
Testing Little Boy

{This story is a P-a-t-r-e-o-n exclusive. The link is https://www.p-a-t-r-e-o-n.com/easyread. Remove the dashes. Webnovel censors the word. I also have a basketball system story on my p-a-t-r-e-o-n if you wish to check it out.}

I do the traditional cowboy twirl with the blaster, and it's a perfect fit. The damage is way greater than other blasters. Add that to the fact it doesn't need to be reloaded, and you got a weapon that causes problems for many people. It's a custom and new design too. I built it to be the best with the parts I had available. I place it in the holster and attach the weapon to my side using the magnet on the holster. I pull it out and put it back, and do these movements multiple times, getting used to the sensation.

Now that I'm armed, I can defend myself if I ever get into trouble. I don't have a safe place to practice in the shop, but there is a shooting range nearby. I put Little Boy back into my holster and head for the door. I make my way out of the offices and workshop and into the front of the store. I see a bunch of players looking at ships around the store. Now that money is becoming more and more common around the player base. People see what options they have. A player will always go for the best thing they can get with what they have.

It's in our nature as gamers. We look everywhere and communicate for the best solutions available. I walk out of the store and make my way towards the exit of the spaceport. Once outside, I walk towards the closest gun range. I walk inside, and it's a free-to-use range. Anyone is allowed to own and carry a blaster, and while many people against weapons would protest. I'm going to be on the safe side. I'd rather have a weapon and not need it than need a weapon and not have it. Besides, this is a game. No one really gets hurt.

Once inside the shooting range, I head to an open lane and set the target at a medium distance. I quickly draw the blaster and shoot. I miss the target. As a weapon that shoots pure energy and has no gun powder, there is no recoil, but I still missed. I aim down the sights and take another shot, dead center where I was aiming. I take another shot, and right before I shoot, my hand twitches. I miss. Interesting, perhaps it's because I'm missing combat traits that help. All my traits are mental gifts. Not physical ones. I continue to run tests, and my accuracy is 50/50.

I have come to the conclusion that with a single trait to help with aiming, the best I can manage is 50 percent accuracy while focusing. The twitch that makes me miss, it's impossible to stop. It leads to the only current answer that I'm missing a trait to help. "You're getting better, but you sure got some twitchy hands." I turn at the feminine voice, and I recognize her face. She is a tall woman, looks human, but subtle differences. She was in the bounty hunter hangout when I kicked Durado in the nuts. I'm super grateful for my memory.

I holster the blaster and turn my body fully to her, it's always good to practice muzzle awareness. "This is the first time I've ever shot a blaster. I remember you from the bounty hunter HQ, you were sitting in the corner eating some weird-looking food." She looks at me in surprise. I remember all the faces I see, and if I happen to hear their names, I remember them too. Sadly, I didn't hear her name. she is the same height as me, and has enrapturing purple eyes, and long blue hair. It's a feature a part of her species for sure.

She is incredibly attractive too, but I don't know. My instincts are telling me to be careful. "You've got an impressive memory. I take it Durado found you, you sure got some balls kid. I've never seen someone kick Durado right in the area that shouldn't be kicked. Makes me wonder if you have a few marbles lose or something." I don't see the point of this conversation, and she sees my questioning look. "I can give you a few pointers if you want? I'm a tracker mainly, but I know how to shoot a blaster." I don't see the harm.