
To Newton-9

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

{The story on P-a-t-r-e-o-n is at 170 chapters.}

{Book 1 has been completed.}

~~~(POV: Durado)~~~

While I'm waiting for Kendra to get back to me, there is another person that might be able to help. Now that I've let Scott know of the plan, he'll be waiting for me to come and tell him we're leaving.

That isn't until the day after tomorrow at the most, at the very quickest, it'll be the moment I get the information.

Depending on what it is. The person I'm going to see right now doesn't have a known legal name. He only goes by a code name. He's great at finding things that shouldn't be found. Cowl is one of the best information brokers I know.

Cowl will have something for me, and the thing I want to know about is Heroor. What the world really is. The information I got from Ziller is limited and interesting, to say the least.

I can see Teller-Bravo's interest in the planet if it's truly a world used by The Primordium. The Primordium is important to a lot of major top corporations.

Even if the world had little to do with The Primordium, it's still incredibly important to study for these megacorps. The reason I'm going to Cowl is to find out why the planet was sterilized of all life after Teller-Bravo was done with it.

Ziller said it's because they got everything they needed from the world and didn't want another megacorp finding what they found. I don't believe that Teller-Bravo would sterilize an entire planet that The Primordium used.

They'd study it for years. The only thing I can think of is the warning that Ziller heard about. The Primordium left a warning on Heroor, but it's too complicated to decipher.

That's what Ziller told me, at least. Cowl can confirm or debunk some of the things that Ziller told me. My destination is Newton-9. Cowl has a special apartment there to talk to clients.

Via hologram, of course. I see the railway, and I climb the stairs. I wait for the rail car that takes people to Newton-9. As it quickly comes up and opens, I step inside. I find a seat and relax. I'm the only one heading to Newton-9, so the rail car is empty.

I pull out my blaster and fiddle with it, trying to get my mind off my little girl. Teller-Bravo has her. I know they do. Going up against Teller-Bravo isn't going to be easy, and nobody has ever successfully taken on a megacorp.

It helps that Teller-Bravo knows nothing. They don't know that I'm after them.

There's the chance they do know and just don't care. Thinking themselves invincible. I'm willing to bet once they found out who my daughter was, they started to prepare for a situation like this. She's my everything. I don't know what I'd do without her.

After she was born, I cleaned up my act. I stopped being so ruthless and cold-hearted. If I lose her. I'm going back to who I was, and I'm never coming back. "You know, you shouldn't mess with us." I stand up with blaster in hand. I heard a voice from inside the rail car, and I'm all alone.

In the next second, a man on my left comes out of nowhere.

He's using an invisibility cloaking device. He crosses his arms as he leans against one of the poles. "We've known about you a long time, Durado, and we don't appreciate you handling assets that don't belong to you. Ziller was very important. He was a perfect person to take all the blame for many of our projects. Now you're snooping around in places you have no business being in." I point my blaster at the man, but he isn't threatened.

I shoot him, and the bolt blasts a hole through him.

He falls to the ground, but to my disbelief, he sighs and stands up.

That's when I see the artificial organs. He's an android. "I'm going to let that slide. This is your only warning, Durado. Stay away from Teller-Bravo." He presses a button on his wrist bracelet, and he begins to melt. After a couple of seconds, he's only a puddle in the middle of the rail car.

I grip my pistol and shake in rage. They know. They know I'm after my daughter and them. This complicates things greatly. I'll have to be more careful now. I never expected Ziller to be so important to them.