages and swordsmen left. The air was getting denser while the aura of two first grade sacred beasts,a peak sacred beast(grade 3),a peak mythical beast, several grade two mythic beasts with a handful savage beasts.

The black dragon was proudly but slowly moving towards the basilisk,the serpent king. The 7 headed hydra lead half what was left of the and was approaching the army of basilisks while the remaining half lead by Edward himself faced the remaining enemy troops. Edward knew that he had to think of something fast to reduce the damage of the situation. He knew better than anyone that the black dragon couldn't defeat the serpent king especially if it activated it's death eye. The serpent king was the perfect grim reaper of death and even now,it just kept smiling while it's huge red eyes were scanning the movements of everything in the dome.

*At The Windward Villa*

Alex was in a bad shape. He forced shadow travel through a formation set up by a calamity mage and he was lucky cause that place seem to be the weakest spot of the formation of it were any stronger he and Lyria would have been torn to pieces.

Lyria didn't have time to look for a physician. She just activated the emergency notification on the token so all windward guards be it mages or swordsmen would be able to find her cause it looks like little to nobody was around. They were probably around the city trying to keep people other control and protect them.

She didn't know what medicine to give him so she just knew that he was losing vitality and she didn't want him to die. She sat him up and rested his back against a pillow. She was basically about to sacrifice a year of cultivation by going through this soul energy life force transfer technique. It was the ultimate form of treatment used for emergencies like this. She hesitated but knew that if she waited any longer,the guy in front of her would die and she really didn't want that so she started the treatment.

"You can't die till I say thank you", whispered Lyria.

*In The Streets Of Mystic City*

Mages and swordsmen could be seen on the streets trying to put everything in order and immediately their windward house token starting blinking simultaneously.

"Send a small group of people to investigate this", commanded a young man.

*Back In The Dome*

Julius was smiling cause all hell was about to let loose especially with the serpent king still smiling.

"Attack",he yelled with every might in his body and everyone on his side in all three groups moved immediately.

70 also signalled her troop to advance. She knew they were at an advantage but she mostly cared about just killing every single person here and use their soul essence to strengthen her cultivation.

Surprisingly the black dragon and the basilisk were left on a separate side by both sides. The basilisk was still all smiles making the black dragon angry cause it was a dragon. The most powerful lineage of beasts just that it hadn't reached the peak of it's cultivation yet.

It approached the basilisk slowly and the basilisk started moving slowly to it too. They got to each other's front and stared at each other for a while. On the basilisk's face was written you are just seeking death while on the black dragon's face was written even if there were a million of you,you still couldn't kill me. Suddenly at the same time they moved and a loud bang resounded sending everything and everyone around them flying. Looks like the result of the battle would be determined by this two cause they didn't look like they would create space for another set of people to take the stage.

The black dragon screeched and the basilisk hissed. The result of the head on collision was surprisingly equal but it was obvious that the serpent king wasn't using it's full strength. It was still mocking the black dragon.

The black dragon shot a wave of dragon fire towards the serpent king. The serpent king knew that it was capable of being hurt by the dragon fire so he had to defend against that. It suddenly appeared on another side away from the fire. To most people he looked like he teleported but to calamity mages and above they could catch glimpses of what actually happened. It actually reduced it's length and size and moved and the speed of sound. Now it was smaller and shorter than before but it's aura wasn't less intimidating.

Before it could even face the black dragon,it suddenly felt it's whole body being lifted up into the air and was smashed all around the stadium at a speed that wouldn't lose out to the speed demonstrated by the serpent king itself. Bang,bang,bang noises was heard all over the dome and all fighting were stoped as everybody stared at the fight between the black dragon and the serpent king. The dragon was smashing the serpent king all over but the serpent king wasn't called the serpent king for no reason,it wrapped itself around the black dragon and but all over it's body. Despite the black dragons hard scale, some bites were actually able to pierce through it's scale. The black dragon was being injected by second most venomous poison in the world and the second most powerful snake in the world was being smashed around.

Julius was sweating all over. "So this what it means to be strong", he thought.

The black dragon and the basilisk finally separated and both of them were still full of vigour to fight. The black dragon was using the dragon fire to burn out the poisonous venom in it's body while the serpent king just called for some savage and mystic basilisks and absorbed their life force thereby healing all it's injuries.

The black dragon straightened it's wing and set it's entire body on fire thereby healing it's injuries totally and a serious aura was emitting from it. The serpent activated it's death's eye and it's changed from red to a combination of red and black and they seemed to be infinitely deep.

"Everyone avoid contact with the serpent king's eyes,if not you die", Edward shouted.

Immediately everyone on both sides, enemy or friend looked for a way to protect their eyes from the demonic eyes of the serpent king. Looks like the real fight was about to just begin.